The Videogames Tab


You ready? You look ready.
I remember when building computers wasn't a rich man's game. We were all the better for it.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Should of had this convo a week earlier. Could have streamlined the gift-giving process 🥳

The Adventure Starts Here!
The good news is that, despite my computer being *under* the minimum specs for the Firmament game, it's running like a champ. With graphics settings on medium (just to be careful), it still looks fabulous, with no stuttering or glitching so far. I'll go back in and set graphics up to high and see how that goes. (There is also an "epic" setting, but I'm not in a hurry to test my luck just yet.)

Very happy that I dodged that graphics card bullet at the moment. We're starting many major repairs/renovations in our home soon and I was hoping to just NOT have to lay out funds for a graphics card (instead of something I might want for the house).

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I forgot how to get the white cloak in Journey >=\

Last night, I loaded on the Sega Genesis library for PS and thumbed around a few titles. They just don't have the hold that they once did. I remember spending summer nights with Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle. I can't get past the first screen now. Teh heck!?

Maybe a year ago I did get re-addicted to Phantasy Star II, so that was really nice. For the most part, though, this collection is not all that great. There are a few classics such as The Revenge of Shinobi, Golden Axe (and all the useless sequels), the aforementioned Phantasy Start II and III, Gain Ground, and MAYBE 3-5 other notable titles. Past that, it feels like filler. No Ghouls n Ghosts!? No Smooth Criminal!??!? No Mystic Defender! NO FRIGGIN LAST BATTLE!?!?!?!?!

Anyway. Phantasy Star II is still great. Alex Kidd got hard tho =\

Yeah, I'm stalling. I haven't really played anything serious lately and feel that I'm missing out.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

You ready? You look ready.

pawn shop haul. gba is in pretty great shape, considering, and it has all its original parts. but geez, this screen is ass. it’s hysterical how the device works best outside in sunlight. i suppose that’s one way to get your vitamin d

I stumbled on a place called Board Game Arena a couple of weeks ago, and I have been playing there quite a bit. Except for some unavoidable issues stemming from human interaction, I've enjoyed the ease of digitalized board games.

John Carpenter's Toxic Commando - Official Reveal Trailer

Mortal Kombat 1 - Official Gameplay Debut Trailer 4K

You ready? You look ready.
been working on polishing this lens for the past hour. i reek of polishing compound and WD-40. pretty sure i’m a little high, too

anyways, you can see there’s still a little more to go (above the green L) before it’s gone. maybe 4 or 5 more applications and it’ll be gone. but it was across the whole screen when i started. progress

seriously, i think i’m buzzing hard 🤪

A system of cells interlinked
Also, I obviously don't mind paying more than I did four years ago, but I'm trying not to spend $400.

Might this one be a good replacement?
I have this card


It runs cool, and has gobbled up any game I have thrown at it, including Cyberpunk 2077 (a notoriously graphics-intensive game).

EDIT: OOPS, I actually have THIS CARD

...which has a different cooler. My bad! The first one I linked wasn't available when I bought my card. Still looks good!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I have this card


It runs cool, and has gobbled up any game I have thrown at it, including Cyberpunk 2077 (a notoriously graphics-intensive game).

EDIT: OOPS, I actually have THIS CARD

...which has a different cooler. My bad! The first one I linked wasn't available when I bought my card. Still looks good!
What kind of settings are you able to run with OMG TRYING TO READ THIS QUOTED TEXT IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH THE URLS!!!! sec....

...with Cyberpunk?

I haven't gamed seriously on a PC since WoW: The Burning Crusades, so I'm out of touch.

A system of cells interlinked
What kind of settings are you able to run with OMG TRYING TO READ THIS QUOTED TEXT IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH THE URLS!!!! sec....

...with Cyberpunk?

I haven't gamed seriously on a PC since WoW: The Burning Crusades, so I'm out of touch.
Game settings dialed to Ultra with DLSS on and some of the ray tracing options on - I can't recall which, but one of the options in ray tracing brought the card to its knees immediately (this was also the case in RDR2). So, I had to mess around with ray tracing a bit to get it running properly, but the game looks and runs really well!

You ready? You look ready.


i tried getting this new screen recentered like 3 times now and, atp, this is as good as it’s gonna get

all white model with a different screen than the last one (this one has a gridlines mode). i like this screen more except for the off centered part. but if i mess with it anymore i’m liable to have an aneurysm.

at least it’s straight

EDIT: and of course now that reddit is a blackhole i can't find any advice

**** you very much /u/spez

EDIT 2: taking another crack at it tonight. pray for me