The MoFo Top 100 Animated Films - The Countdown

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I didn't hate PMMM like Raul, but certainly didn't love it either. Didn't come close to making my list.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I don't know if Guap likes Millennium Actress, but I'm pretty sure he's happy PMMM made it. Me too since I really liked it.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Lord High Filmquisitor
Madoka is my third favorite anime series (and I put it #9 for the TV list). I have never seen any of the films, but it's incredibly reassuring that they're well received (at least around here).

I haven't seen Milennium Actress, but added it to my watchlist after seeing the ridiculously awesome Perfect Blue.
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Arcanis' 100 Favorite Films: 2015 Edition

Millennium Actress was my #2. It's one of my favorite films of all time. Here's what I wrote about it in my Top 101 thread:

There's one more animated film coming up after this one and most people will probably know which one it is. I'll tell you about that movie when the time is there, but let me just get this on the record first: IF there's ever an animated film that can become my favorite animated film of all time instead of that one, it's definitely Millennium Actress! My first viewing of it (a year ago, I think) was simply one of the richest (animated) motion picture experiences I've ever had. The story is emotionally extremely resonant, the storytelling is refreshingly original and the visuals are simply FANTASTIC! The film touches on many truths about life and love, but it's how it presents those truths that makes it truly a spectacular and extremely effective piece of cinema!

The story seems quite simple at first. A TV interviewer and his cameraman visit a former famous actress who has kind of lived as a recluse for 30 years. The TV interviewer is a really big fan of hers and is really excited, while the cameraman is much more relaxed about it. Nothing prepares us yet for the sheer blast of originality that will come our way. The interview starts and suddenly Satoshi Kon makes one of the boldest and most refreshing moves I've ever seen. Instead of simply telling the actress' life story through flash backs, he uses the style and environment of the movies she has played in during her career to give us an insightful and wonderfully poetic look inside the soul of the actress. We're not merely getting an enumeration of facts, but in a surreal way, we're experiencing what she's going through psychologically.
We witness her quest for a man that gave her a strange key when she was young. She believes that he will give it all meaning and that he'll be able to bring it all together. She believes that finding him will finally bring her happiness and peace of mind...

Even if you're not into anime, you just have to check this film out. It's unlike anything I've ever seen before or since. The movie breathes love for the film medium, it breathes love for cinematic history and it's all the more fascinating, because this genuine love and passion is partnered with incredible animation, very skillful directing and a truly profound and existentially satisfying script. The creative genius behind this film, Satoshi Kon, has sadly died in 2010 at the young age of 46. He made a few other praised animated films, but for me, this one is his masterpiece.
Also, if you're interested in Satoshi Kon's work. Here's a cool video from my favorite Youtube Channel about the editing in his films:

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Where is the Gong! when you need it?

And here is the first entry in my list, though I don't remember which position (I'll ask Vicky later to send it back to me). Millennium Actress is a rare animated biopic that brings a multi-layered narrative with Kon's usual mix of real and surreal, to convey a touching drama about a woman who devoted her entire life to chase an illusion, and made that the whole meaning of her existence. The absolute devotion it reflects for the movie industry and growth, the main source of its non-linear narrative, shouldn't be missed either. This is a wonderfully romantic movie that I'm sure many here will enjoy while they see a part of themselves reflected on the screen.

The Madoka Magica movie isn't much less wonderful. It ended up missing my list, but I'm quite fond of it nonetheless; I consider it the best standalone entry in the PMMM franchise. Of course, this comes from somebody who loved the series and this movie is nothing more or less than 4-5 episodes wrapped together with minor differences, but this was the part that I enjoyed the most when I watched the TV version, and seeing it again was a powerful experience, it even served me to appreciate some aspects I hadn't taken too much into consideration before (the conversation the mother and the teacher have, that is probably my favorite scene in the whole PMMM story) and helped me to understand aspects that maybe due to the overload of events I didn't fully assimilate in my first viewing. Its merit as a standalone movie is difficult to set but it's a really moving and absorbing experience by itself.

I'll comment on the other entries of this list later.

Edit.- That was fast, Vicky It seems Millennium Actress was my #16.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I haven't seen any Madoka Magica movie or tv series, seems like there are some very divided opinions about it on here. I'm yet to be convinced that it's worth the investment of time to watch it.

Millennium Actress was #23 on my list, a late addition. It's the only Satoshi Kon film on my list, it's certainly the best of his that I've seen. I liked the blurring of the lines between past and present and fiction and fact and film, all the film references and what it has to say about memory.

Lord High Filmquisitor
I haven't seen any Madoka Magica movie or tv series, seems like there are some very divided opinions about it on here. I'm yet to be convinced that it's worth the investment of time to watch it.
Time is actually something that's in its favor. It's only 12 episodes long; I've been known to watch the series back-to-back because of its brevity.

When I show it to people, I ask them to only indulge me for three episodes. I figure after those episodes, if they're not hooked, they probably won't like the rest. And so far, nobody that I've shown it to has stopped after three.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I've only had one show thus far (Shrek 2), but at minimum 18 more will be making it. 2 others are longshots but I'll keep my fingers crossed. Toaster has been announced as a near miss, and 3 others have no shot unfortunately.

I only had 16 of my choices make the cut, which seems to be about on par for all the other MoFo lists I've participated in.

The Brave Little Weeman Returns!
I'm still sceptical about how good this PMMM actually is. Of course, I have to give it a chance and actually watch it before I can say I like/dislike it, however, I'm really not sure if it's my kind of film.

I haven't seen Millennium Actress, but it was on my watchlist, so I should get round to it sooner or later, considering the glowing reviews it gets around here.
"This aggression will not stand, man" -The Big Lebowski


I haven't seen either but Millennium Actress was on my watch list, it was one of the few that I couldn't watch in time. I added it after I saw Perfect Blue as well.

I've heard really good things about it so I'm pretty surprised it came out at this number, I thought it would at least make it to #30
.Royal purple is noblest shroud.
Theodora Empress of the Byzantine Empire

Gekijou-ban Mahou Shoujo Madoka*Magica: Kouhen Eien no monogatari boanndlofn flkgfjdsjs jfj d....

You better learn it and learn it fast. It's going to be the official language of Movie Forums starting next year. Everyone's posts are gonna be in that gobbledygook language.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Missed the last couple of entries. Corpse Bride was on my list. I love the worlds Burton creates and I wish he would do more animation. It's a good fit for him. I thought it was whimsical, funny and a little bit darker than Nightmare Before Christmas Nothing compares to that movie though.

Glad to see Millennium Actress make it. I didn't have room for it and was hoping others were going to vote for it.

I never liked Hercules much.

Everyone's posts are gonna be in that gobbledygook language.
You mean Japanese?

Or more specifically Romaji - which is Japanese words spelled with Roman letters.