Western Hall of Fame II


Western Hall of Fame II

Welcome to the Western II Hall of Fame!

Please submit with in the next 10-12 days, so between December 21 and 23 If someone wants to come in a short time after it starts that is okay too.

Current Participants:
ahwell *Nomination “Received”
edarsenal *Nomination Received
Wyldesyde19 *Nomination Received
Citizen Rules * Nomination Received
Keyser Corelone *Nomination Received

Rules of Participation  


The Ox-Bow Incident (1943)
Nominated by: Citizen Rules

Rio Bravo (1959)
Nominated by: KeyserCorleone

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
Nominated by: Wyldsyde 19

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966)
Nominated by: ahwell

The Shooting (1966)
Nominated by: Hey Fredrick

The Great Silence (1968)
Nominated by: Zotis

The Cowboys (1972)
Nominated by: edarsenal

The Salvation (2014)
Nominated by: Siddon

Hey Frederick - 8/8 COMPLETED
The Shooting
The Salvation
The Ox-Bow Incident
The Great Silence
The Cowboys
Rio Bravo
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

ahwell - 8/8 COMPLETED
The Ox-Bow Incident
The Salvation
The Shooting
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Rio Bravo
The Cowboys
The Great Silence

Citizen Rules - 8/8 COMPLETED
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Ox-Bow Incident
The Shooting
Rio Bravo
The Salvation
The Cowboys
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Great Silence

Zotis - 8/8 COMPLETED
The Shooting
The Ox-Bow Incident
Rio Bravo
The Cowboys
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Great Silence
The Salvation

Keyser Corleone - 8/8 COMPLETED
Rio Bravo
The Ox-Bow Incident
The Salvation
The Cowboys
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Shooting
The Great Silence

Wyldesyde19 - 8/8 COMPLETED
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Shooting
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Salvation
The Great Silence
The Cowboys
Rio Bravo-
Ox-Bow Incident-

Edarsenal - 6/8
The Cowboys
The Ox-Bow Incident
Rio Bravo
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Salvation
The Shooting

Siddon - 8/8 COMPLETED
The Cowboys
The Shooting
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Great Silence
The Salvation
The Ox-Bow Incident
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Rio Bravo

DEADLINE: Monday, February 10, 2020

I’ve picked my nom and I went with a very well known but blind watch.
Lists and Projects

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah! this will be fun! I just have to decide on which of the many great westerns I want for a nom. So I think I'll watch some potential noms over the next 10 days and send in my nom right before this starts.

Yeah! this will be fun! I just have to decide on which of the many great westerns I want for a nom. So I think I'll watch some potential noms over the next 10 days and send in my nom right before this starts.
Looking forward to seeing your pic!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
nomination sent!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

The trick is not minding
I’ve picked my nom and I went with a very well known but blind watch.
What do you guys mean when you refer to a “blind watch”?
Is it one you haven’t seen before, I assume? I always thought the nominations had to be of films we have seen before, so correct me if I’m wrong on that

I’ve picked my nom and I went with a very well known but blind watch.
What do you guys mean when you refer to a “blind watch”?
Is it one you haven’t seen before, I assume? I always thought the nominations had to be of films we have seen before, so correct me if I’m wrong on that
No they don’t have to be. I only nominate blind films when there’s an upcoming countdown and I want to get in as many as possible (I.e. pre-30s).
And yes, it means I haven’t seen it before.

Not joining right now because I don't have enough time to watch a bunch that I've already seen. If the noms come out and I haven't seen most, and it's still open, I'll hop in. If not, I'll probably at least watch whatever nominations I haven't seen.

Not joining right now because I don't have enough time to watch a bunch that I've already seen. If the noms come out and I haven't seen most, and it's still open, I'll hop in. If not, I'll probably at least watch whatever nominations I haven't seen.
I've been thinking and I'm actually on the same boat (hope @cricket has big enough boat for two). I just don't want to rewatch ones I already know to be on my list.

The trick is not minding
Not joining right now because I don't have enough time to watch a bunch that I've already seen. If the noms come out and I haven't seen most, and it's still open, I'll hop in. If not, I'll probably at least watch whatever nominations I haven't seen.
I've been thinking and I'm actually on the same boat (hope @cricket has big enough boat for two). I just don't want to rewatch ones I already know to be on my list.
I was concerned about the same thing and was considering a wait and see approach as well, but there’s large amount of westerns I have yet to see that will probably be nominated, at least I am hoping for anyways.
Even if I have seen them, looking over my collection, I realize I haven’t seen them in quite awhile so they’re due for a re-watch.
Hopefully it works out for you guys and you are able to join.

Hmm... looks like we might have to do double noms. There’s already four people who said “Maybe” and one person who will nominate right before the deadline, so I guess we’ll still keep it one until the noms reveal.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hmm... looks like we might have to do double noms. There’s already four people who said “Maybe” and one person who will nominate right before the deadline, so I guess we’ll still keep it one until the noms reveal.
I'm in for sure! So you can count me as a member. I'm just trying to make up my mind as to what western I choose.

Hopefully more will join, sometimes it takes awhile before people see a thread as they aren't online that much. I think this will be a fun HoF

The trick is not minding
Hmm... looks like we might have to do double noms. There’s already four people who said “Maybe” and one person who will nominate right before the deadline, so I guess we’ll still keep it one until the noms reveal.
I’m sure some others will join once the noms are shown. What’s usually a preferred number of reviewers for these things? Or does that vary on the various HOF?

Hmm... looks like we might have to do double noms. There’s already four people who said “Maybe” and one person who will nominate right before the deadline, so I guess we’ll still keep it one until the noms reveal.
I’m sure some others will join once the noms are shown. What’s usually a preferred number of reviewers for these things? Or does that vary on the various HOF?
I was hoping for at least eight, but we can make do with less I guess.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Doing the reveal and seeing which of the "maybes" join it should get us over the minimum of 8. Which in it's way is fine since the ideal scenario is to get a couple of these done before the Countdown and having a smaller group will definitely guarantee that since we normally set the time restraint as a week per each nomination.

The trick is not minding
There were a lot of choices I could have gone with, many that I own, but I narrowed it down to 3 and went with one I didn’t think many have watched yet, and also one I have wanted to watch again since it’s been quite a few years.
I can’t wait to see the reveals

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Hmm... looks like we might have to do double noms. There’s already four people who said “Maybe” and one person who will nominate right before the deadline, so I guess we’ll still keep it one until the noms reveal.
Let's invite some people! Off the top of my head I can think of:
@gbgoodies @KeyserCorleone @rauldc14 @GulfportDoc @Hey Fredrick (sorry if I forgot anybody else, maybe I'll PM a few people too)

Thanks for the invite, but you'll have to add me to the "wait and see" club. I've been watching a lot of westerns over the past couple of weeks, and I think I'm starting to realize that I'm not much of a westerns fan, and I think I hate the spaghetti westerns.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.