Movie Tab II


Oh, and Thurman was a lot sexier in this than what I remember of Kill Bill.
That isn't difficult as she looks better in every film than she did in Kill Bill. She looks awful in that.

Also, you really need to dive head first into the old exploitation side of film. You got nudity, sleaze and grime back then because no one was trying to be 'ironic' or any of that crap.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I don't think Alice and Tangled are alike really,
They follow the standard Disney formula. While different fairy tales they are very similar in the way they are executed.

and find both quite enjoyable even though I haven't seen the former in ages. Have you seen Frozen? You probably wouldn't like that either.
I liked Disney movies when I was 2-6. By the time I was 8-9 I started to find them boring, heavy handed and excessively puritanical. I (re-)watched animated Disney movies recently and while I liked a few I found most of them to be rather boring movies with simplistic plots, poorly developed characters and extremely annoying music. For example, in the case of Alice I found Alice to be extremely unrealistic as a child, behaving more like a programmed android in a mechanical search for home rather than as a child who is put under an extremely stressful situation, the way she behaved, spoke and moved (with a complete lack of human mannerisms) did not produce any sense of identification to me as a result I couldn't bring myself to care about her at all besides the fact that her writing may be interesting as an example of the tastes of post-war American society (hence my sociological interest). I also didn't like the way the animation moved: objects appear to lack mass or structure, with character movement reminding me of plastic bags full of water.

I do not plan to watch Frozen after these poor experiences even though I planned too watch it before making my top 100 animated movies list. I just cannot bring myself to like Disney movies in general as they do not appeal to my sensibilities. It's better for me (who dislikes them) and for the people here who love these movies that I don't watch them anymore and review them in this forum. I like Pixar and Dreamworks movies in general I find them fun and entertaining (like How to Train Your Dragon 2), and I also like the movies of Don Bluth and Brad Bird.

Last Caress
Die, Die My Darling
The directors are fond of The Misfits, I'm assuming. Maybe their next project will be called "Astro-Zombies", or "Mommy can I go out and kill tonight?" (which would probably actually work as a title for a giallo).

"Lacking in character development and psychological depth"? American Pop goes through four generations in 90 minutes and they sing songs during a lot of that time. The depth and psychology of the film is in the songs. Alice in Wonderland is pure surrealism. It would defeat its purpose to offer depth - it's total anarchy, which in and of itself is social satire. So you didn't like Alice. Big deal, neither did Walt Disney. Your condescension reeks with stinkness. You just want to make a "sociological observation" that Disney sucks and Miyazaki deserves a suck-off for about the hundredth time. Your posts are the sociological observation. Other than that, awesome comments, Guap. full of great pith.
Don't take it personal. I also made the mistake earlier of taking people's opinions on movies on a personal level but one should notice that tastes are subjective.

I am reading Miazaki's books:

He is very critical of Disney in general. I never actually said that Miyazaki's movies are better than Disney movies, first, because they are completely different movies that aim to be different things and are made for entirely different audiences. I only noticed that after reading those books and watching Disney movies I noticed Miyazaki's observations on these movies make sense to me. He said that Disney movies are technical milestones in animation but suffer from simplistic character development and are lacking in psychological depth and emotional power, he also explains that Disney's movies shows their contempt for their audience. He said that he was inspired to be an animator after watching Japanese, French and Soviet animated movies, which he found superior. I agree with his assessments.

Also, it's true that American Pop also lack's in character development and psychological realism. Overall I never watched an American or European animated film or series with truly good mature writing like Patlabor 2, Texhnolyze or Legend of the Galactic Heroes, for example. I guess people in the west just don't try to adapt novels into animated films or series, the concept of animation as a general medium of storytelling is alien to western animators while I read a definition of anime in an anime series as "a way to tell stories using drawings".

I know that Alice is among your favorite movies and that jal90's also loves Alice and Tangled but I couldn't bring myself to like either of those movies. I just found them boring overall.

It's normal for different people to have different tastes and so you shouldn't be so worked up over the fact that people have different scores for your favorite movies (I didn't have any urge to personally attack you after you rated Tarkovsky's The Mirror and Stalker
, lower than my score for Alice). If you continue to behave in such a way I will add your name into my ignored user list.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
If you continue to behave in such a way I will add your name into my ignored user list.
Am I still on it? I thought it was just me, not a whole list!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Whenever we watch the Lion King my seven year old is always like "turn off this puritanical BS, I like my animation with a little moral ambiguity". I thought he was advanced for his age, but I guess a lot of children think this way.

The Lego Movie* (Phil Lord & Christopher Miller, 2014) -

Edge of Tomorrow (Doug Liman, 2014) –

Enemy* (Denis Villeneuve, 2013) –

The Toxic Avenger (Michael Herz & Lloyd Kaufman, 1984) –

Sleepaway Camp (Robert Hiltzik, 1983) –

The Replacement Killers (Antoine Fuqua, 1998) –
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (Matt Reeves, 2014) –

Scream 2* (Wes Craven, 1997) –

Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead (Lloyd Kaufman, 2006) –

The Breakfast Club* (John Hughes, 1985) –


I actually blind bought this steaming pile of crap. Couldn't finish it.
That's what you get for blind buying a Troma movie before you've seen it.

Done. Now I don't need to be subjected to Mark F idiotic bickering anymore. I should have done so a year ago though.
You put mark f on your ignore list and he's the idiotic one?

That's what you get for blind buying a Troma movie before you've seen it.
Well the title had me intrigued and I couldn't find it to stream on a site I trusted.

Done. Now I don't need to be subjected to Mark F idiotic bickering anymore. I should have done so a year ago though.
What a brave young MoFo
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Done. Now I don't need to be subjected to Mark F idiotic bickering anymore. I should have done so a year ago though.
And you are on my ignore list. Mark F's "idiotic bickering" or "valued opinions" , play a major part in my enjoyment here. At first you were entertaining, but you become more pointless everyday .

It's weird that other Anime fans like Jal, are as pleasant as possible.

Mark Fs: The Front

After 4 powerful writers of "" are put on, behind the scenes moderator, Guaporense infamous ignore list, their writing careers become shattered. Suddenly they're on every moderators ignore lists, and their film reviews are no longer seen. On the other hand small time MoFo, donniedarko is struggling to get by, earning bare minimum rep by day, begging for rep like JayDee. But unlike the "ignore listed" four- Mark F, Daniel M, Harry Lime, and bluedeed- donniedarko posts are still allowed to be seen. So the 4 blacklisted MoFos ask donnie to write their posts for them, acting as a front. Suddenly donnie is making 5 movie tab posts a day, sending in 4 70s lists, and becoming loaded on rep, and website reputation. But donnie is no professional writer- just look at his listed occupation- will all the rep and inside trade of Guaporense run MoFo get to Donnie's head? Will the full ignore list be revealed (better wait for the credits)?

ELLIGIBLE for the 70s list