15th Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
cool, didn't look today, so I wasn't sure.
This is the second HoF in a row where I enjoyed all of them and couldn't pick an easy last place and feel terrible about having one. I almost did a tie for 10th, which I know is a no-no lol
No ties!

It would depend on when it's starting. I'd like to get most of the films watched for the Foreign Language HoF before committing to something else.

Though at just over a week in, I've already got 5 of the films watched, so if it was opening a couple of weeks from now, I'd almost definitely be able to sign up. If it's sooner than that, then I'm not sure.

Trouble with a capital "T"
What is the possibility of people wanting to do a 16th HOF somewhat soon?
I'm swamped with movies to watch for the Foreign Hof right now so it would be best if you could hold off until we get further along in the Foreign Hof, before starting the 16th.

An idea...How about running the Sports Hof now instead? I know Sean was up for that and it might be a smaller Hof and so work out well for the interim.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I just heard from Vamp. She asked for an extension until this Sunday evening, so she can get the last movie watched. So I'll do that of course. I had already told someone else I could extend the deadline for them if necessary.

The new deadline is Sunday 8th, midnight PST.
I have the one to watch and I will do it tonight and then send in my list.

I know it will be a little too late, but over the next week I will try to write something out about each film to prove that I watched them. So even though I know the reveal will happen, I still want to prove to you guys that I did watch all of them.

I really do appreciate the tiny extension. And I do apologize for how I wasn't as involved as I should've been. I know I have said it before but I never thought I would have such little time to myself. And when I do get the time, it seems that I am too tired to do much of anything else.

So before I join another HoF, I will have to see how I can fit this place into my life again. I enjoy coming here or else I wouldn't have been as active as I was. Who commits to a countdown like I did unless that person enjoys being here?! So I have to figure out how to get myself back into a schedule and start to have time to do the more enjoyable things in my life (i.e. MoFo).

Now I am off to watch Shallow Grave.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
By the way, I couldn't sign in through my phone. I didn't want to go on here at work and tell you that I am still in. So during my break last week I was going to say something and it wouldn't let me sign in at all. Strange.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have the one to watch and I will do it tonight and then send in my list.

I know it will be a little too late, but over the next week I will try to write something out about each film to prove that I watched them. So even though I know the reveal will happen, I still want to prove to you guys that I did watch all of them.
We trust you!...So no worries and please don't feel you have to write alot, if you don't want to. I'm sure even though the Hof will be over, people will still want to read your reviews and respond, I know I look forward to what you write

An idea...How about running the Sports Hof now instead? I know Sean was up for that and it might be a smaller Hof and so work out well for the interim.
My vote...Horror sequel Hall of Fame...a hall of fame of sequels of horror films run from Friday The 13th (April) - Friday the 13th (July)

Because after all that Foreign Hall of Fame is a beast to get through if you are going hold another one it should be something light and refreshing.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I think the foreign would have felt like more of a chore to me so that's why I bowed out.

Not that I don't like foreign, but I'm admittedly not used to watching so much in one shot.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I have the one to watch and I will do it tonight and then send in my list.

I know it will be a little too late, but over the next week I will try to write something out about each film to prove that I watched them. So even though I know the reveal will happen, I still want to prove to you guys that I did watch all of them.

I really do appreciate the tiny extension. And I do apologize for how I wasn't as involved as I should've been. I know I have said it before but I never thought I would have such little time to myself. And when I do get the time, it seems that I am too tired to do much of anything else.

So before I join another HoF, I will have to see how I can fit this place into my life again. I enjoy coming here or else I wouldn't have been as active as I was. Who commits to a countdown like I did unless that person enjoys being here?! So I have to figure out how to get myself back into a schedule and start to have time to do the more enjoyable things in my life (i.e. MoFo).

Now I am off to watch Shallow Grave.
We trust you!...So no worries and please don't feel you have to write alot, if you don't want to. I'm sure even though the Hof will be over, people will still want to read your reviews and respond, I know I look forward to what you write
like CR says, a few words is quite ample and a pleasure to read and I completely understand how life,work, etc can easily overwhelm - especially when you go through major changes in your life. Everything gets re-juggled and that takes time and a lot of trial and error to find a workable groove all over again.

Do what you need to do, to take care of you.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Do we have an ETA for an unveil @Citizen Rules ?
Good question, I wish I had a good answer I have a full work day today. Maybe, I will have time late tonight or if not on Tuesday. Vamp did send in her list So everything is good to go.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Cool, are you going go to be around for today? I like to have at least one more member online before I start. I have a day off today so I can do it anytime.