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The Blues Brothers

The Blues Brothers

Hop on the hate train everybody, but I didn't love this film.

Maybe it was the hype, maybe it was how long it took me to see it, maybe it's because I'm not familiar enough with Belushi, but The Blues Brothers did not hold my attention, didn't make me laugh and didn't have me tapping my toes.

It did have me checking my watch, nodding off for a split second and questioning why it's so beloved.

As a musical, it falls short. As a comedy, the laughs are slight chuckles. As a road movie, there was little camaraderie...yes I didn't get the friendship between these two. The acting on display is wooden, specifically from Aykroyd and the film just felt like an homage to blues and blues legends more than something of its own. Maybe years down the road I could appreciate it differently, but right now I'm in the overrated camp. Have a seat next to 2001, Raging Bull and The Master.

That's my hot take...come at me bro.