

So Spike Lee is "boycotting" the academy awards now. Except he really isn't because he got an honorary award in November that there is no talk of giving back. Hey I'll boycott as long as I am not up for an award.

Oh and Jada Pinkett Smith wants to boycott now too. Where was this when Will was nominated twice before? Sour grapes much? Label me impress if they boycotted and Will got nominated (which he probably should have been, debatable)

Listen I hate it as much as anyone that the Oscars snubbed some really good and fun movies. But that's what the Academy does, they aren't very much fun in their choices, ever. How many worthy diverse choices were there? Creed, Straight Outta Compton, Beast Of No Nation (uphill battle because it came out on Netflix, rightfully or wrongly) Concussion. It was a strong possibility the would all get snubbed unfortunately. I hate it that Creed didn't get a lot of love. And this fails to mention Asian and Latino love (Sicario and Del Toro). Not to mention the Directing category has been taken over by Hispanic/Latino. (Which is great)

I just find the #OscarsSoWhite thing terrible. It compromises the nominees this year and future black artist up for Oscars in the future. The nominees should be happy now they are made to feel guilty for their hard work. And black artist in the future wonder if they earned their nominees/awards or if they are there on charity.

haha I wonder if the Academy is regretting hiring Chris Rock. He is going have a field day.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

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28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Will Smith has joined his wife, actress Jada Pinkett Smith, in vowing not to attend the Feb. 28 Academy Awards ceremony in protest over the lack of diversity among nominees in major categories this year. Smith’s decision comes as pressure mounts on the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences to address what many are calling the org’s diversity crisis.

Smith told “Good Morning America” anchor Robin Roberts on Thursday that he is “uncomfortable” with the situation. For the second year in a row, the 20 acting nominees are all white. Smith generated Oscar buzz this awards season for his work in the football drama “Concussion.”

“My wife’s not going. It would be awkward to show up with Charlize (Theron),” he said. “We’ve discussed it. We’re part of this community. But at this current time, we’re uncomfortable to stand there and say, ‘This is Ok.'”


Is this getting a little ridiculous now? He doesn't get nominated and decides not to show up? What does this say about next year is my real question. Will any people of colour think that their nomination is a real one, or one that is simply there to please the hysteria.

Changes have to happen sounds like they are going to nominate people out of obligation to fill a diversity quota as opposed to actual performances that earn the spot. Which makes things a joke, more so than they are now.

The one actual snub in my opinion is Idris Elba, but as I said before, that's more of a stand against Netflix than a person of colour.
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Nominating people just so you can fill a racial quota is a joke...plain and simple. If they give in to this pressure they'll become a joke like the Golden Globes. I do think the majority of the voting body of the Academy being on average 60+ white males is also not helping anything. I think that is where change needs to happen. They need to start diversifying the voting body so that things like this stop happening. So when the voter base is diversified and still no Black lead films and black actors get nominated you can finally chalk it up to "you just weren't good enough, it had nothing to do with the color of your skin".

Honestly I think people (Spike Lee i'm looking at you) are creating problems where there aren't any because they are salty because none of the films they have made lately are getting enough recognition when they don't deserve as much.

I did like Creed (Have not seen Concussion yet), but Straight Outta Compton was meh to me and I'm an actual hip hop fan. Are they better than any of the other films being nominated is the question?

The Martian (Just no...)
The Revanant (hell no...)
Brooklyn (have not seen it)
Spotlight (hell to the no)
Carol (have not seen)
The Big Short (have not seen yet)
Room (have not seen yet)

I think Bridge of Spies and Mad Max are the only two I'd chalk up as questionable since I have yet to see a couple of the other films nominated. And I actually liked Mad Max and BOS both.

If either should of gotten one it should of been Creed. Straight Outta Compton wasn't even that good of a film imo. The Third Act falls apart quickly.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I do think this is getting a bit blown out of proportion. Yes, I do think their is a problem with the make-up of the Academy itself, because it heavily consists of over-50 Caucasian men, but they're addressing that now.

The Jada movement thing is simply sore losing. I think people forget as well that this is the Academy that gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1940, and since then, Latino, deaf, LGBT, Asian, and even women in some male dominated categories have gained nominations and wins on an increasingly frequent basis. Lupita Nyong'o won just two years ago, Marion Cotillard was nominated last year for a French language performance for a film produced in Belgium, I do think the Academy is diverse, and they're making active steps to become even more so. So I agree, this is getting a bit ridiculous.

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This is just publicity - I bet the Oscars love it, more money for them..

I'm tired of people divided by pigment - it's time for people to be judged on actions and movie taste

Trouble with a capital "T"
Black actors get nominated all the time, based on the percentage of black actors working. There's not a lot of black actors as black Americans only make up 13% of the population. Do you people want quotas, say 50% of all Oscars have to go to black actors? That would be racially biased and wrong.

There's NO organized racism at the Academy Awards. Except by people like Spike Lee who make a big stink about it so they can draw more attention to themselves.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
People who actually do want to see more diversity think the time is ripe to plead their case. The president of the Academy is an African-American woman and Spike Lee was just honored with an Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award. Chris Rock is this year's host. I can ramble on and say that everybody gets snubbed sometime, but I fall into the Academy's demographic which is being called into question. They have a right to protest in the way they see fit, and you have the right to agree or disagree.
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People who actually do want to see more diversity think the time is ripe to plead their case. The president of the Academy is an African-American woman and Spike Lee was just honored with an Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award. Chris Rock is this year's host. I can ramble on and say that everybody gets snubbed sometime, but I fall into the Academy's demographic which is being called into question. They have a right to protest in the way they see fit, and you have the right to agree or disagree.

Cue the wholesale cultural shaming of Michael Caine in 3...2...1...
Sad part is what Caine is saying here is pretty reasonable and not meant as a disrespect to anybody yet he'll still get bashed for saying this because...the Internet is the land of the misinformed, idiotic, and ignorant.

I think part of the problem is that the effects of racism ripple past their source: if there were zero racism in the industry overnight, you'd still end up waiting decades until there was real equality at the top. Most of the people who've made it have spent decades working on their craft, so a lack of diversity today tells us more about how accessible the industry was for minorities decades ago. Even if it were largely a meritocracy going forward, there would still be a lag time until that was really made manifest.

The question is whether you can (or should) overcorrect for this in the mean time. I think there are some pretty good reasons to think that's a bad idea, personally. But whether you agree or not, I think it's pretty silly to expect the Oscars to always produce a list of nominees that aligns with national demographics. The sample size is way too small, without even getting into the issue mentioned above. There may indeed be a problem, but a lack of minority actors in a given year isn't automatically an example of it. You'd expect to see that sometimes even in a totally equitable system.


Really entertaining listen. Wesley Morris is a black movie critic and has a great perspective on all this. He is a really great critic.

lol not sure if you saw what Charlotte Rampling said today but she is going get murdered online.

anyway who care's about Will Smith anymore? He doesn't deserved any kind of oscar or award... He didn't made any good role in years now lol
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