The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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Memories of Murder was my #3

I have seen it once. It was recently. And I was just blown away. I loved pretty much everything about it. And I had super high expectations, but somehow it lived up to them. Everything about that movie just clicked. It was a crime drama after my head. So so great.
I know you can say this for probably most films, but Memories of Murder on the big screen is something else. I've seen it twice in the theater and probably two or three times on DVD. The visuals are easy to not think about as strongly because the story is so compelling.



Did you know that...
  • Bruno Ganz was initially reluctant to accept the role, and many friends advised him not to take it?
  • Ganz studied patients of Parkinson's disease for the role?
  • from 2010 to 2019, due to the constant parodies of the scene where Hitler screams angrily, Constantin Films started taking down the videos arguing copyright infringement? Director Oliver Hirschbiegel, on the other hand, has said that he's seen hundreds of these videos and enjoys them very much.

Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!


Memories of Murder

Did you know that...
  • director and screenwriter Bong Joon-ho has said that Alan Moore's comic book From Hell was a direct influence on his script? He also said that he was disappointed with the film adaptation.
  • the first time that Park jumps kick someone was an improvisation by actor Song Kang-ho?
  • Quentin Tarantino considers this, and The Host, among his favorite movies?
  • in 2019, Lee Choon-jae confessed to the crimes that the film is based on? Like @Kaplan said, at the time, he was already serving a life sentence in Busan for the rape and murder of his sister-in-law.

I forgot the opening line.
Two great movies that just missed my ballot. Foreign language movies are really having their day!

28. Downfall : This made my ballot on the Foreign Language Countdown, and for that reason I kind of overlooked it for this - but of course I'm happy to see it here. I'm surprised though, at it's lofty place amongst all films for this decade. I really admire this film for looking beyond Hitler's bunker to the streets of Berlin where a battle raged for the Nazi capital. Happening here was one of the strangest historical dramas in history, with a sick and broken dictator still holding sway despite his nation being in ruins. From the survivors, every act was carefully recounted after the war, including from secretary Traudl Junge, whose testimony bookends the film. Breathtaking filmmaking - and such a careful reconstruction of this event with a standout performance from Bruno Ganz in a role that's been historically hard to play - Adolf Hitler. The scale of recreation here makes all previous films about the same subject look flimsy in comparison. Great movie.

27. Memories of Murder : This made my ballot for the Foreign Language Countdown too! I feel like I've stepped into that thread by accident. Chalk up another one for Bong Joon Ho (I really have to see Mother), and another surprise at this stage of the countdown. I love Memories of Murder - such an unexpectedly funny take on a mysteriously elusive serial killer, with disparate policing methods set against each other. Amazing second feature for Bong Joon Ho, and a really different way at looking at a well-represented genre. The film has a lot of unexpected twists and turns, and I'm really glad that it kind of runs free from any of the studio interference that would hamper a Hollywood kind of production. It also has a perfect kind of ending (or at least perfect in my eyes) which you wouldn't ordinarily see in a more mainstream kind of film. Glad to see this getting the recognition it deserves.

Seen 62/74
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Some hint facts...

WARNING: spoilers below
  • One of tomorrow's entries is from a returning director on the countdown.
  • One is a "foreign" film.
  • One of them featured only one professional actor.
  • Robert Altman said about one of these entries, "I think it's the best picture I've ever seen"
  • Both of the films are based on the novels that were published roughly 20 years apart.
  • In preparation for their roles, a director requested two of his cast members to "refrain from having sex and consuming sugar".
  • Cast and crew members had to use locals as security guards.
  • There's a total of 5 Oscar nominations between both films.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I haven't heard of Downfall, but it sounds interesting.

I haven't seen Memories of Murder, but I added it to my watchlist when it made the Foreign Language Movies Countdown.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I'm very interested in seeing Downfall and if anything, the parody videos have only made me want to see it more. I laugh at those, but I take the subject matter very seriously and can separate the two.

I haven't seen Memories of Murder but it looks really good. Neither made my list.

#5.Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 63
#8. Unbreakable 62
#10. Million Dollar Baby 57
#18. The Royal Tenenbaums 35
#22. Fantastic Mr. Fox 70
#20. Iron Man 83
#21 Finding Nemo 44
#23. The Descent 80
#25. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 76
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

From 2010 to 2019, due to the constant parodies of the scene where Hitler screams angrily, Constantin Films started taking down the videos arguing copyright infringement? Director Oliver Hirschbiegel, on the other hand, has said that he's seen hundreds of these videos and enjoys them very much.

My personal favorite "Hitler reacts" vid is the one where he freaks out about that terrible Morbid Angel record:

Some hint facts...

WARNING: spoilers below
  • One of tomorrow's entries is from a returning director on the countdown.
  • One is a "foreign" film.
  • One of them featured only one professional actor.
  • Robert Altman said about one of these entries, "I think it's the best picture I've ever seen"
  • Both of the films are based on the novels that were published roughly 20 years apart.
  • In preparation for their roles, a director requested two of his cast members to "refrain from having sex and consuming sugar".
  • Cast and crew members had to use locals as security guards.
  • There's a total of 5 Oscar nominations between both films.
Requiem for a Dream
Cidade de Deus

Aha, surely the 'sex and sugar' one must be Mamma Mia! as I know they were a little worried about Mr. Brosnan's singing perhaps drifting slightly off key if he got too excited. Not sure who the other cast member would have been though, perhaps Ms. Seyfried or Mr. Firth?

Very sneaky having the other fillum grab all the Oscar noms but writing the clue like they were shared - I likes it

*checks to see how many Oscar noms Paul Blart: Mall Cop received (even though it's probably still far too early for that one to show)....

Some hint facts...

WARNING: spoilers below
  • One of tomorrow's entries is from a returning director on the countdown.
  • One is a "foreign" film.
  • One of them featured only one professional actor.
  • Robert Altman said about one of these entries, "I think it's the best picture I've ever seen"
  • Both of the films are based on the novels that were published roughly 20 years apart.
  • In preparation for their roles, a director requested two of his cast members to "refrain from having sex and consuming sugar".
  • Cast and crew members had to use locals as security guards.
  • There's a total of 5 Oscar nominations between both films.
Requiem for a Dream and City of God.

I know you can say this for probably most films, but Memories of Murder on the big screen is something else. I've seen it twice in the theater and probably two or three times on DVD. The visuals are easy to not think about as strongly because the story is so compelling.
The visuals are one of the things that makes this movie what it is for me. It has such a singular amazing vision that really sets the mood and tone and totally completes the already compelling story.

A system of cells interlinked
Late for the hint cycle again. Agree that these next two are Requiem for a Dream and City of God.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

223 points, 17 lists
Requiem for a Dream

Darren Aronofsky, 2000


Ellen Burstyn, Jared Leto, Jennifer Connelly, Marlon Wayans


233 points, 17 lists
City of God

Fernando Meirelles & Kátia Lund, 2002


Alexandre Rodrigues, Leandro Firmino, Phellipe Haagensen, Douglas Silva


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