Mofo Bros Top 100: A Raul and Sean Production

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Seen all of Sean's thus far but only 8 of Raul's, liked all of those (thus far I'd have the average ratings as Sean - 7.9, Raul - 8.3) so looking forward to seeing what comes next.

By the way, as it's a shared thread it might be nicer to present the overviews/indexes in the OP side-by-side (like below) so one doesn't have to look like it might be taking precedence over the other:

Sean's Picks
100. Nanook of the North
99. Battleship Potempkin
98. The Kid
97. Sunrise
96. Metropolis
95. The Thin Man
94. Grand Hotel
93. City Lights
92. M
91. Wizard of Oz

Rauls Picks
100. 1917
99. Shoplifters
98. Florida Project
97. The Ring
96. Witness for the Prosecution
95. Sunrise
94. Elephant Man
93. Her
92. Signs
91. Lost in Translation

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

Another fantastic character study for me with a great performance by Denzel and some really cool supporting acting performances specifically by Goodman and Cheadle. Zemeckis is a director who usually always delivers for me and in this one he really does.

^^I like that pic because it looks like you've put a big dunce hat on Denzel^^

Some good picks since I last checked in. Sunrise, Grand Hotel, M and The Elephant Man. The Ring is OK but I didn't see it until a few years ago saw Ringu not long after its release so that's my prefered choice. Plus The Ring has much too much of colouring for my liking. Very early 00's. I remember watching Narc being the breaking point for me.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Seen all of Sean's thus far but only 8 of Raul's, liked all of those (thus far I'd have the average ratings as Sean - 7.9, Raul - 8.3) so looking forward to seeing what comes next.

By the way, as it's a shared thread it might be nicer to present the overviews/indexes in the OP side-by-side (like below) so one doesn't have to look like it might be taking precedence over the other:

Sean's Picks
100. Nanook of the North
99. Battleship Potempkin
98. The Kid
97. Sunrise
96. Metropolis
95. The Thin Man
94. Grand Hotel
93. City Lights
92. M
91. Wizard of Oz

Rauls Picks
100. 1917
99. Shoplifters
98. Florida Project
97. The Ring
96. Witness for the Prosecution
95. Sunrise
94. Elephant Man
93. Her
92. Signs
91. Lost in Translation

I'll give that shot....seems a bit off balanced on the front page but oh well.

You already know this is gonna be a cool countdown when you see both Wayne's World and Bill & Ted in the opening picture.
Agreed but now I'm going to be super disappointed if they don't make both lists.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
No Tommy Boy love?

I think Flight is fine, mostly due to Washington and Goodman being awesome. Think the crash sequence is amazing too. Everything else left a bit to be desired for me.

I had some issues with Flight, but it had a great performance from Denzel and the crash sequence is spectacular. Here's something I wrote back when I first saw it.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I whole heartedly approve of the inclusion of the two Phoenix films, of course. Mildly disappointed at their rank and you've got them in the wrong order , but glad they're here.

I've tried giving a detailed response to this countdown a few times and kept having to abandon my reply because things got in the way, but I'll just say the rest of what I've seen range from "I liked it, but it's not a favorite" to "I absolutely hated it."

Trouble with a capital "T"
You guys are rockin this! I can hardly keep up with my comments

Sean's Picks

95. The Thin Man...I should've loved this, but I did like it. William Powell is one very talented actor and does comedy well, the more I see of him the more I respect his acting abilities.
94. Grand Hotel...Ahh, back when Joan Crawford was a babe! One of the first old films I watched. Good one too. The Barrymore's are great in this.
93. City Lights...I'm with Raul, Chaplin's great, but I didn't care much for this.
92. M...I need to see this again because I feel I missed something.
91. Wizard of Oz...I never seen this a few years ago, so I never had fond memories of it. Still very cool film.

Rauls Picks
93. Her...Originally I didn't buy the way the subject matter was handled but with the explosion of invasive AI tech into our lives, especially by Apple, this film seems more relevant now...It'll probably come true, ugh.
92. Signs...Fun film, I liked it.
91. Lost in Translation...It must be Scarlet in that pink wig that makes this movie so popular. I guess I need to see it again as I don't remember a thing about, except the pink wig.
90 Flight...Don't think I've seen it, but it sounds like something I might really like. Hopefully one day I'll catch it.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

I consider myself a pretty big Miyazaki fan and this is one of those films again where I can just feel the passion and dedication from the director. Airplanes have fascinated me more lately in my life for whatever reason so I think that has made this movie even cooler for me recently. And it has some cool animation styles and sequences too. This continues it's trend up as a favorite.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

It's raul and sean!
Swansie! Get in here and talk some movies.

*autocorrect totally changed Swansie to Swan die. Glad I was paying attention for once in my life.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

Yes, I love a PTA film. This is my best from him. Great story all around, super powerful performances, and looks really great. With an excellent score too. One of those films that you just can't wait to watch again after awhile of not seeing it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

I will have plenty of Noir. Crime drama in general is just my jam. I guess deep down I want to be a bad boy. Lancaster is an actor who has grown on me with time. Have watched this a couple times so far, and it's just extremely compelling and looks great.

Hitchcock, single take (kind of), single location, Jimmy Stewart. Checks a lot of boxes for me. Great thriller.

The more I see it, the more I love it. No one does shadows like Welles. Universal story of power. Cotton playing off Welles. Perfection.

Speaking of actors that have grown on me. Davis has become a favorite in no small part because of this gem. Biting Dialogue. Fantastic.

Welles and Cotton get two together in one day, and it won't be their last collaboration to make my list. Such a cool story, with intrigue, great performances, and an awesome ending. One of the best chase sequences ever. Yes, I even love that score. Probably one of my favorite scores ever actually.

Haven't seen The Little Foxes, but the other three in that bunch are