Is it any wonder cinema is dying.


Trouble with a capital "T"
I know, that's why I included the . Although, from 42, late 20's seems plenty young enough.
From early 50s, 42 seems like a youngster....You kids stop posting and go clean your rooms

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
The last theater I went to was at my local Institute of Arts where they play really good non-commercial movies. $5, and that's the only expense. I don't even think eating or drinking is allowed.

I heard a funny line yesterday... "The screens are getting larger and larger, but the crowds are getting smaller and smaller." - Mort Sahl

My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
I still love going to the theaters, high prices aside. It is usually the other movie goers that dissuade me from going, loud eating and talking.

When a movie comes that i want to see, i try to strategize what time during the day/week is the best for miminal amount of people to also be watching. Most of the time its mid-week first showings.
"A flying saucer? You mean the kind from up there?"
"Yeah, either that or its counterpart"

Their assumption was that Jerry was already dead when I arrived, and I just nodded my head. What else could I tell them? "He had to do it, Officer, or else he would’ve turned into a worm-monster and been very unhappy."

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
When I take the kids to the movies, we always stop at the drugstore for our candy, but of course end up buying slushies and popcorn....
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

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It's nice to see a movie on a big screen. I don't care about the snacks (when I was young I'd sneak them in), but other people talking, hearing phones ring, flashes of text messages.. It also sucks when you have to take a leak. We have a decent sized theater here that's been closed down for a while. There's a number to rent it out, I've called it numerous times with no answer. I'd love to start online funding, I'd work for minimum wage and put some great films. My cousin works at a Drive-In, and all they need is the movie file, so this summer I will try to get something better than "Elysium"

Hence why when I go to the movies I eat before I go.
You could do that to save money, but I like going to the cinema and getting sweets, and nachos and maybe a ice blast but the prices are just ridiculous now.
I haven't been in a theater since Gladiator. Think of all that money I saved. And all those noisy people I didn't have to listen to.
But sometimes it's great to see a movie you have been excited about for months on the big screen, or even in IMAX. It just adds to the experience.
I mean, this is it right here, isn't it? There are easy ways to save on the cost, but some people just really like the luxury of having everything right there, getting to see things right away, seeing things in incredible detail, etc. It's a huge, immersive, immediate experience, and thus it costs significantly more.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I expected a way more sophisticated thread about death of cinema.

"I await the end of Cinema with optimism." - Jean-Luc Godard
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I expected a way more sophisticated thread about death of cinema.

"I await the end of Cinema with optimism." - Jean-Luc Godard
I do have some ideas on that. I'm on a break now and can't but will do so latter.

Lord High Filmquisitor
If you don't mind not going during weekend evenings, it's vastly more affordable. Ticket prices change throughout the day (getting more expensive after each set) and then get more expensive on the weekends. I like going to earlier shows because I can get in for less than $6 a person (although that's no longer an issue for me).

For me, it's all a matter of getting the best deal for your money. If I can go early and not get snacks, it's dirt cheap. If I go during the evening (when it's $10.79 a ticket), then get food and drinks, it's considerable more expensive. I'd rather go more often for less than go less often for more.
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I go to matinee showings and sneak in my food. Many times I've stopped in at Sam's Club and bought their hot dog combo (hot dog and a large drink) for $1.50 or whatever it is, put them in my bag, and walked into the theater with them. I suppose as a woman that's a little easier to do though, since it's not really that suspicious for me to be carrying a purse.

I used to get my theater tickets for free using points that my dad got for donating blood, but he had to stop donating due to the medications he has to take. I supposed I could donate the blood myself, but I hate needles.

I supposed I could donate the blood myself, but I hate needles.
Donate your food. You're supposed to be dieting.

I expected a way more sophisticated thread about death of cinema.

"I await the end of Cinema with optimism." - Jean-Luc Godard
Well, it's not dead but it's in clear decline: from the glory days of the 1950's to today, film has declined both in the US and Japan. I don't know about other places though, in China and India, thanks to massive economic growth, film has probably been on the rise.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
I expected a way more sophisticated thread about death of cinema.

"I await the end of Cinema with optimism." - Jean-Luc Godard
"Cinema begins with Griffith and ends with Kiarostami" - JLG

For Godard, cinema is a 20th century art. I think for him, video is the art of the 21st century. He also sees film as a failure, due to its inability to properly deal with the Holocaust, which explains your quote from him, and my quote from him

.... I went last night and 2 tickets to see fifty shades of grey was £22. 2 drinks, 2 bags of sweets and a large popcorn was £28. That's £50 on a night at the cinema and that's for a movie without 3D or IMAX. Is it any wonder people stay in and download movies now.
To me that is akin to wanting to drive a new Benz, while making payments on a 5 year old Accord.

I understand the food is part of the experience, but substitutes are easy enough to find. I don't eat or drink anymore, because it's just not that important to me.

I would suggest an idea like a change cup. Use cash for all your small purchases, don't use correct change, and never spend the change you get. Put that money in a collection and spend it guilt free.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
I understand you can make cut backs but should we really have to?. Cinemas don't need to charge insane prices.
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
For Godard, cinema is a 20th century art. I think for him, video is the art of the 21st century. He also sees film as a failure, due to its inability to properly deal with the Holocaust, which explains your quote from him, and my quote from him
Well, Histoire(s) du cinéma - 2A: Seul le cinéma contains vintage porn projected on images of death camp prisoners with sounds of flushing the toilet. After seeing it, one may think he really has hard time dealing with Holocaust.

"The great difficulty for filmmakers is precisely not to show things. Ideally, nothing should be shown, but that's impossible.” - Robert Bresson