Threads (1984)

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This film hits a bit too close to home, the fact something like this could happen and take away all we take for granted. It's disturbing bleak but most of all it feels real and that's what makes it so terrifying to watch. Being from the UK myself made the film even more real for me. The most morbid scene in the film is the image of the shell shocked mother holding her burnt baby as if it was still alive. The film also lingers on scenes that make you feel uncomfortable, having you feel trapped in the same situation as the characters. The only criticism I have of the film is the documentary style voice-over which I feel cuts the tension at times, simultaneously I'm grateful as it's quite educational and provides an insight of how things would go if this tragedy was to happen.

I'm glad I have seen this obscure gem of a movie. It will definitely haunt my dreams for a long time to come.

Not entirely sure whether this thread is about 1984 or Threads.

It's about the film threads that was directed in 1984. It was made in the UK

I read that the science behind the movie has been re-evaluated since then, and that the chances of that specific thing happening as it did is much lower, so there's a little solace in that. Having said that, this doesn't change the fact that there are very few films that are just as, as many reviews accurately put it, "harrowing," and I can't think of a single film more so. I watched this for the ballot, and I strongly urge others to do the same.

"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right." -George Orwell, 1984

I've posted about 1984 a number of times:

I love that book 😄 I'm talking about the movie called Threads that was directed in 1984. I could see the confusion as that book has a scary concept like the movie I'm talking about. The movie Threads though Is about Russia dropping nukes on England and how society would deteriorate. Being English myself the movie definitely shook me up. I just noticed the words I used in my review of the film threads are words that I could literally be able to re use to review the book 1984 😄 I'm not that lazy though. But yeah both have scary concepts, both demonstrate a gritty possible reality and both show a possible future that we may find ourselves in.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I love that book 😄 I'm talking about the movie called Threads that was directed in 1984. I could see the confusion as that book has a scary concept like the movie I'm talking about. The movie Threads though Is about Russia dropping nukes on England and how society would deteriorate. Being English myself the movie definitely shook me up.
Bummer I was all set to talk about the movie and book 1984. I haven't seen Threads, carry on.

Bummer I was all set to talk about the movie and book 1984. I haven't seen Threads, carry on.

You could always write a thread of your thoughts on the book 1984. I would give my feedback. And as you're popular on here it will probably get a lot of attention. Just a thought 💭

A system of cells interlinked
Title modified to alleviate some of the confusion. Carry on!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Trouble with a capital "T"
You could always write a thread of your thoughts on the book 1984. I would give my feedback. And as you're popular on here it will probably get a lot of attention. Just a thought 💭
I've not read the book. I've seen both movie version the 1984 & 1956 versions.

I saw Threads back in the 80's (I'm guessing it aired on PBS since I saw it on TV).
Far better & more realistic than most other nuclear war movies that came out since.
A truly disturbing film.

I was 11 when this was on and everyone was talkiing about it the next day in the playground and, I assume, in most houses and workplaces too. I've not seen it since and, tbh, I have no real desire to. I have seen quite a few scenes since though and it still packs a punch.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Orwell's "1984" spurred a trio of excellent nuclear films. My faves in order:

" The Day After"
I saw Testament recently and it shook me. Another very good film. I've not seen 'the day after' but it looks like a good film and steve guttenberg is in it!!

'Dead Man's Letters' is probably the best apocalyptic type film I've seen.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Orwell's "1984" spurred a trio of excellent nuclear films. My faves in order:

" The Day After"
I've not seen the others, yet...but I've seen The Day After and yeah that packed a punch, seemed pretty plausible to me.

The scariest films are those which are "based on a true story." It doesn't matter if is actually based on a true story. It only matters that the people watching the film believe that it's based on a true story.

The "science" fiction movie is more insidious than the "based on a true story" movie, because it is presented as a quasi-documentary--the true facts as revealed by the scientists! Ooga-booga! Audiences swallow this stuff hook, line, and sinker making these films the most effective of propaganda films.

HBO's Chernobyl (2019) is one of these films. It massively overrepresented the threats posed by the disaster and what actually happened. This series was "Birth of a Nation" for the anti-nuclear lobby. The only "truth" that most people know about Cherynobyl is what they saw in that mini-series.And what people "know" is informing our energy policy in a century in which it will be very important to find the best trade-offs to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels.

Hurrah! We're now all idiots because we "saw" what happened. Moving images are powerful lies--we see it happen--and so our monkey brains process this as "experience."

As for Threads, the truth is we don't really know what the result of a nuclear war would be. We have enough information to know that we don't really want to find out, but we have no basis for assuming that the human race would go extinct or even get set back to the stone age.There have been more than 2,000 nuclear weapons detonated since 1945. The world still appears to be here.

The film is a fear-mongering Cassandra dressed up in the bland style of a BBC documentary, which is actually powerful stuff.

The scariest films are those which are "based on a true story." It doesn't matter if is actually based on a true story. It only matters that the people watching the film believe that it's based on a true story.

The "science" fiction movie is more insidious than the "based on a true story" movie, because it is presented as a quasi-documentary--the true facts as revealed by the scientists! Ooga-booga! Audiences swallow this stuff hook, line, and sinker making these films the most effective of propaganda films.

HBO's Chernobyl (2019) is one of these films. It massively overrepresented the threats posed by the disaster and what actually happened. This series was "Birth of a Nation" for the anti-nuclear lobby. The only "truth" that most people know about Cherynobyl is what they saw in that mini-series.And what people "know" is informing our energy policy in a century in which it will be very important to find the best trade-offs to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels.

Hurrah! We're now all idiots because we "saw" what happened. Moving images are powerful lies--we see it happen--and so our monkey brains process this as "experience."

As for Threads, the truth is we don't really know what the result of a nuclear war would be. We have enough information to know that we don't really want to find out, but we have no basis for assuming that the human race would go extinct or even get set back to the stone age.There have been more than 2,000 nuclear weapons detonated since 1945. The world still appears to be here.

The film is a fear-mongering Cassandra dressed up in the bland style of a BBC documentary, which is actually powerful stuff.

How many of those nuclear bombs were detonated in civilian populations?

And how are they doing? Would you like to move yourself to any of those wonderfully scenic locations? I hear the rent is crazy cheap.