Game of Thrones: Season 8, The Final Season (spoilers)


Someone on my softball team just got a little female puppy, and she was going to name her Khaleesi, but now she's not sure.

The head gangster's girlfriend in Undercover named her dog Khaleesi.

I haven't had any issue with this season and the condensation effect. Then we are served this episode which seems like it had 20 mins of exposition at best. Really unsatisfying end to all these characters we put work in with. After 5 mins of dragon/fire/torture porn, I'm good. Wait, not enough money for direwolf cgi? And Greyworm stink eye'ing Jaegon. Please. You'll end up losing another body part there buddy.

I tuned in for GoT and got a natural disaster movie.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
In 4 episodes we got 3 Big Baddies, The Night King, Cersei and now Danny and I'm sure they'll all be "dealt" with in these episodes as well. Too much too fast for me.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

We've gone on holiday by mistake
In 4 episodes we got 3 Big Baddies, The Night King, Cersei and now Danny and I'm sure they'll all be "dealt" with in these episodes as well. Too much too fast for me.
This season has really missed the in between talking and plot developing episodes, a little more time for Dany to go mad, more scenes between Jon and Dany, they reunite after battle of WF, embrace even, no its straight to funeral and sitting awkwardly at the feast. Episode 5 consoling her about Rhaegal, Missandei but no its just a repeat of "I love you", "I don't want it", "you are my queen". Their romance was great and believable in s7, but not at all now. Jon has been some kind of unimportant passenger so far. Maybe episode 6 will be his episode.

Seasons used to be like slow burn Hollywood movies, lots of dialogue leading up to an event or 2, now they are like Kung Fu movies, all action and no time for dialogue.

The acting, spectacle, music all phenomenal, the writing, logistics and long term planning woeful.

You ready? You look ready.
Just know that I was bitching about this season at episode 1, and now everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. Trendsetter!
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I bitched back when Ned Stark died .

I am still enjoying the season, I just think it could have been done at a much better pace. I do not have a problem with how everything is playing out, but dam I wish they brought it all together in a better way.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

All The reactor's thought in episode 4 were saying burn them all Danny. When she does it in episode 5. Its no no stop why are they ruining her character. It was ok when she Burned Sams dad and brother and forced unarmed men to bend the knee by threat of death. People have forgotten this show had the Red Wedding and Martin said liked to write about Good and Bad in people. To where Good does bad terrible things or Bad people do good things. In the end we choose to be good or Bad.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
If they did 10 episodes they could really take their time and make Dany's turn a lot more believable,

Ep-1 same as what we got, introductions, reunions etc
Ep 2-4 preparation for the Great War, can cover it in more detail, Last Hearth takeover, bit more from Bran, Bit more time on Jon's heritage and Dany's reaction, Theon and Yara can take more time, Meilssandre back east?? Start to really lay the foundation of Dany's turn.

Would be nice to get a very brief scene or 2 letting us know what's happening in the other 6 kingdoms, not inc the North or KL, which Westeros has been reduced to. I know this is primarily a Stark/Lannister/Targaryen story and that's what we're getting but nothing from the rest of Westeros is plain odd.

Ep 5 Battle of Winterfell, feature length

Ep 6 Aftermath of epic battle, characters talk to each other about it, what's the reaction to Arya killing NK??, Jon and Dany console each other.

Ep 7-8 The journey south, lets see the other 6 kingdoms come back in, major drama between Jon and Dany as the other Kingdoms learn about Jon. Believable way for Rhaegal to get taken down. Arya and Hound on the road again, could we just have had a little of Arya/Hound dammit. Skirmishes vs Lannisters/GC as they approach KL. What's Bran and Sansa up to? Sam? Loads more time for Varys scheming.

The finale 9-10, or what we're getting for 5-6. Except not rushed.

I've been bitching about this show since S5 when they butchered Stannis and Dorne......Can't believe it's taken 4 seasons for people to see what hacks D&D are...

They really needed more than 6 episodes and HBO OFFERED to give them as many episodes as they needed and they said no we're fine with 6. They're blazing through this so they can go onto SW, but it'd be funny if after seeing them butcher this Disney says "Nah we're gonna find new guys" XD

I can say that regardless of the hows and whys nothing surprising happened this last episode. The closest would be the Euron/Jamie fight which was a little surprising but only because it was out of left field but it really did not make much of a difference. One could say that it delayed Jamie enough so he and Cersi did not escape in time so in the end he killed them both. At least I think he did, they would not somehow have them survive and dig themselves out of the rubble I hope?

I do not have a problem with how they died - sure something more long and drawn out and tortuous would have been cool, but think about it, it was long and drawn out for Cersi. Sure not in a physical sense, but she watched everything she cared something about be destroyed and burned as she could do nothing but watch it all go up in flames. Then later came the realization she was going to die with her baby and her twin brother, the only two living things she had left that she loved. Pretty horrifying to me, which is what she deserved.

Well Disney could panic a little if Game Of Thrones ends in Last Jedi type revolt which could make Disney drag there heels. David and Dan could be responsible for Johnson getting a call back. Im not sure why Disney dont give Claudia Grey or Timothy Zahn a shot at writing a new trilogy least they know there Star Wars stuff.

Ep 2-4 preparation for the Great War, can cover it in more detail, Last Hearth takeover, bit more from Bran,
Oh hell no. He's the worst character on the show. The less screen time he's given, the better.

What an excellent day for an exorcism
I'm curious if any members here had developed theories well before episode 5, strictly from in-film signs that Dany was heading towards becoming a murdering mad Targaryen? And what were the in-film signs that led you to believe she was heading that direction?

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I'm curious if any members here had developed theories well before episode 5, strictly from in-film signs that Dany was heading towards becoming a murdering mad Targaryen? And what were the in-film signs that led you to believe she was heading that direction?
Nope not a clue.

The fact that her first instinct was to murder people when they tried to stop her, even if she mostly got talked out of it, kinda tipped me off.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Pretty much any scene with Dany? I know I'm not going to get any of these names or terms right, but hopefully you get what I'm pointing to.
  • Like commented earlier, she seemed eerily captivated watching her brother burn.
  • Hell, in one of her first scenes (I think?) she walked so calm into the tub water that was hot enough to burn her servant. I'm not saying that specifically nodded to her mad queen potential but she played it off like it was nothing. I felt something was brooding in her at that point.
  • She burned the entire Dathraki warlord group when she knocked over the oil and coal lamps.
  • She used her baby dragons to burn alive the warlock in the House of the Undying for stealing her dragons.
  • She locked one of the leaders of Qarth, Daxos, in his vault for misleading her, effectively sentencing him and her servant to death.
  • She burned the slave master of the unsullied.
  • Didn't she CRUCIFY the slave masters of Mereen? She mostly created a civil war there, I think. Been a while though so memories may not be right.
  • She banished Ser Jorah, seemingly not having much capacity to empathize or even consider that people can change or should be forgiven. She's slow to forgive at best.
  • She burned Sam's father and brother just becuse they wouldn't kneel to her. Well, not JUST because, but still they were POWs lol. Seems like she's quick to want to burn people though.

She has a history of being a spiteful lil missy, IMO.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Pretty much any scene with Dany? I know I'm not going to get any of these names or terms right, but hopefully you get what I'm pointing to.
  • Like commented earlier, she seemed eerily captivated watching her brother burn.
  • Hell, in one of her first scenes (I think?) she walked so calm into the tub water that was hot enough to burn her servant. I'm not saying that specifically nodded to her mad queen potential but she played it off like it was nothing. I felt something was brooding in her at that point.
  • She burned the entire Dathraki warlord group when she knocked over the oil and coal lamps.
  • She used her baby dragons to burn alive the warlock in the House of the Undying for stealing her dragons.
  • She locked one of the leaders of Qarth, Daxos, in his vault for misleading her, effectively sentencing him and her servant to death.
  • She burned the slave master of the unsullied.
  • Didn't she CRUCIFY the slave masters of Mereen? She mostly created a civil war there, I think. Been a while though so memories may not be right.
  • She banished Ser Jorah, seemingly not having much capacity to empathize or even consider that people can change or should be forgiven. She's slow to forgive at best.
  • She burned Sam's father and brother just becuse they wouldn't kneel to her. Well, not JUST because, but still they were POWs lol. Seems like she's quick to want to burn people though.

She has a history of being a spiteful lil missy, IMO.
That's more about her not being able to be burned, which foreshadows the finale with Drogo's funeral and the eggs hatching.