Mofo Review Countdown: 2017

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"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""

Welcome to The Mofo Review Countdown 2017...

Rules Of The Countdown

Rules are simple. PM me your favourite review threads here of this site numbered 1-10... 1 being your favourite. Please State The Thread Title. 1 = 10 points, 2 = 9 Points, 3= 8 points .... you get the point.

Deadline Date

Deadline Date is 5th of january 2017 which gives everyone time to get there threads up to date , but also to read through other members threads.

Get Your List's In Now.

Optimus Reviews
LATEST REVIEW Zack Snyder’s Justice League // Godzilla vs Kong
My Top 50 Favourites

"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

At first I was thinking, "this is not a list that needs to be done annually..."

But then I forgot about the rating and ranking aspect of it all and began realizing that this is all about the reviews and the reviewers. This is a great fundament to get people to read and comment more on reviews and what all these awesome members create and spend time on. It's a great way to get people out there and read up on reviews and do stuff they don't usually do, while it's also a great way for those who read certain members threads, to check out new ones as well.

I'll be turning in a list, but most importantly, I'll get around the forums the coming weeks and look up on MoFo's hardworking critics!

I guess I need to watch and review some more movies to keep my thread fresh in people's minds.
Also I need to get reading people's reviews.

I still think Camo needs to make himself a review thread and stop posting in them just in the Rate the Last Movie You Saw thread. Same with Cricket.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I don't consider myself a big reviewer guy because I would rather spend time watching more movies

I do like discussing movies though, like in the HOF threads.

Welcome to the human race...
I guess I need to watch and review some more movies to keep my thread fresh in people's minds.
Also I need to get reading people's reviews.

I still think Camo needs to make himself a review thread and stop posting in them just in the Rate the Last Movie You Saw thread. Same with Cricket.
But how else would they get people to see them?

Also, vote 1 for Iro's Film Diary.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I don't consider myself a big reviewer guy because I would rather spend time watching more movies

I do like discussing movies though, like in the HOF threads.
But see that's the problem. Members review threads should be like the HoFs. They just aren't because basically people will need to want to comment, since they are not "bound" as with a HoF.

But that should be the goal for a review thread. Posting a review should get more discussion. I'm pretty sure that's what every reviewer wants.

Trouble with a capital "T"
But see that's the problem. Members review threads should be like the HoFs. They just aren't because basically people will need to want to comment, since they are not "bound" as with a HoF.

But that should be the goal for a review thread. Posting a review should get more discussion. I'm pretty sure that's what every reviewer wants.
Yup, that's what I want. You all should come and visit my review thread sometime, tell me I'm nuts or just make a comment... or even a movie recommendation

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
The reason i am making this an annual thread is because i think it may bring more attention to our review section. Some people put lots of effort into there threads and get hardly any feedback. I know last time around this thread had me reading alot more review threads.

I'm more busy than I used to be, so I can't update my review threads as much as I'd like. I don't expect to rank high, but it isn't that much important to me... at least not this time around.

I'd rather want to just read up on review threads and see which exciting new member threads pop up in the final countdown.

But nevertheless, here are my threads...

My Film Diary

My Lengthy Cinema Reviews

My Horror List just for fun

No activity? What happened? If this is still active I'll send a list.
Movie Reviews | Anime Reviews
Top 100 Action Movie Countdown (2015): List | Thread
"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

No activity? What happened? If this is still active I'll send a list.
I doubt it's still active, since the deadline was supposed to be in January and there's only mention of one list being received...