Gatsby's Top 51 Films

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Master of My Domain
I'm still not onboard. However, there are those here who'd say that was to your credit.
I'm confident you'll be soon.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was wondering how long it was going to take before American Graffiti got some love on this site. I saw it again recently and was blown away at what a good movie it is...
American Graffiti was voted #42 on
The MoFo Top 100 of the 1970s: Countdown

It was my #1 vote for best film of the 1970s.

I really enjoyed Life of Pi and it created a long discussion with my brother about what it meant. The best movies make us think and that one definitely did.

Mad Max is a good film but a little dated. Always nice to see Australian films on a top list

American Graffiti and Edward Scissorhands are decent even though I'm not a big fan of either director - with the exception of Star Wars from Lucas.

Diner was OK but never really connected with me but I can see how it could mean a lot to other people.

Haven't seen Blazing Saddles for decades but I liked it when I was a kid.

Nice start

Master of My Domain
45. Memento

Even though I'm an anti-Nolan crew member this is a film that I feel the need to praise him. The only downside is that it's not fun anymore once you figure it out.

44. Jaws

The movie that gave birth to the word 'blockbuster' (because people would literally bust the block trying to see the film) surely increase the size of the cinema boat.

43. Black Swan

An Aronfonsky thriller that is way more mainstream than his films before this one, but nevertheless a masterpiece.

42. The Apartment

A great comedy classic that explores all around the genre, starting from satire and ending with elements of romantic comedy, and there's a bit of drama criticism on society in between. These combined together may not seem convincing, but you'll end up regretting that thought.

Only seen Blazing Saddles from the first set, which I like. Unlike most though, it's not even in my top 3 Mel Brooks films. Love all the movies in the second set though.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Master of My Domain
It's okay Gatsby, I share your love of Black Swan. Natalie Portman definitely deserved her Oscar for that role.
Thanks Quill *sniff*

Good set.

Haven't seen the Apartment but i haven't seen a Wilder film I didn't really like.

The other three are great.

Lord High Filmquisitor
I'm really surprised by how poorly received Black Swan is around here. I thought that it was a fantastically cerebral, horrific film that additionally features one of my favorite performances by an actress. It's an overall favorite of mine, as well as my #1 from 2010.

Memento is actually #37 on my own list. It was certainly Nolan's most inventive film and its a testament to his talents as a director to make that kind of disjointed, unconventional film not only make sense, but come off so easily doing so.

I've never actually been a huge fan of Jaws. It's a well enough film with some thrilling scenes and a great creative team behind it, but it just never seemed to click with me the same way that it aeems to with everybody else.
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Good start, Gatsby. My favorites so far are The Apartment, Edward Scissorhands and Black Swan, but I like everything I've seen with the exception of Life of Pi.