
i didnt see these pictures in the thread but if they are already posted, sorry!
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There's no way I could be more excited about this. Although I'm wondering about how they're going to explore the "world's greatest detective" angle. Is Gordon going to mentor him á la Liam Neeson's Ra's Al Ghul in Begins? I hope the majority of the city still hates/fears The Bat it made for some very interesting scenes.

Can't wait for the interrogation of the Joker! It'll be like Flass but with ridiculously insane dialogue.

Plus I have total faith in Aaron Eckhart as Two Face, I thought he was excellent in The Black Dahlia and even better in Thank You For Smoking.
And lo the whispering wanderer weeps
what whit to whom did my life keep?

In the Beginning...
Speaking in terms of art direction, has anyone else noticed how light this film is compared to the last one? Batman Begins used a lot of dim outdoor/indoor light and nighttime sequences; I can't remember one scene really where there was ample light, except perhaps in the board room sequences. Most of the Dark Knight production stills I've seen so far have been fairly well-lit, though. Perhaps Nolan and crew are going for a lighter, jollier Batman?

Most of the Dark Knight production stills I've seen so far have been fairly well-lit, though. Perhaps Nolan and crew are going for a lighter, jollier Batman?
That is a pretty good observation, but i wouldnt trust production stills. There is so much science involved in capturing an image to film that the final product will look so much different than a picture taken with a still camera. Not to mention things like the DI process and other such coloring techniques.

In the Beginning...
That is a pretty good observation, but i wouldnt trust production stills. There is so much science involved in capturing an image to film that the final product will look so much different than a picture taken with a still camera. Not to mention things like the DI process and other such coloring techniques.
Yeah, I thought about color-washing after I posted last, but I can never tell if coloring is actually being employed unless it's some dramatic effect (ie. The Matrix green, Oh Brother... yellow). It didn't seem like they used much coloring in Begins, but I could be wrong.

Also, are you certain the footage stills already posted (here and here, for example) aren't actually still images from a nearly finished postproduction cut of the film? In that case, all the visual techniques in post might be complete.

Some new images i saw on
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Wow Heath Ledger was in this movie!?? I can't wait to watch
this movie! I like this guy after Orlando Bloom. But I hate his
character here, why Joker? Why can't he just be Robin? He looks
much better as that character.

Heath Ledger playing Joker... couldn't agree more. Cheers!

I'm Kinda excited on how would this movie end up!!! Or more likely on what kind of changes would they do......Can't wait!!!

The Batcycle looks good but I think their is a possibility that Batman's cape could get sucked in by the rear wheels.

A system of cells interlinked
Wow Heath Ledger was in this movie!?? I can't wait to watch
this movie! I like this guy after Orlando Bloom. But I hate his
character here, why Joker? Why can't he just be Robin? He looks
much better as that character.

Was in the movie? He is in the isn't out yet. Also...Robin?? I HATE Robin. Robin is the compromise Batman would never make, realistically. Endangering the life of a small child? Also, Batman is the epitome of a loner, and, keeping a small boy in a cave seems not only morally questionable, but just downright silly and contrived. Way back when, superheroes needed sidekicks. This ideal has gone the way of the dinosaur these days, and good riddance, says I.

They already tried to do Robin in two of the films in the previous franchise, and those films are TERRIBLE.

Why don't you like Ledger as The Joker? I don't see any reason why he would gaff the role, and I think he will do quite well in this capacity. Care to list some reasons behind your (apparently preposterous) claims? I mean, just look what Robin will lead to:

The following content may not be suitable for children under 18

"Oh no! I've lost Robin's pants again! Hopefully my OTHER sidekick is READY FOR ACTION!!!"


"Sigh. That's more BAT MAC AND CHEESE for me! PSHAW!
ZOINKS!!!! RED ALERT! I must contact the rest of the TEAM! I better get INTO COSTUME FAST!"

IN ANOTHER PART OF THE CITY, as THE PRO prepares for trick...I mean, battle..."


"Bobbin??? Is that you? My new mask has red glass in the eyeslits...I can't see ****!"

"That's OK CAVE CHUM! Gretta GOODGUNS is here, and so is CAPTAIN CHUFF! The enemy is almost vanquished! Gretta used her super secret flying fish mitten attack. NO ONE can withstand it!!!"

As you can see, Robin can only be trouble!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I agree that Robin is a terrible character, and luckily, Nolan thinks so too, saying that he would not use Robin, Catwoman or Penguin.

But, Robin isn't the only thing that's dated about Batman. If I'm not mistaking, somewhere near the end of Batman Begins, Batman is summoned by Bat-signal. Bat-signal is one of the things that annoy me the most about the character. I’m not annoyed by a spotlight with a bat silhouette on it, I’m annoyed by the entire concept of police working with a guy dressed up like a rodent, who fights criminals. Even if any police in the world is that incompetent that they need an obvious madman to do their job for them, they would never state it publicly. This way, they are also saying that everyone should get a shotgun and go out on the streets. Yes, Gordon is the only good cop in Gotham and he is working with Batman because Batman can help him destroy corruption and crime by using illegal methods, but that’s even more of a reason for Serpico to hide that he’s working with the vigilante in the rubber suit. (By the way, how does Batman know Gordon is a good guy? Because he was kind to him when his parents got killed?)

You may argue that it’s just a movie, and I would agree if we were talking about the 60’s TV show, but Nolan obviously wants Batman to be as realistic as possible, and police and Batman working together is asking to suspense my disbelief a bit too much. If I didn’t care about the character, I wouldn’t be writing all of this, and I’m trying to say this: Batman for the new generation needs a whole lot of changes beyond the cosmetic ones.