Netflix Instant Discussion


I thought it'd be a good idea to have a thread to discuss Netflix Instant stuff. We already have recommendation threads but this is more for new additions, films that will expire soon, what you watched recently, glitches, ect.

Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Good idea. I subscribe to Netflix's RSS feed for new releases, but I'm always looking for suggestions. Also, Instant Watcher is a good website that keeps track of new releases and expiring titles.

One of the expiring titles that caught my eye was Winter's Bone, which is available until January 26. Jennifer Lawrence was great in it, and I think it was her first big acting role. I'm not sure if it's an accurate portrayal of the Ozarks, but it was a pretty stark picture of the kind of culture and poverty that exists there.

My wife wanted to watch a romantic comedy, because she was tired of the "old" and "boring" movies I like to watch, so I thought Sleepless in Seattle looked like a good option. I hadn't seen it, but the same director as When Harry Met Sally and Tom Hanks, it's worth a try. And it was pretty good! Surprisingly funny, even though I disliked An Affair to Remember and all of the references to it made me remember why it was bad.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Love the idea as well, always looking for good netflix titles. I have never been one to seek out foreign films but have been trying to expand my movie viewing the past year or so. So in that vain here are three movies I have seen on netflix in the past few weeks and loved.

Once Upon A Time In Anatolia

Oslo: August 31

Certified Copy

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Definitely made me want to seek out more of Kiarostami's films. Really a very simple quiet film about relationships but he still manages to mess with your head a bit. Pretty amazing movie.

Added sleepless in Seattle and Certified Copy to my queue.

A couple that are on instant that we're nominated in the MOFO tournament are Eyes Wide Open and Beautiful Boxer both of which I'm going to watch hopefully this week.

Also Sleepwalk With me from 2012 was added recently and looks intresting.

Great idea!

My queue is always full and there are still hundreds in there I've been meaning to watch for years.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Dear Zachary a very emotional documentary that got some tears out of me.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Once Upon A Time In Anatolia

Oslo: August 31

Certified Copy
Three great films! Ceylan's Distant is also on there.
Netflix does have a lot of good recent foreign films: The Turin Horse, Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, White Material, In The Mood For Love, Still Walking, Nobody Knows, The Kid with a Bike, Mother.

Other great films on there: Chinatown, The Bicycle Thief, Shoeshine, Adaptation., Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Days of Heaven, Glengarry Glen Ross, Manhattan, Barton Fink, Mulholland Drive, A lot of Buster Keaton films, The Stranger, Un Chien Andalou

Does it show that I watch a lot of Netflix?

Mother is fantastic and has also been nominated for the upcoming tournament.
Definitely own that one.

A recent Swedish film both lesser known yet award-winning, As It Is In Heaven, is on teh instant as well.

I've been meaning to watch The Turin Horse, but I've not been in the mood yet.

Random comment #4, they have loads of Korean stuff these days.

Ya Bluedeed listed a ton of the great ones, an I did add Madeo to my queue. There's also two good smaller Brody films, Detachment & The Experiment and of course the more known one The Pianist.

Acid House which I nominated for the tournament should still be on there, same with Duck Soup & Roman Polanski:Wanted and Desired. Two more of my nominations.

I've watch many great films on Netflix, right now I'm doing Amazon Prime, anyone else here do Prime?

I have Amazon Prime but rarely use it because they don't stream to Wii and I don't have any of the other devices that they do stream to. I think I've watched a grand total of two movies on it because I hate having to sit at the computer to watch a film.

Between my frustration with their video streaming and the change in California's laws that means I now have to pay sales tax on my Amazon purchases, I may just cancel my prime account.

Story about my mother: The Castrating Zionist
Hulu Plus is pretty excellent if you enjoy Latino television and the Criterion Collection (why I pay for it). The problem with Hulu is the clunky search and interface. Netflix instant is sinking into nothingness now.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Hulu Plus is pretty excellent if you enjoy Latino television and the Criterion Collection (why I pay for it). The problem with Hulu is the clunky search and interface. Netflix instant is sinking into nothingness now.
Yeah, Hulu has a lot of great criterion stuff, the only thing is, they don't let you search for a director, or even tell you the director with the movie info.

Hulu Plus is pretty excellent if you enjoy Latino television and the Criterion Collection (why I pay for it). The problem with Hulu is the clunky search and interface. Netflix instant is sinking into nothingness now.
I signed up for a free trial of Hulu back in June, but ended up canceling it well before the trial period ended. It would either freeze up completely in the middle of play or just the video would freeze up while the audio continued. Once I'd finished struggling through the TV series I was watching, I got rid of it.

Also, their selection was terrible.

Story about my mother: The Castrating Zionist
The Grapes of Wrath, Seven Year Itch, The Honey Pot, Nosferatu, Cleopatra
Good spattering of middle Hollywood and old silents available. Bluedeed is right, if you haven't watched any Buster Keaton movies, Netflix has a big chunk, The Navigator, Seven Chances, Go West.

The most loathsome of all goblins
I've watch many great films on Netflix, right now I'm doing Amazon Prime, anyone else here do Prime?
I use Prime at work when I'm on break because they block Netflix. It's alright, but pales in comparison to Netflix. The Prime membership I have is mostly for the free two-day shipping.