Actors that instantly turn you off a film


A system of cells interlinked
So wait...Sarah Silverman gets punched in the teeth? Hey, that IS the best opening scene ever.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Russell Crowe. He's overrated as an actor and has zero charisma. I've never even seen the guy smile in a movie, unless you count the stupid weevil joke from Master and Commander. And Seth Rogen. He seems okay as a person, but I don't find him funny or interesting and he's way too awkward with his raunchy improvising in movies.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Last time I saw Russell Crowe was in Robin Hood. I don't know if it was a good movie or bad, as I couldn't make out Crowe's garbled speech. The man needs to speak up and pronounce his words.

Because he's a dick. I've only seen seven of his films, but I don't think he's a bad actor. Not worth an Oscar for Gladiator (sorry MV) but not bad.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Because he's a dick. I've only seen seven of his films, but I don't think he's a bad actor. Not worth an Oscar for Gladiator (sorry MV) but not bad.
Oh I don't deny that he's got an attitude problem and anger management issues, but it's not like that's a rare thing in Hollywood and it has nothing to do with his talent as an actor.

Oh I don't deny that he's got an attitude problem and anger management issues, but it's not like that's a rare thing in Hollywood and it has nothing to do with his talent as an actor.
Absolutely true, but most others hide it better, much like they do so much else.

Oh I don't deny that he's got an attitude problem and anger management issues, but it's not like that's a rare thing in Hollywood and it has nothing to do with his talent as an actor.
Except I don't think he is that great of an actor. I don't think he's bad, I just think he's middle of the road. I think people who've worked with him have confused his intensity as talent, but I don't see how playing the brooding, inexpressive, tortured character over and over makes him interesting as an actor. I hated everything about Gladiator, especially him, the first time i saw it when I had no bias toward him and knew only of the hype, and I still hate it. Maybe even more. I think he was decent in A Beautiful Mind, because the character seemed to match his "talents" (brooding, tortured, and inexpressive), but otherwise I think he's been barely okay to annoying to watch in everything else I've seen him in. Like I said earlier, I've never seen him smile, or even looked relaxed onscreen. I think that's been confused for some higher form of method acting, but I just find him lacking any charisma or range. And as Citizen said, he mumbles his lines as if again to emphasize he's doing IMPORTANT acting, so everybody watch out.

But if you like him, then my opinion doesn't matter. And I'm done hating on anyone for the day.

I think people who've worked with him have confused his intensity as talent, but I don't see how playing the brooding, inexpressive, tortured character over and over makes him interesting as an actor.
Which of his films have you seen?

I hated everything about Gladiator, especially him, the first time i saw it when I had no bias toward him and knew only of the hype, and I still hate it.
I loved everything about it from the first time and I had no idea who he or Joaquin Phoenix were when I first saw it. Obviously, I still love it.

His more well known characters are brooding, but I wouldn't call them or him "inexpressive." And despite what some people seem to think, he's not always scowling. Try watching 3:10 to Yuma, State of Play and The Sum of Us. The first two are still intense roles but you'll spot a smile or two.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
There are very few actors that I dislike enough that I refuse to watch any of their movies, but a couple that come to mind are Rob Schneider and Nicolas Cage. Ben Stiller is usually another actor that I don't like, but I liked the Night at the Museum movies, so he's off my dislike list for now. (Although I can't stand his father, Jerry Stiller.)

usually Vin Diesel, and Stallone
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

I would agree with Sylvester Stallone on my dislike list too, but Vin Diesel is okay because the Fast & Furious movies were fun.
Fast and Furious is the reason I don't like Vin Diesel actually

Sin City blows. I was thinking more along the lines of one of the first 3 Die Hard films, The Fifth Element, 12 Monkeys or Pulp Fiction.
lol that Sin City "blows"
"Oh, so you'd be General, huh? If you were General, I'd be Emperor, and you'd STILL get the sake! So shut up and get the sake!" -Hattori Hanzo

"#GAMEOVER420BLAZIT" -bluedeed

Shia Labeouf, seriously he nearly ruined Indiana Jones for me. The fact that he tried to play a street tough made me cringe. He should stick to being a nerdy sidekick at best.

Female Jungle Poster
Jack Black
Owen Wilson
Vince Vaughn
Sandra Bullock
Jennifer Aniston...

You get the idea. I seem to favor the older actors: Kathy Bates, Anthony Hopkins, Jeremy Irons, Gabriel Byrne...
"The dog is the god of frolic." ~ Beecher

"Exit, pursued by a bear." ~

Welcome to the human race...
Seth Rogen is a frequent deal-breaker - movies that feature him acting and occasionally writing feel like extremely wasted potential at best (case in point - Pineapple Express) and at worst he exacerbates a movie's already glaring flaws (Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Knocked Up, etc.) (I do make an exception for Freaks and Geeks but he's a borderline extra on that so it doesn't really count.)

To a lesser extent, Leonardo diCaprio frequently does very little for me. He always feels like he's trying too hard.

EDIT: Can't believe I forgot Jason Statham.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Russell Crowe. He's overrated as an actor and has zero charisma. I've never even seen the guy smile in a movie, unless you count the stupid weevil joke from Master and Commander. And Seth Rogen. He seems okay as a person, but I don't find him funny or interesting and he's way too awkward with his raunchy improvising in movies.
Russell Crowe hasn't given a good performance since The Insider...I recently saw American Gangster for the first of the worst performances I have ever seen from him...and he looked really fat too.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Jack Black
Owen Wilson
Vince Vaughn
Sandra Bullock
Jennifer Aniston...

You get the idea. I seem to favor the older actors: Kathy Bates, Anthony Hopkins, Jeremy Irons, Gabriel Byrne...
Hey! somebody besides me who don't like Sandra Bullock...Never Mind the Bullock, ha.

Oh, and is Jennifer Aniston OVER exposed or what. Geez, she's like on the cover of every magazine, you would think she was like royalty or something.