The Mofo Top 100 Television Shows


Just here for the free donuts
I love Curb and can't believe I left it off my list. Actually, looking back at my list, I think I may have been high or something when I made it...some questionable choices. I've not watched much Northern Exposure but I think that is another one I will be seeking out. I remember it being on when I was young. Looks like I was 10 when it ended so I don't think I was quite in their demographic.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
68. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009 - )

Theme Song

Quote: Alchemy: the science of understanding, deconstructing, and reconstructing matter. However, it is not an all-powerful art; it is impossible to create something out of nothing. If one wishes to obtain something, something of equal value must be given. This is the Law of Equivalent Exchange, the basis of all alchemy. In accordance with this law, there is a taboo among alchemists: human transmutation is strictly forbidden - for what could equal the value of a human soul...? ~ Narrator

An animated series based on the manga of the same name. It is the second series to follow the manga, but follows the events more closely than its predecessor did.

Villains: Some of the series villains are named after the seven deadly sins.

Points: 62

Placements : 1 3rd, 1 11th, 1 2nd

67. Sons of Anarchy ( 2008- )

Theme Song

Quote: I keep asking for way more than the patch requires and never once have any of you hesitated or had a blink of doubt. ~ Jax

Drama series about an outlaw biker gang.

Prequel: There is talk about having a prequel which would be set in the 1960s

Fun Fact: The show is loosely based on Hamlet.

Original title: Forever Jim Crow

Not so tough guy: Ron Perlman was scared of his Harley at first.

Points: 62

Placements: 2 5th, 1 22nd, 1 10th

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I watched the first season and a half of S.O.A. I liked the idea they were going for originally. Then I think they figured out people were only watching because they thought biker gangs were cool, and them doing crimes is even cooler. I don't so I stopped watching.

I saw the first three seasons and the first few episodes of the fourth. Then it all got moved about in the schedules (and changed channels) and I didn't get back to it. I liked it, but I do agree with sean that after a season or so it changed. The third season was nearly enough to lose me.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I really liked the first two seasons of SOA, but for no particular reason, I stopped watching after that.

Only two from my list so far, however I'm predicting most of mine will be revealed a bit later on.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I've seen one episode of SoA. It didn't look like my thing.

I love Fullmetal Alchemist. I've seen a lot more of the first one than Brotherhood though.

I had Sons of Anarchy at 5. It's interesting that the Third season is were it nearly lost you HK, because i've watched every episode including Tuesdays; Season 7 episode and 3 is by far the weakest imo.

I think a combination of Sutters gritty storytelling through The Shield, and playing GTA as a kid made this an all time favourite for me. If anyone wants to discuss their problems with the show i'd be happy to, but i feel that any discussion of the show from season 4 onwards here would discourage people from watching it. So a PM or Profile Comment would work more imo.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Sons of Anarchy Soundtrack, alot of it is performed by Katey Segal (Gemma/Kurt Sutters wife) and other cast members:

Is that different from the theme song I used? I didn't listen to it. (mine, I mean)

I had Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood at 3rd place though I think that it was a bit too high in hindsight, since I don't even have it in my top TV series list and there are several series I like more than it. Still, it's certainly a great series and the best shounen action show I ever watched, I almost cried at the end as well, which is very rare for me. Great stuff and I think it's a good introduction into the medium as well, given it's very accessible and works both in terms of drama and as entertaining action comedy.

Two from my list so far: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Cowboy Bebop, two anime series. The English language TV shows will come up later and the Brazilian shows I included will obviously not show up (in fact I should have given it 1 point so it would show up on the one pointers). Though I am afraid for a couple of my English language picks now, considering they are not terribly popular.

I love Fullmetal Alchemist. I've seen a lot more of the first one than Brotherhood though.
I noticed you thrown around the world "love" a lot. Did you include Fullmetal Alchemist into your top 25 list?

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I noticed you thrown around the world "love" a lot. Did you include Fullmetal Alchemist into your top 25 list?
I'm not sure of your objective by pointing that out. It's the way I speak and I type the way I talk. I'm not a very contained person, I get excited by small things and it's an ingrained part of my personality so, yes, it's going to be a word I use a lot. There are worse words to throw around, I guess.

No, it wasn't on my list. I ended up leaving off a lot of shows that I am not currently watching just because I simply didn't think of them at the time. Turns out they would have been wasted votes anyway, so I'm not that upset by it. I would have been the only one to vote for five of the seven I accidentally left off.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Sons of Anarchy was one of the first shows I watched when I got Netflix. I hated it.

Put it this way - If SOA had been made in Britain it would star Ross Kemp. Ultimate Force for #1!
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Sons of Anarchy was one of the first shows I watched when I got Netflix. I hated it.

Put it this way - If SOA had been made in Britain it would star Ross Kemp. Ultimate Force for #1!

Not seen Alchemy.
My brother really likes SoA , but not seen it myself

I was interested in watching Sons of Anarchy when it started but I never got around to it.

I never heard of the other one.

My list 0/34
Seen 3/34
Heard of 17/34