The MoFo Top 100 Animated Films - The Countdown

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70. The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Voting Stats

Total Points: 80
Part of a Numeric Tie? Yes, tied with Wolf Children and Corpse Bride.
5 Votes: 5th Place (21 pts.), 9th Place (17 pts.), Three 12th Place (14 pts. each)

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69. Corpse Bride - Voting Stats

Total Points: 80
Part of a Numeric Tie? Yes, tied with Wolf Children and The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but had more votes.
9 Votes: 7th Place (19 pts.), Two 8th Place (18 pts. each), 18th Place (8 pts.), 20th Place (6 pts.), 22nd Place (4 pts.), Two 23rd Place (3 pts. each), 25th Place (1 pt.)

All I could think of while watching Corpse Bride was how unmagical it felt compared to The Nightmare Before Christmas. It felt like a robot studied that film and emulated it in superficial ways without really understanding what was special about it.

Current list of mine...

3. Wolf Children (2012) #71
4. It’s Such a Beautiful Day (2012) #96
8. Corpse Bride (2005) #69
9. Tarzan (1999) #97
13. Shrek 2 (2004) #91

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I like Corpse Bride, but I didn't vote for it. I had Hunchback at #12. It had some spectacular animation which went hand-in-hand with some spectacular songs. I know many of you don't like musicals, but DIsney animations always saved their most dazzling visuals for their songs, and this is no different. Judge Claude Frollo is a great villian.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I watched Hunchback a couple of months ago for the list. It wasn't so hot for me, gad no chance of being on my list. Corpse Bride remained on my watchlist unfortunately.

Lord High Filmquisitor
I love The Hunchback of Notre Dame despite its myriad of often glaring flaws (the most pervasively obnoxious of which are the gargoyle sidekicks constantly killing the otherwise meticulously crafted tone of the film). It has my absolute favorite opening for any animated feature: Quasimodo's gypsy mother being murdered by a church official on the steps of a cathedral. Its largely memorable and endearing body of songs - including "The Bells of Notre Dame," "God Help the Outcasts" and "Hellfire" - are generally better than the best songs from other Disney musicals. The climax is dark, exciting and thoroughly memorable: a lot like Beauty and the Beast's. And if you buy into the theory that the gargoyle's are just figmants of Quasimodo's desperate imagination brought on by years of alternating abuse, neglect and isolation, even the more untenable aspects of the film become much easier to look past.

I like, but have never especially loved, Corpse Bride. In terms of animation and visualization, it's one of Burton's superior works. The narrative just always waxed way too romantic for my tastes, though, especially that bit at the end with the butterflies.
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I voted for Wolf Children #7, it was a fantastic film, I'm sad not much people watched it, but at least those who did and voted for placed it in a high place, pretty deserved and if it got more attention I'm sure it would've made it to a higher place

About Corpse Bride, it kind of remind of Nightmare before Christmas, and I couldn't get over that feeling so I never voted for it, even tho it's an alright film.

I watched Rudolph last year and thought it was a bit rubbish. Haven't seen Wolf Children but have heard good things about it.

I watched Anastasia yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised. Wouldn't have made my list but not at all as bad as I thought it might be.
Also I'm glad that you liked Anastasia

Edit: my god my grammar is so broken.
.Royal purple is noblest shroud.
Theodora Empress of the Byzantine Empire

The premise of the film is what turns me off, not the fact that it's anime.

It's so good! You really should give it a shot! Borrow my copy anytime!

Getting really worried that The Prince of Egypt isn't going to make it. Somebody else tell me they voted for it, preferably with a high ranking, so I can believe it'll still show up.

Gekijou-ban Mahou Shoujo Madoka*Magica: Kouhen Eien no monogatari
(Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Eternal)
(Akiyuki Shinbo, 2012)
Rank: 68 / Score: 83 points

68. Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Eternal - Voting Stats

Total Points: 83
Part of a Numeric Tie? No.
5 Votes: 1st Place (25 pts.), 2nd Place (24 pts.), 13th Place (13 pts.), 15th Place (11 pts.), 16th Place (10 pts.)

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67. Millennium Actress - Voting Stats

Total Points: 84
Part of a Numeric Tie? No.
8 Votes: Two 2nd Place (24 pts. each), 15th Place (11 pts.), 16th Place (10 pts.), 20th Place (6 pts.), 21st Place (5 pts.), 23rd Place (3 pts.), 25th Place (1 pt.)

Gekijou-ban Mahou Shoujo Madoka*Magica: Kouhen Eien no monogatari boanndlofn flkgfjdsjs jfj d....

Anyways lol, didn't vote for any of them but was looking to watch Millenium Actress but never got around it...