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A Clockwork Orange
Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee, Adrienne Corri, Michael Bates View AllCrew
Stanley Kubrick (Screenplay), Stanley Kubrick (Director) View All
Release: Dec. 18th, 1971
Runtime: 2 hours, 16 minutes
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A Clockwork Orange
Seeing as we discussed which of Stanley Kubrick's movies is the best in a previous post, I realised I hadn't seen A Clockwork Orange, so, made crious by all you guys (and gals ), I went out and rented...
A Clockwork Orange
out of my five favorite directors (coppola, tarentino, scorsese, kubrick, and kevin smith) i would have to say that kubrick is the most interesting of the five, and a clockwork orange is his most inte...
Clockwork Orange
I just watched this movie for the first time ever last night. What are your opinions on it? I was expecting something more outlandish actually, i've been told for years that it was disturbing and re...
A Clockwork Orange - wow....
So, I just finished watching Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange.
Holy mother of all that is good thats one fine film..
The way he used music not just as background, but as part of ...
A Clockwork Orange Questionnaire
To what extent do you feel it’s a shocking film in comparison to
today’s modern cinematic expectations?
• To what extent is there a sense of political and social
foreshadowing in today’s society?...
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Kubrick reportedly banned his own film in the UK from being seen after a short release because there were copycat killings and rapings in which the film was being scapegoated for, which of course is stupid as any gangster film brought out in that period could have easily have been blamed for influen....

But as time goes by, and I get more and more students who started watching ultra-violent films and pornos when they were five-years-old, and they mostly have a kid or two by the time they're 15 and they belong to gangs and want to do things like Alex does in the first part of the movie, A Clockwork ....

Ultimately, Im not sure if I somehow accept the extreme and perverse nature of this film because the thematic presentation and execution is so strong, or that I simply find pleasure in projections of ultra-violence when I let them speak to my inner id because once, the clash of cinematic perversion ....