The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame II


The trick is not minding

Arthur (1981)

Arthur is the story of a wealthy ne'er-do-well whose family is forcing him to marry. Arthur would rather drink and pick up hookers and race cars which frankly seems a whole lot better than what we end up getting as life moves on. I'll give the film credit it breezes by which I appreciate as I finish my binge. I don't think I particularly liked Arthur he's somewhat annoying and that humor doesn't really work for me.

John Gieglud however was hilarious as the put upon butler, every one of his lines cracked me up. I love a good dry wit and I much preferred that to Moore and Minnelli's style of humor. Not to say I disliked it, the music was very good, the highest quality of cheese money could buy. I also love 80's New York, it's my favorite setting for a film at the end of the day it was fine.
Arthur was my pick for you. I still hadn’t gotten a grip on your tastes at the time, so it was a gamble. I happen to have enjoyed it the first time I watched it, so was hoping for a similar experience for you.

smiles of a summer night

oh so this is why woody allen loves bergman so much. so much fun to watch him doing a comedy. the movie manages to be genuinely funny with a light touch but is no less existential or filled with pathos. every character is so incredibly well-drawn, it's usually difficult to identify great line readings when you can't understand the language but with characters and performances this rich it was no trouble at all to savor the cadence and rhythm of each line of witty dialogue. not sure if i've seen a 50s film that deals so frankly with the nature of sexual relationships, and it provides as much insight into the human condition as any sex comedy since. love the structure of the first half, as we're slowly introduced to each new character through their relationship with an existing character, allowing for the film's scope of conflict to gradually expand until it comes to a head at the final extended set piece.

i don't really have a lot to say about this one other than it's just an extremely well-done and pleasant film. only thing holding it back for me is that i never felt the same transcendence as the best light comedy or the best bergman, but i don't think i even know what that means.

Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

Trouble with a capital "T"
The longest actual HoF would be the Slasher Hall of Fame III. It started on 09-05-19 and according to the host, Siddon it's still open. That's 17 months and counting.

Trouble with a capital "T"
JJ's Comedy Hof was also open for a long time. He asked me to host it for him while he was gone, which I gladly did. I forget how long it was open though.

Arthur was my pick for you. I still hadn’t gotten a grip on your tastes at the time, so it was a gamble. I happen to have enjoyed it the first time I watched it, so was hoping for a similar experience for you.
Yeah...Arthur really isn't my sense of humor.

Anyways for the foreign option I went ahead and exed out some films I watched 20-30 years ago(or films I hadn't finished) so you guys can have some other options for me, I know the chances of people seeing something I hadn't seen before are pretty slim...
  • The Rules of the Game
  • Andrei Rublev
  • The Conformist
  • Come and See
  • Rififi
The other thing to consider is here are some foreign noirs on the list
  • Story of a Love Affair
  • 36th Precinct
  • Death Is A Caress
  • Foreign Land
  • Castle of Sand
  • Der Verlorne
  • The Beautiful Troublemaker
Which if you are going to do a blind nom (which I think many people are going to do for me) Going noir or documentary would be a smart idea.

The longest actual HoF would be the Slasher Hall of Fame III. It started on 09-05-19 and according to the host, Siddon it's still open. That's 17 months and counting.

Yeah people keep saying oh I'll come back and finish and they don't. It was just ABN and me...and one of the reasons I've never hosting hall of fame again.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah people keep saying oh I'll come back and finish and they don't. It was just ABN and me...and one of the reasons I've never hosting hall of fame again.
Yeah, I know it wasn't you. I read that HoF thread before and people just bailed on it. You're one of the most rock solid HoF members on the board. It's just too bad it didn't pan out. I believe there was another Horror HoF that never got finished. I'm too lazy to go look for it, but I'm pretty sure there was.

Who's ABN?