Mofo Bros Top 100: A Raul and Sean Production

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2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
We all have those movies we love that seem out of character for our taste. Eraserhead is always the one I think of for you.
I would actually agree with that. The one I think of for you is Harold and Maude.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You kind of know how I feel about him, it's pretty much the same but I do have a few that I need to get to yet. Plus, I really like Eraserhead
I swear right as I read this post, I thought about posting what Sean just posted...

We all have those movies we love that seem out of character for our taste. Eraserhead is always the one I think of for you.
Eraserhead & Elephant Man would make my Top 100 and fairly high, otherwise I'm not a big Lynch fan, except for Dune.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I didn't realize you liked Eraserhead too CR.

I really do hate movies like Wild at Heart and I don't get the love for Mulholland. I know there's another I'm missing that I hate too.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The 30's was a little harder to do for me than the 20's. I need to see so much more from both these decades, but I get bogged down watching new stuff and going through directors. Anyway, happy with the five I picked for the list.

Love the sense a humor and rat-a tat dialogue in this. It feels like a precursor to all the fast talking TV comedies we have around now. Just delightful. Sherlock Holmes with alcohol.

Kind of like Thin Man, it feels like a huge influence on things to come. Specifically Altman came to mind while watching it. The overlapping dialogue and large ensemble. Also like Thin Man, just a blast to watch.

Not all my 30's picks are comedies, but close. They also have a ton of heart though, and that just epitomizes Chaplin for me. He's so much fun as the tramp.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I don't know why I didn't think of it till now, but your top 50 can potentially have more from these decades, right?

Don't care for Thin Man. Still never saw Grand Hotel. And City Lights is average to me.

The Elephant Man is pretty good and, along with The Straight Story, the most straightforward film that Lynch might give us (here's my Letterboxd review)

I saw Grand Hotel earlier this year and thought it was a pretty solid (here's my MoFo review)

I think City Lights is the most notable Chaplin I still haven't seen.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I don't know why I didn't think of it till now, but your top 50 can potentially have more from these decades, right?

Don't care for Thin Man. Still never saw Grand Hotel. And City Lights is average to me.
Yes, and it does, but not all.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Rewatched this one very recently. The atmosphere is fantastic. Lots of great still shots that give you the chills. I love the last scene as well.

What can you say, it has to be there. Is there a movie more cemented in the zeitgeist? Somewhere Over The Rainbow still gives me chills. I still laugh at the cowardly lion running straight down the hall and diving through the window. Still think the scarecrow is cool as ice. Still love munchkin land. It's all gold.

Oof, love both M and The Wizard of Oz.

The weird thing about the latter is that, even though I was obviously familiar with the story, it's not a film I grew up with. And still, when I saw it whole for the first time, I was already in my 30s and still was blown away by how good it was. That's how magical it is (For what it's worth, here's what I wrote on Letterboxd when I last rewatched it in 2018)

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

Really like this film, even moreso with a rewatch. How will technology dictate our future? Some may see this as a bit too extreme of an example, but it worked really well. Really like Phoenix in this, and Johannsons voice performance is really good too. Great script.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

I'm either a fan of jumpscares or a fan of Joaquin Phoenix. Or maybe a little of both. Don't let Miss Vicky know. But I love the atmosphere and vibe of this film. I love the buildup to the ending. Gibson is real good in it for me. One of those films that often makes me want to be a part of the film industry myself, even though that will obviously never happen. But I think a good thriller and horror can learn a lot from this one.

I'm either a fan of jumpscares or a fan of Joaquin Phoenix. Or maybe a little of both. Don't let Miss Vicky know. But I love the atmosphere and vibe of this film. I love the buildup to the ending. Gibson is real good in it for me. One of those films that often makes me want to be a part of the film industry myself, even though that will obviously never happen. But I think a good thriller and horror can learn a lot from this one.
Yeah, Signs is a good, heartfelt film. One of my favorite alien films. I also think the backlash over the water reveal is ridiculously overblown.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

Murray and Johannson make a cool combo here. Love the setting. The story is grand for me. The best Coppola family film for me yeah I said it. Now here comes the hate.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Yeah, Signs is a good, heartfelt film. One of my favorite alien films. I also think the backlash over the water reveal is ridiculously overblown.
I completely agree with that obviously. I can see the anger over Lady in the Water and The Village how those two play out. But not Signs. Maybe I should try to see that new Shyamalan film.

Her is a huge blindspot for me. That's another one I need to get on.

I like Signs and Lost in Translation, but I haven't seen either in a good while.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
You couldn’t just stop at best Sofia film? That’s messed up. Translation is a contender for me and I rewatched very recently so I will leave it at that.

Haven’t seen Signs since it was released and I don’t remember it much unfortunately.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
You couldn’t just stop at best Sofia film? That’s messed up. Translation is a contender for me and I rewatched very recently so I will leave it at that.

Haven’t seen Signs since it was released and I don’t remember it much unfortunately.
I mean Apocalypse and Godfather are close, but this is my preferred film. Although Apocalypse is long due for rewatch and thus I couldn't include it in this 100. It's made a previous one of mine before though.

You already know this is gonna be a cool countdown when you see both Wayne's World and Bill & Ted in the opening picture.

My favs from both Bros. ;

97. Sunrise
96. Metropolis
92. M

99. Shoplifters
98. Florida Project
96. Witness for the Prosecution
95. Sunrise
94. Elephant Man
93. Her
91. Lost in Translation

I know it's not a competition but so far Raul's winning..