The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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A system of cells interlinked
A damn fine host, at that!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Just found this interview with David Lynch about Mulholland Drive...

Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Eraserhead was my introduction to Lynch's surreal style, but Mulholland Drive nearly perfected it. That noirish feel really had a say in how my own writing style would develop, even though I thought the film was a little TOO surreal. My number 18.

Sent-In Ballot:

#2. Oldboy (22)
#3. Sin City (47)
#4. Spirited Away (5)
#5. Requiem for a Dream (26)
#6. Memento (11)
#7. Yi Yi (49)
#8. The Departed (19)
#9. The Dark Knight (10)
#10. Casino Royale (37)
#11. Eternal Sunshine (6)
#13. Million Dollar Baby (57)
#15. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (53)
#16. Let the Right One In (29)
#18. Mulholland Drive (4)
#19. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (8)
#20. Iron Man (83)
#21. Inglourious Basterds (18)
#22. Pirates of the Caribbean (63)
#25. Hot Fuzz (30)


#2. Oldboy (22)
#3. Sin City (47)
#4. Spirited Away (5)
#5. Requiem for a Dream (26)
#6. Memento (11)
#7. Yi Yi (49)
#8. The Departed (19)
#9. The Dark Knight (10)
#10. Casino Royale (37)
#11. Eternal Sunshine (6)
#12. Snatch (71)
#14. Million Dollar Baby (57)
#16. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (53)
#17. Let the Right One In (29)
#18. Slumdog Millionaire (not placed but it made my new 25)
#19. Monsters, Inc. (74)
#20. Mulholland Drive (4)
#21. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (8)
#22. Iron Man (83)
#23. Fantastic Mr. Fox (70)
#24. Inglourious Basterds (18)
#25. Pirates of the Caribbean (63)

Seen 59/97

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Have you seen Lynch's Disney film, The Straight Story?
Lynch & Disney?!? Now there's a mash-up. Sounds intriging.
Worth a watch for sure, and it shows that Lynch can spin a straight-forward yarn if he so chooses. It's about an old timer that rides his John Deere across multiple states to visit his estranged, ailing brother.
I was equally surprised when it was nominated for me in a Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame. THOROUGHLY enjoyed it.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Generally speaking I have no issues with people revealing their lists other than it setting a precedent. We have a clear rule not to reveal lists until the countdown is finished, and that has been the rule on every countdown even before I got here. I've only been here for a year, and this is only the third countdown I've participated in so I don't know to what level that is enforced or what issues that might have presented in the past, but it is a rule nonetheless. I know that at this point most people can probably guess what the Top 5 or Top 3 will be, and that what people are revealing are films that "have no chance", but that doesn't make it any less of a guess. So even though the choices of what will make it and what not are probably "clear" here and now, whenever a countdown comes where the choices aren't that clear, some people might argue that there is a precedent to reveal some/all of their lists before the countdown finishes cause "it had been done before" and maybe open the floodgates for more people to do it, thus ruining the experience of the reveals. That's my logic for not endorsing it.
In the many years we have been doing these list reveals when you get down to the Top Ten and everybody has noodled through what the handful of movies are that are left, that's when traditionally people start revealing their absolute known misses.
It does and has occurred, but I will respect the wishes of a Host and will discontinue until the end to reveal the remainder of my list.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The first line of my post was "I have no issues with people revealing their lists". If I "felt strongly about it", I would've said or done something about it. Most of you have been revealing your partial ballots and that's ok, I guess. Like Holden said, it's the way it's been done, and once again, "I have no issues". Since the issue was brought up, I offered my reasoning to not encourage it as a host, but I haven't stopped anyone from doing so. So nobody should stop because of that.
Tough crab nuggets, I'm waiting anyways, so there.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
And @Citizen Rules, @edarsenal, and @ynwtf I also completely forgot about putting Open Range on my list and it definitely would have been in my Top 5. I'm upset about this because I love that film so much. This is what happens when I wait till nearly the last minute to compile my list, thinking I had everything in order. Oy!
I would happily use that excuse but I'm just a dumb@ss and kept feeling I was forgetting something and normally do. So, whaddya gonna do

It's f@ckin AWESOME to hear a fellow fan of it though!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I remember making a few attempts at Mulholland and drifting off for good or bad.
I DO respect and am not surprised to see it this high.

Films Watched 70 out of 97 (72.16%)
1. Amélie (#16)
2. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (#21)
3. Ratatouille (#23)
5. Gladiator (#40)
6. Pan's Labyrinth (#7)
8. The Incredibles (#36)
9. V for Vendetta (#58)
10. The Dark Knight (#10)
11. WALL·E (#13)
13. Memories of Murder (#27)
14. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (#76)
16. Kung Fu Hustle (2004)
17. Mother (#96)
18. The Departed (#19)
19. The Beat That My Heart Skipped (2005)
20. Memento (#11)
21. In the Mood for Love (#12)
22. Downfall (#28)
23. Quills (#67)
24. Oldboy (#22)
25. A Bittersweet Life (One Pointer)

One Pointers: 10 out of 38 (26.31%)

Do you guys think there will be blood tomorrow?
Vote for pedro to be the next reveal
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

Some neat articles about Mulholland Drive...

Mulholland Drive Explained: Key Themes & Motifs

"Director David Lynch has stated during interviews that Mulholland Drive is very much about the 'Hollywood Dream'. Many actors comes to this magical land hoping to make it big—but very few of them do. The movie looks at the bright prospects for a budding actor and the dire consequences for a failed actor."

Mulholland Drive: a complete explanation of David Lynch’s movie

"Within a filmography in which it’s almost impossible to choose movies significantly better than others – except for the unfortunate Dune – [Mulholland Drive] represents the pinnacle of Lynchian poetics. The point of no return, a limit beyond which the author’s aestethics can’t go any further. It’s no coincidence that the filmmaker’s following movies, Inland Empire and Twin Peaks: The Return, would be extensions of what we have already seen in this one and other Lynch’s movies."

I forgot the opening line.
Spirited Away and Mulholland Drive are two films I watched late last year. The first when it came up in the Foreign Language Countdown - at a very high position. There were quite a few Miyazaki films on that countdown, so I've now seen a few and Spirited Away is by far the best, but while I'm able to appreciate animated films they don't tend to crop up in my 'best of' lists (apart from Grave of the Fireflies - I guess there's always an exception.) I will end up watching Spirited Away again, so it passes the rewatchability test - the imagery in the film's 'spirit resort' is fantasy run wild and incredible. Mullholland Drive likewise is great - I'd seen it before watching it last year, but that viewing holds me in good stead for it's position in the countdown - and at one stage it was holding a spot on the lower rungs of my list. It's full of mystery, and doesn't go out of it's way to clarify anything - leading to a variety of interpretations that stimulate further interest in seeing it again. Dreams and strange imagery impinge on what at first seems like a regular thriller - to the point where we become sure part of the film is someone's dream - but where does the dream stop and reality begin? If there was ever a film I'd praise for not making sense, it's this one. It would have appeared around spot 26-35 if I had of been compiling a top 50.

Meanwhile, revealing another failed entry on my list, my #15 was Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, a great crime thriller directed by Sidney Lumet featuring standout performances from Philip Seymour Hoffman and Ethan Hawke. I felt that it deserved to show up, at the very least in the bottom 50, and likewise my #24, another film featuring Ethan Hawke - Training Day. I was so sure Training Day would feature here. It was one of those films where, when it didn't show in the bottom 50 I was thinking "Wow, people really like this movie" - but when it didn't show by the time we got to the top 15 I was thinking "Wow, people really don't care for this movie." Personally, I love Training Day.

Seen 84/97
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

In the many years we have been doing these list reveals when you get down to the Top Ten and everybody has noodled through what the handful of movies are that are left, that's when traditionally people start revealing their absolute known misses.
Now that we're at the top three I've officialy lost hope for Triangle

Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Now that we're at the top three I've officialy lost hope for Triangle

That was a great film that I strongly considered for my list.