Rauldc14's 2nd Top 100

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16. It Happened One Night

There's a reason that this film swept the big 5 at the oscars: it is a really good film. One of those adventure type films and the story seems to draw to me. The directing is brilliant, this is simply Frank Capra's masterpiece in my opinion. Also very strong performances from the two leads in Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert. You just don't see acting performances like this in many movies these days. The film just works perfectly on all technical levels. And who doesn't love the walls of Jericho. A must see for all.

15. Inside Man

I remember seeing this in the theater when it first came out, I had to pass on V for Vendetta to see this. And V for Vendetta is great, but Inside Man is even greater. This is one of my favorite roles from Denzel Washington, as he acts as if he is the man in charge only to find out things aren't as easy as they seem. The story is very simple yet its plot is oh so intricate. Also loved the supporting performances from Clive Owen, Jodie Foster, and Christopher Plummer. The ending was really fantastic too in my opinion. A Spike Lee movie that really doesn't have his normal feel, but yet I think that this is heads and toes his best film that he has ever made.

14. Gran Torino

One of Clint Eastwood's last movies ends up being one of his best in a long and illustrious career that he has had. And the thing with this one, is that pretty much all the credit goes to him. The acting by him is superb where the others would struggle, he seems to lift their average performances up on his own with brilliance. He's got some classic one liners in this one. Truly a great bookend to a great career that he has had.

13. Silence of the Lambs

Like It Happened One Night, this film also won the big 5 for the oscars, very deservedly. Anthony Hopkins gives us perhaps the most memorable villianous role as Hannabil Lector. And Jodie Foster gives a great performance as Clarice Starling. The story moves rapidly and keeps you on your toes its whole way through. One of the best thrillers on a technical scale, the story is intriguing as well. Jonathan Demme has made a successful career just out of this one film.

Finished here. It's been fun.
Silence of the Lambs is an incredible film. Probably the best thriller ever, and with quite possibly the greatest movie villain ever put to screen.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
12. On the Waterfront

You have not seen acting at its finest unless you have seen this film. Starting at the top, Marlon Brando's performance as Terry Malloy is quite possibly the best acting performance that I've seen. If it is not, it is very very close to the top. Eva Marie Saint made her acting debut in this one and it was one of my favorite female performances of all-time as well. And all the supports, from Rod Steiger to Lee Cobb to Karl Malden are extremely brilliant. This is an actors movie. Oh and Elia Kazan does an outstanding job as well, directing an absolutely brilliant screenplay and storyline. Oh and not to mention, a visual masterpiece as well. One of the better films of the 50s.

11. Forrest Gump

Inches from my top ten comes this brilliant film of storytelling from one of my favorites Robert Zemeckis. The story is about a man name Forrest Gump, who is first seen at a bus stop and from there begins to tell complete strangers pretty much his life story in a nutshell. The story telling couldn't have been any better, filled with many laughs, cries, and just overall triumphs and joys as well as struggles and hurdles of Forrest's life. Tom Hanks deservedly won an Oscar for his portrayal as Forrest Gump, and the film has been nothing but a classic to me since the first time I've seen it. It's actually gotten better upon repeated viewings which is why it has actually shot up from my previous rankings list.

10. North by Northwest

We've made our way to the top 10 and it starts with an absolute Hitchcock masterpiece. The film is an adventure to say the least as Cary Grant is chased around the country and has been "set up" by a few interesting characters to say the least. What I like best about the film is its dialogue, which is easily the best that I have seen from any film. Like I said the acting is magnificent, particularly from the lead Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint makes another astonishing performance to add to her resume. Hitchcock kept me engaged the entire time with an intriguing storyline and had suspense in the film from beginning to end.

9. Wedding Crashers

The best comedy ever made in my opinion. Haters are going to hate to be sure, but this is an absolute classic for me. I love the concept behind the film, and the wedding crashing makes the film adventurous. As a comedic pair, Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson work so well off of one another. Rachel McAdams is brilliant in the film, as well as great supporting roles from people such as Christopher Walken, Bradley Cooper, Jane Seymour, and last but not least, a great cameo appearance from Will Ferrell. There's laughs to be had around every corner of this film for me. To me, this is definitely what a comedy is all about.

Finished here. It's been fun.
Love Waterfront and love Gump,even though my opinion of Gump has faded a bit over the years. Wedding Crashers is hilarious.

Not a fan of NBNW or On the Waterfront?

Waterfront is good, but I don't particularly like it and I'm not much of a Brando fan. NBNW I really don't care for and I find Herman's score over the top and its climax so bombastic as to make the whole thing almost like a comedy.

I've not seen Wedding Crashers

Forrest Gump is not really good in my opinion

On the Waterfront is a really good film, but not one I would rewatch.

North by Northwest is in my top as well so fantastic choice for this one !
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

North by Northwest, Forrest Gump, The Silence of the Lambs, and Wedding Crashers are all favorites of mine. I thought Inside Man and Gran Torino were both very good as well. Haven't seen On the Waterfront yet.

Looooove Forrest
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Gran Torino is also one of my favorite films, wonderful acting by Eastwood.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
8. Unforgiven

I'm obviously a huge fan of Clint Eastwood's directorial work, and this is the one that put him on the map. Not only is this film the best western ever made, it is one of my favorite films of all-time. The story is brilliant. The cast is brilliant, with great performances from Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, Richard Harris, and one of my favorite villians of all time with Gene Hackman's performance. In particular, the ending is absolutely brilliant and one of my favorite endings to a film of all-time. This revenge flick I can watch over and over and learn new things about the film everytime. Bravo Eastwood!

7. Million Dollar Baby

Back to back with Eastwood here. Ultimately my favorite "sports" flick of all time. Some of the best behind the camera work that I have ever seen in cinema, Eastwood makes me feel a certain emotional attachment to the characters. Hilary Swank puts in the best performance by an actress OF ALL TIME for me, playing a character with nothing to lose but everything to gain. Morgan Freeman gives a fantastic supporting performance, and, other than possibly Gran Torino, this is my favorite acting performance from Eastwood. The film catches a lot of flack but it is great in so many ways to me that I don't really care about the flaws that it may have.

6. Casablanca

This film has shot up because, well, because it is a really great film. We don't see acting performances like this anymore. Hell, we rarely see brilliant stories like this anymore. If this is classified as a romance drama, it is my favorite. Michael Curtiz directs the film brilliantly, and of course all-time great performances put in by Ingrid Bergman, who can really really act, and an all time legend in Humphrey Bogart. The film is mid-40s but it hasn't aged a bit. A big part of that is the dialogue to the film, there are so many quotable pieces in this film. Brilliant from beginning to end.

5. Gone Baby Gone

Ben Affleck's directing debut is hands down the best debut I've ever seen. He took Dennis Lehane's novel and made a filming masterpiece. The casting choices were brilliant, with Casey Affleck, Michelle Monahan, Morgan Freeman, Ed Harris, and Amy Ryan, among the many other supporting characters. The beginning of the film strikes me the most, one of the most moving beginnings that I have seen to a film. The cast as a whole had great chemistry with each other, and the camera work of Boston is nothing short of splendid. A truly underrated film on this forum and just in general.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Someone else who loves Million Dollar Baby. I feel like I get crap every time I say I love that movie.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Someone else who loves Million Dollar Baby. I feel like I get crap every time I say I love that movie.
Seems like we have a lot of favorites in common.