Did you guys know about smile.amazon.com?


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This is a charity thing, not a spam thing.
@Yoda, tell me if that's the case.

Amazon uses this link and claim to offer the exact same product list that the regular amazon.com link does, except that every purchase you make puts 0.5% (half of one percent) of the purchase price into the charity of your choice!

To NO cost to you.

Amazing how that accumulates across the country, and since Amazon is such an addiction these days (needs another thread), it's a cool way to see how much money has been donated thus far.

For instance, for me, my charity is The World Wildlife Fund, and they currently have been in total paid by amazon (via this program) a ton (by all others combined).

Anyway, just a thought.
When women have a poet, they want a cowboy.
When they have a cowboy, they want a poet.
They'll say "I don't care if he's a poet or cowboy, so long as he's a nice guy. But oh, I'm so attracted to that bad guy over there."
Understand this last part, and you'll get them all.

I know about it, but I almost always forget to go there instead of to the regular Amazon url.
My chosen charity is Rattie Ratz Rescue.

Although I rarely remember about Amazon's Smile program, I do try to give direct donations to Rattie Ratz when I can. I've also adopted from them.

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I know about it, but I almost always forget to go there instead of to the regular Amazon url.
My chosen charity is Rattie Ratz Rescue.

Although I rarely remember about Amazon's Smile program, I do try to give direct donations to Rattie Ratz when I can. I've also adopted from them.

What i do is have the link set up in Firefox as their abbreviation...I forget what it's called. But in the title bar I say "a shovel" and shovel is put into the smile.amazon.com page. Out just typing a goes there. Or my single Amazon icon bookmarks to the right of my menu bar, xx etc. Only way I can be consistent.

Thanks for checking, but yeah, totally fine! Not self-promotion, and a great idea for great causes.

I sometimes remember, sometimes don't, to be honest, but anything's better than nothing. It's a good idea.

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Thanks for checking, but yeah, totally fine! Not self-promotion, and a great idea for great causes.

I sometimes remember, sometimes don't, to be honest, but anything's better than nothing. It's a good idea.
Once you set up the quick links I mentioned (or just icons), you can forget it. I completely forget it's smile...

I do utilize it, but my Amazon purchases aren't frequent enough to really rack up to much at all over the years. If anything, it disappoints me a little that the percentage contribution isn't higher....

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I do utilize it, but my Amazon purchases aren't frequent enough to really rack up to much at all over the years. If anything, it disappoints me a little that the percentage contribution isn't higher....

Not me. If it were higher, Amazon would raise prices to compensate, which to an equivalent percent might drive customers elsewhere and lower the overall take. .5% is likely the calculated sweet spot currently given their models. {Shrug}

Good of you to mention that feature, TGM! It's a nice service that Amazon provides, and it shows that, given the opportunity, people might be as charitable as they used to be. The charity I use is the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, but folks can donate to any charity of their choice.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I changed my Amazon bookmark to the Smile version years ago and so far have raised nearly $100 for my chosen charity. Right now it's our nonprofit writers' association/conference. It takes a while for the $$ to add up but since I'm going to Amazon anyway and it doesn't change the prices, I'm tickled to see that charity number be up near $100 for doing nothing different.

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Over time, it can be nifty. Here's just one charity (the one I chose) out of a bazillion of them:

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for doing nothing different.
And *those* are the key words! Basically painless.

Set it, forget it, etc....

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Amazon uses this link and claim to offer the exact same product list that the regular amazon.com link does, except that every purchase you make puts 0.5% (half of one percent) of the purchase price into the charity of your choice!

To NO cost to you.

I didn't know about this, so thanks for the info. I don't buy much from Amazon, but I'll definitely keep this in mind for future purchases.

I'll also let my sister know about it because she buys a lot from Amazon, and I'm pretty sure that my nieces shop there a lot too.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I didn't know about this, so thanks for the info. I don't buy much from Amazon, but I'll definitely keep this in mind for future purchases.

I'll also let my sister know about it because she buys a lot from Amazon, and I'm pretty sure that my nieces shop there a lot too.

All these years I thought you were an only child, I don't think you've mentioned any siblings before. Were you the oldest?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
All these years I thought you were an only child, I don't think you've mentioned any siblings before. Were you the oldest?

No, my sister is about 2-1/2 years older than me. We don't get along, so I don't talk about her much, but we've been starting to get along better within the last year. I guess it's because we had to talk about stuff after my mother died, so we've learned to tolerate each other.

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No, my sister is about 2-1/2 years older than me. We don't get along, so I don't talk about her much, but we've been starting to get along better within the last year. I guess it's because we had to talk about stuff after my mother died, so we've learned to tolerate each other.
There's always some nutball member of every family that does nothing but piss everyone off routinely. There's a non-immediate member of my family whom roughly once a week I fantasize about choking to death.

But I always try check myself with this great quote:
Every family has a black sheep. If yours doesn't, then you're it!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
There's always some nutball member of every family that does nothing but piss everyone off routinely. There's a non-immediate member of my family whom roughly once a week I fantasize about choking to death.

It sounds like you've met my sister.