21 bad movies baby boomers love

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Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm not a Baby Boomer, but I had to stop after they said this about 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Nope. We don't care what anyone says: this is the worst movie ever made.
That's just a silly click-bait site, it ain't worth snot.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
It's better to be a baby boomer, than a baby bum.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Welcome to the human race...
^that's messed up

With sites like this that aim for click-baiting hot takes (presented in slideshow format in order to up the clicks, no less), how fair is it to copy the text from said site into a post on here?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Why do people always seem to think baby boomers are on an entirely different planet? All this list proves is that they can enjoy quality movies too. This article sucks.

I feel dirty just looking at that site. Why promote it and encourage them further? Theres enough jack asses on Twitter and Rotten Tomatoes who seek out films everybody loves to hate on just for the fun of it. Why should we give attention to a sleazy fly by night site thats only doing it to make money?
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I feel dirty just looking at that site. Why promote it and encourage them further? Theres enough jack asses on Twitter and Rotten Tomatoes who seek out films everybody loves to hate on just for the fun of it. Why should we give attention to a sleazy fly by night site thats only doing it to make money?
Yes, it's a toxic, bitter little author, that's for sure, and as Iro said, it's nothing but dull click bait. I'm surprised at the OP for posting it.

Nope. We don't care what anyone says: this is the worst movie ever made. Why Baby Boomers want to watch colors flash across an eyeball for 20 minutes is beyond us, but this movie should not exist and should never have existed.

Its the usual clickbait BS. Best just to ignore this type of crap.

No mention of Forrest Gump.

Hate invalid.
Forrest Gump is on the list.https://www.topixstars.com/slideshow/19287/slide16 Not sure if that invalidates it or not.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

^that's messed up

With sites like this that aim for click-baiting hot takes (presented in slideshow format in order to up the clicks, no less), how fair is it to copy the text from said site into a post on here?
Why? Braveheart is a technically and artistically well made and thoughtout film that covers an underutilized time period. The only reason people don't like it is because of Mel Gibson's politically incorrect drunken ramblings. When we start deciding by social justice committee what is and is not art by the politics of the artist then art loses all meaning.

It's McCarthy meets Kafka

Very pleased to see movies like Dances with Wolves, 2001, and The Godfather on this list. I have to admit that am one of the few people on the planet who loved Crash and think it deserved the Best Picture Oscar.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Why? Braveheart is a technically and artistically well made and thoughtout film that covers an underutilized time period. The only reason people don't like it is because of Mel Gibson's politically incorrect drunken ramblings. When we start deciding by social justice committee what is and is not art by the politics of the artist then art loses all meaning.

It's McCarthy meets Kafka
You know it won't be long until some people actually start claiming films should be destroyed because they have something socially embarrassing in them (like Breakfast at Tiffany's with Mickey Rooney's Japanese character) or because an actor/director/producer did something naughty once...Think I'll go watch Rosemary's Baby before it's gone.

What the hell? It wouldnt let me go through all 21 but what I have seen on there is on AFI's top 100 films of all time. I think that person is an idiot!