Make your confession to your fellow MoFos


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
That makes two of us. I even watched the Ewok TV movies as a kid.

I watched the Ewoks movies too. I still have them on VHS, and I even have a working VCR to watch them.

Did you watch the cartoon? I've seen a few episodes of the "Ewoks" and "Driods" cartoons, but not the whole series of either.

I'm someone who just likes Star Wars in general, no preferences over what movie trilogy is better, except that I like the first cartoon version of General Grievous, the ruthless, Lightsabre-wielding cyborg who was the Star Wars version of The Terminator: relentless and nigh-unstoppable.

The ripe apple falls.
While being awkwardly new to this forum; awkward because no one I know in my closer environment has seen as many movies as I have (granted some of them just don't remember movies they've seen), I now know I haven't seen nearly enough of them. Most ashamed to admit I've never seen Ben Hur, nor Schindler's List. Which will be remedied this weekend to redeem myself. I stand humbled before you all.
Never was the king's council so unified.

While being awkwardly new to this forum; awkward because no one I know in my closer environment has seen as many movies as I have (granted some of them just don't remember movies they've seen), I now know I haven't seen nearly enough of them. Most ashamed to admit I've never seen Ben Hur, nor Schindler's List. Which will be remedied this weekend to redeem myself. I stand humbled before you all.
I must admit I too haven't seen Ben Hur or Schindler's List.

The ripe apple falls.
I confess to being a little disappointed in Star Wars: Force Awakens. Please dont get me wrong, it was an art piece compared to episodes I & II, and it was better than Return Of The Jedi. I guess my expectations were too high. It did seem predictable, and the main villain unmasked looking like .....well not like a jedi knight. Just extremely disappointed in "Kylo Ren", thats a stupidassed name too, its supposed to be Darth "something", meh!

^^^ THIS is whats supposed to compare to Darth Vader and Maul?!

I think the true judge of this reboot will be Rogue One, and yes I still think itll be great.
Didn't particularly enjoy Force either. In lieu of the series it wasn't bad, probably good, but I didn't enjoy it in the sense of a movie in general. Way I feel about Ford is that he's from a different generation, and while I enjoyed many of his movies, he doesn't really sit well with me in movies more recent. And I as well had massive expectations, so won't hold that against it.
Aside of that, when our dear Kylo Ren took off his mask, it seemed as if he (even in behavior) transformed from a badass village slayer and a bit of a mystery to a pubescent brat.
But, as I've no idea what's to come next, and as I've always been a fair fan of the series, I hope they've presented him this way for a reason, so that he may yet be sculpted into a villain as vicious as his predecessor. However, the movie provoked a fair amount of laughs. Such as BB-8's thumbs up. Nailed that. And seeing a few from the (now actually) old gang inspired the proper sentiment.

And despite my remarks, I realise it isn't easy to introduce one of the most spoken- of titles from an older generation to a young one, as well as continuing the story for the veteran fans at the same time.

I've got my hopes up again for Rogue One, despite my mixed feelings regarding Whitaker, and Jones having a bit of a ... dare I say it... Mockingjay/ Lawrence vibe to her, I still believe they will deliver, the actors, as much as Rogue One itself.
And if not, we will still watch them all.

The ripe apple falls.
I must admit I too haven't seen Ben Hur or Schindler's List.
I'm relieved I'm not alone. There's just not enough time to watch all (potentially) great movies. And I'm pretty sure many people watch a combination of movies ànd series, making it all the more time consuming. I do however feel I must watch more of the classics, such as those two.

Then again, I have had colleagues who asked in response to the mentioning of it, whether Shakespeare was a good band, so I'm not too worried.

I must admit I too haven't seen Ben Hur or Schindler's List.
I'm relieved I'm not alone. There's just not enough time to watch all (potentially) great movies.
Ben-Hur is not a great movie. Get Schindler's List watched.

Confession: when I was little I had a phobia of bugs. I still have remnants of it.

Also - I cannot stand the sound or feel of styrofoam being rubbed together, or cardboard for that matter, or styrofoam rubbing on cardboard.

Neither have I.

You're not missing anything.

Watch Rear Window and North by Northwest.

You're really not missing anything.
Where is this Dr. Strangelove hate coming from? It is hilarious.

My confession is that I don't like E.T. I have been shamed for this my entire life.