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Schindler's List
Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes, Caroline Goodall View AllCrew
Steven Spielberg (Director), Steven Zaillian (Screenplay) View All
Release: Nov. 30th, 1993
Runtime: 3 hours, 15 minutes
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Question about the gun that wouldn't fire in Schindler's List (1993)
Basically there is the scene when Goeth wants to execute the rabbi character, and the gun won't fire. Goeth pulls back on the guns bolt and let's it go forward to reload the next shot. Wo...
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Reviewed by

I find the film to be told in almost an entirely fresh way, as the story builds, from a series of brief scenes about people who we don't know at all, into a world of flesh-and-blood characters who are just trying to survive a horrible situation.

In the earlier scene, Schindler speaks with Helen, who slowly reveals the cruelties she has borne and witnessed, including Goeth shooting an elderly Jewish woman for fun.

Gawd knows I've taken pot shots at Spielberg for his big budget blockbusters with their syrupy sentimentalism and feel good moments...But damn if Spielberg didn't step away from his usual fare and instead gives us a pictorial history in film form of the events that led to Oscar Schindler saving ....