The MoFo Top 100 of the 1970s: Countdown

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"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Just enjoying it while it lasts. I regret putting Taxi Driver at #3 because it will end up at #2. The Godfather will be first, and next up will be Jaws.

Star Wars was my number 9. I personally prefer Empire Strikes Back, as a kid i loved all Star Wars movies but as i've got older and rewatched them i think the first two were the only actually great movies. Quite surprised that it's below Jaws to be honest. I don't think there's much point in witholding the rest of my list anymore as all of the top three made my list and most people here could probably guess the order.

So this was my list:

1.Taxi Driver (Still to Come)
2.The Exorcist (12)
3.A Clockwork Orange (7)
4.Eraserhead (26)
5.The Godfather (Still to Come)
6.The Godfather Part 2 (10)
7.Apocalypse Now (9)
8.One Flew Over the Cukoos Nest (8)
9.Star Wars (4)
10.The Jerk (54)
11.Chinatown (6)
12.Paper Moon (74)
13.Dog Day Afternoon (28)
14.Aguirre, the Wrath of God (21)
15.Five Easy Pieces (53)
16.Enter The Dragon (24)
17.Get Carter (101-130)
18.Manhattan (52)
19.The Outlaw Josey Wales (49)
20.Little Big Man (61)
21.Mean Streets (77)
22.The Bad News Bears (didn't make it)
23.Jaws (still to come)
24.Close Encounters of the Third Kind (14)
25.Watership Down (didn't make it)

Hey, where are the stats for Star Wars?

I think I might have had the same idea as Deadite as I also shuffled it down toward the bottom of my list, at #23. I even considered not putting it on my list, but then I fought against my souring of the Star Wars universe due to the crap George shoveled on us with those horrible prequels, and decided I couldn't leave it off entirely. After all, it's the only film in the countdown I've seen more than once in the theatre (once as a kid during its original release and again in the mid 90s), and I've certainly seen it numerous times over the years. I still get giddy over much of it, even though I've never been the fanatical fan many others were, even when I was a kid. (Though of course I owned several action figures and still have a collection of trading cards.)

My list:

2. A Clockwork Orange (#7)
3. Life of Brian (#41)
4. Chinatown (#6)
5. Manhattan (#52)
6. The Outlaw Josey Wales (#49)
7. The Jerk (#54)
8. The Omen (#99)
10. The Godfather II (#10)
11. Dirty Harry (#34)
12. Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (X)
13. The Conversation (#18)
14. The French Connection (#31)
15. Young Frankenstein (#15)
16. Enter the Dragon (#24)
17. Frenzy (#121)
18. McCabe & Mrs. Miller (#22)
19. Harold and Maude (#27)
20. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (#8)
21. The Friends of Eddie Coyle (X)
22. Network (#32)
23. Star Wars (#4)
24. Being There (#98)
25. Little Big Man (#61)
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Star Wars deserves to be up here. It's appeal to a whole generation was amazing. Didn't it spawn the whole film related merchandise phenomenon as we know it today? I certainly remember my eldest son playing with an older friends Star Wars figures back in the 80s.

Wasn't on my list tho, but I feel the love

Just enjoying it while it lasts. I regret putting Taxi Driver at #3 because it will end up at #2. The Godfather will be first, and next up will be Jaws.

Seriously though Taxi Driver better win this now. I think i'm the only one thats been saying that it'll win from the start ,

Hey, where are the stats for Star Wars?
Whoopsie! Edited. Forgot to put the chart in. Thanks.

BTW, as these charts get smaller and perhaps more difficult to read in the body of the post, click on the thumbnail at the bottom of each one, and that will launch it in a window of its own, at a much larger size.


Star Wars was #9 for me. You know, I feel I always had trouble really appreciating the original trilogy (despite having phases where I was really into them) until recently, and you know why? I had always been watching the CGI crapfest "special editions". I recently rewatched the entire trilogy in their original glory, and it was freaking beautiful. They felt more timeless than the "special" editions. It was a fantastic viewing experience.

I know most prefer Empire to this one, but I like the first just as much. I feel it's better "paced" and introduces all the characters beautifully.

But yeah, love that Star Wars.

My list:

1. Alien
2. Fantastic Planet
3. Halloween
4. 3 Women
5. Harold and Maude
6. Stalker
7. The Holy Mountain
8. Aguirre, the Wrath of God
9. Star Wars
10. Cries & Whispers
11. The Conversation
12. Autumn Sonata
13. A Clockwork Orange
14. Eraserhead
15. The Tenant
16. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
17. The Long Goodbye
18. That Obscure Object of Desire
20. Nosferatu the Vampyre
21. F for Fake
22. The Mirror
24. Suspiria
25. The Wicker Man

Seriously though Taxi Driver better win this now. I think i'm the only one thats been saying that it'll win from the start ,
Honestly, I'm just glad it's in the top 3. I can't see it winning it all as it's the most divisive film left, by a long shot.

I suppose though that now I should be content whichever film wins. Can't argue against any of those three.

Honestly, I'm just glad it's in the top 3. I can't see it winning it all as it's the most divisive film left, by a long shot.

I suppose though that now I should be content whichever film wins. Can't argue against any of those three.
Agreed. Top 3 works for me. Though, here's hoping it wins.

My 70s #1, and genuinely believe it deserves to win this thing. sometimes it seems to admit one loves Star Wars is to admit being a geek who goes to sci-fi conventions, dresses up as a jedi, and beats off to lightsaber fights. I've never done any of those things. I just love this movie, along with a variety of other interests. Not that this is the reason it's great, yet this movie made the biggest impact on culture of any movie, regardless of decade, in my opinion. Other movies have made movie history since, such as Pulp Fiction, Titanic, The Lord of the Rings, & Avatar. But Star Wars is even bigger than that. It is NEWS when a Star Wars movie comes out, it's movie news when any other one does. Remembering the first time i saw this movie, i wasn't *that* young. I caught it on TV one saturday morning at home alone, in probably 2001 or so when i was 14 years old. This was before i even considered myself a fan of movies, and i still remember that viewing bc i sensed a power in this film. Maybe that viewing planted the first seed of what would become my love for moviewatching.

To be honest, i love talking about Star Wars, i love reading about Star Wars, and i love looking at pictures of Star Wars, especially Ralph McQuarrie's concept art. I think he was a genius and an extremely talented artist who was one of the MAJOR reasons the Original movies were so fun and good

The more i watch movies, the more i simply want them to be fun. That's just my personality, i guess. And the original Star Wars is the perfect example of this. For those interested, i highly recommend watching some documentaries on the making of the 1977 original Star Wars film. You will get a taste of just how big and unexpected this movie's success was... really just a small independent sci-fi film that became the biggest movie ever. Some may hate it for that success, with all the merchandise, mainstream popularity, and the titanic franchise it has become. To me though, that doesn't mean it didn't start from a place of magic. I can understand a disdain for what it has become on some level, yet i cannot understand not appreciating what it was at first. Find the original to be pure movie magic, can't wait to see the original cast back in Star Wars VII, and it would be really easy to call this my #1 favorite movie ever. I just happen to like a Nightmare on Elm Street and The Shining even more. I may not be a total freak who dresses up like a Star Wars character, but i did buy this t-shirt several months back, which i'll definitely wear to the theater for all the future Star Wars flicks

2) Halloween
3) a Clockwork Orange
4) the Exorcist
5) the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
7) Alien
9) Chinatown
11) Enter the Dragon
12) Serpico
13) Superman
16) Aguirre, Wrath of God
17) Apocalypse Now
18) Suspiria
19) Dawn of the Dead
20) Close Encounters of the Third Kind
22) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
23) American Graffiti
24) the Godfather Pt II
25) Grease

I saw all 3 of the original trilogy at the movies several times and loved all of them. It's been too long since I've seen Star Wars so I didn't vote for it. I don't think it would've quite made my list, but I probably should've watched it again. Great movie.

Star Wars didn't make my list, but it probably should have and if it would it would have been in the bottom five, probably. There is no doubting that it is a great and important film, fully deserving of such a high place.

When I was a kid I used to spend a lot of time watching James Bond, Indiana Jones and Star Wars, I loved all the franchises. They were fun and I would watch them over and over again on video.

Star Wars is just a whole lot of fun, I love the blocky sci-fi design and practical affects, there is an authentic feel about it that was not replicated in the prequels. The characters are great fun, Han Solo was always incredibly cool and I always loved the Millennium Falcon for some reason. I remember collecting a lot of Lego and I think I still have my Millennium Falcon model hanging around somewhere.

I have not seen the film in its entirety for a while, but having watched quite a bit of both fairly recently, I would probably say that the first is the strongest of the series. The second has more set pieces and lots of iconic parts: Yoda, the twist, etc. but I love the whole escape story of the first film as Luke begins to realise his powers, I really like Alec Guiness as Obi-Wan too.

A system of cells interlinked
Ah, my childhood obsession has arrived. I had Star Wars at #6 on my list. I will always fondly recall my boyhood days of my friends and I running around, pretending we were in this ship or that ship, having schoolyard dogfights with visions of lasers in our heads. Alas, the child is grown, the dream has faded. I still like Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back a whole hell of a lot, with Star Wars probably being my favorite due to pacing and fun factor.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Star Wars is great. I don't think I ever considered it for my list, but you knew it'd be top 5 from the outset. Empire's obviously better (yes it is) but I can barely remember not having seen Star Wars.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I have a long, rich history with Star Wars. I was seven-years-old in 1977, when Star Wars became an instant phenomenon. No more so than in my house. Between my brother and I, we had two of every action figure, and at least one of all of the vehicles and sets. Truly. Every. But the toys were only one manifestation of our full on obsession. Posters, books, records, comics, trading cards, stickers, notebooks, coloring books, lunchboxes, thermoses, games, Shrinky-Dinks, bed sheets, towels, drinking glasses, cereal, tooth brushes, tooth paste, Dixie cups, night lites, every manner of clothing from hats and shirts on down to Underoos and shoelaces, a watch, a necklace, shampoo, popsicles…literally whatever you could slap the logo or characters on, we damn well had it. Star Wars in many ways quite literally took over my life.

Between the initial summer ’77 release and the various re-releases up until and even after Empire’s release in the summer of 1980, I saw Star Wars in the theater nearly thirty times. My Dad loved it just as much as we did, so he was always game to take us, and we were always game to go. This was pre-VHS or cable, at least in my neighborhood, and unlike other blockbusters of the day, Star Wars was not aired on television in a timely manner. Close Encounters and Jaws and Rocky and Smokey and the Bandit you could see on ABC as the Sunday Night Movie...but not Star Wars. It was eventually aired on cable TV in the early ‘80s, but even after the VHS market boomed it was not available to rent or own that way until about 1985, as I recall. Panned & scanned, of course. I didn't see it properly on a television screen until the LaserDiscs in the early 1990s.

By the time Return of the Jedi landed in the summer of 1983 and I was thirteen, I was starting to outgrow it, a bit. Still saw Jedi multiple times in the theater, but though I had gotten ALL of the action figures and vehicles when Empire came out (when I was ten), I only picked up a select few for Jedi. By then I was MUCH more obsessed with Raiders of the Lost Ark than Star Wars, but obviously nothing has ever or could ever match the kind of mania, focus, and devotion that the seven-to-eleven-year-old me had with Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back.

That having all been said, the forty-four-year-old me did not include Star Wars on my ballot. Partially because I knew it didn’t need my help, and yes, partially because through attrition the wretched prequels and “Special Editions” have dampened my love, a bit. I still have the original trilogy in its original cuts, via the 1993 “Definitive Collection” LaserDiscs, so I can and do enjoy them from time to time. But honestly, they aren’t that high on my re-watch rotation. There is a long list of films that I watch at least once a year. Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back don’t ALWAYS make the cut.

And Star Wars didn’t make my cut, here. But, you know….it changed my life, Man. And I'm not at all sad nor surprised to see it all the way up at number four.

And for the record, I did also have the gigantic Alien toy, which was a much bigger scale than the Star Wars figures. It used to take the combined forces of the Rebels and the Empire, the Micronauts, as well as gigantic Colonel Steve Austin and Bigfoot, to have ANY chance at defeating the massive xenomorph with the projectile silver chompers. And sometimes, they didn’t.

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I remember Star Wars took forever to hit VHS and TV, too. I saw Empire before I saw Star Wars and I'm not sure I saw it too long before I saw ROTJ. I'm not sure about that. What I do know is that everyone asked every week if the video guy had it and every week he said no. Apparently the waiting list for it was huge.