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The Blues Brothers


Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, James Brown, Cab Calloway View All


Dan Aykroyd (Writer), John Landis (Director), John Landis (Writer) View All

Release: Jun. 17th, 1980
Runtime: 2 hours, 13 minutes
Jake Blues is just out of jail, and teams up with his brother, Elwood on a 'mission from God' to raise funds for the orphanage in which they grew up. The only thing they can do is do what they do best: play music. So they get their old band together, and set out on their way—while getting in a bit of trouble here and there.
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Reviewed by

I guess you could say I have been feeling blue every time this film has been brought up, since I have yet to see it and therefore find it annoying that I will have to exclude myself from the discussion.
The acting on display is wooden, specifically from Aykroyd and the film just felt like an homage to blues and blues legends more than something of its own.
Of course though, what would a movie about blues be without the music.
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