Survivor- Mofo Island


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Thanks for the votes everyone. Appreciate it very much. This has been a fun little game. I got to hand it to Godoggo, she put on a hell of a game.

Congrats Skepsis, for making it to the final 2. As well as everyone else who participated. We should do it again sometime.....oh wait....
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

To answer Godoggo's question: I lost two challenges on purpose. The challenge I sent the questions and answers to Skepsis and the Quiz-up challenge I also lost on purpose to Skepsis (in the hope he would win against TUS and we would both be safe).

I'm sorry for not voting by the way. I would've probably voted for Skepsis, as he was my buddy during the game, but TUS is probably the one that deserves it the most. Congratulations, man! You played a fantastic game!
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Chappie doesn't like the real world
That's fair. When it comes to individual challenges, if you sure your necks not on the line, sometimes it's safer to take a back seat.

Anyone else?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
TUS defied the odds. The odds had him on the chopping block after I was voted off. After that everyone saw him as an extra vote or a non threat to the game.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Nicely done, TUS.
This was perfect.

Congrats Suspect, well deserved. The best day of your life till your upcoming nuptials I assume.

I haven't read this one in awhile, but it's good although I preferred number 2 and possibly even 3 to this.
Is this the one where you were betrayed by Cobpyth and Daniel?

My favourite ever Survivor moment and i didn't even read it until like a year later was in 3 i think where SC used two idols, one on himself and one on Donnie and it resulted in some bigwig getting knocked out and SC followed up with a hilarious Jason gif

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Is this the one where you were betrayed by Cobpyth and Daniel?

My favourite ever Survivor moment and i didn't even read it until like a year later was in 3 i think where SC used two idols, one on himself and one on Donnie and it resulted in some bigwig getting knocked out and SC followed up with a hilarious Jason gif
Yes the first one

And later I betrayed Daniel as well, because I thought he was too cocky about the move against Raul. Good times.
I spent ages one Survivor trying to convince people to knock you out because you weren't even playing, they didn't and obviously you didn't care because you weren't even playing.

It was mostly to save JJ though who was my secret ally.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Well, if I told you, you would've used your idol. Then it wouldn't have worked. I'm sorry.

Please let me know when you've forgiven me, Raul.
I've forgiven you, @Cobpyth