We watched Paranormal Activity last night...


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Firstly I loved this movie I thought it was awesome and my wife also thought it was a great horror movie. But the reason why im making this thread is not to talk about the movie its to tell you what happened while we were half way through it.

Basically we had to pause the film as my wife had to turn the chicken over in the kitchen as it was grilling and while she did this she went to the bathroom downstairs. As she was walking through the kitchen and the passage she said to me, "Nick come here" so I strolled out to the passage and I could hear it too, there was a tap on full blast upstairs. We went up there quite quickly becuase we had visions of my son face down in the bath. We got to the bathroom and he wasnt in there but the tap was on full speed, this was really weird so we went to Harrys room and he was fast asleep, we checked him and he was out cold. So we then checked my daughters room just to be sure and she was also fast asleep in her cot. So we dont get scared easily at all we can watch anything and it doesnt scare us etc. But this was so bizarre we just stood there trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

We come to the conclusion that there must of been water presure built up in the tap and once my wife had flushed the toilet downstairs it must of shot the water out of the tap in the bathroom. The only thing I dont get is how could there of been presure built up in the cold tap if it is used everyday and it was also used about 4 hours before this odd thing happened.

Was it just water presure or was it Paranormal Activity while we were watching Paranormal Activity What do you think
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Maybe it was the Blair Witch. I heard she was pissed that Paranormal Activity is now the most profitable movie ever. This is her way of punishing people who still dare watch it

It was really horrible as have watched it so before, but one thing that comes to my mind whenever i talk about Paranormal Activity, thats the producer and director of this film, you know the film is shooted in a one flat only ! and its budget is too less then other blockbuster movies.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
When I first watched paranormal Activity, I began watching it alone in the dark with all the lights out.
I got a little freaked out so stopped a half hour through it.

Then the next day I tried watching it at work with the lights on and other people nearby but it sucked so I stopped after about 10 minutes.
Wasn't scary or suspenseful at all that way so I decided to finish it off at night again alone in the dark so I could be freaked out.

Man, I kept looking behind me and all around my apartment during the whole thing.
I even wound up sleeping with the hallway light on and TV on a cartoon channel turned up loud.
Fear the Probe!

I still havent seen it, DAMMIT

N3wt ive decided it was none of the above, it was infact me stalking you and trying to scare the **** out of you, I apologise
"Why pay a dollar for a bookmark? Why not use the dollar for a bookmark?"
Steven Spielberg

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
It was probably your wife and both of your kids. Or maybe it was George Bush.
I new it all three of them were in on it

There was no intake of any sort of drugs, apart from my normal prescription meds

When I first watched paranormal Activity, I began watching it alone in the dark with all the lights out.
I got a little freaked out so stopped a half hour through it.

Then the next day I tried watching it at work with the lights on and other people nearby but it sucked so I stopped after about 10 minutes.
Wasn't scary or suspenseful at all that way so I decided to finish it off at night again alone in the dark so I could be freaked out.

Man, I kept looking behind me and all around my apartment during the whole thing.
I even wound up sleeping with the hallway light on and TV on a cartoon channel turned up loud.
I can see it scaring the hell out of my wife if she watched it on her own but movies dont tend to scare me at all really.

I still havent seen it, DAMMIT

N3wt ive decided it was none of the above, it was infact me stalking you and trying to scare the **** out of you, I apologise
Im letting you think you are stalking me in fact I have several people watching you

What do you think
I think a drag queen criminal that was on the run from either his/her pimp or the cops managed to successfully sneak into your house (via window, perhaps) and went into your bathroom and used the water to take her makeup off so that she wouldn't be recognized.

And I think she ran out in a hurry and just forgot to turn off the water.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I think a drag queen criminal that was on the run from either his/her pimp or the cops managed to successful sneak into your house (via window, perhaps) and went into your bathroom and used the water to take her makeup off so that she wouldn't be recognized.

And I think she ran out in a hurry and just forgot to turn off the water.
This is more likly than anything else thats been posted so far

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
It's all just a coincidence until one of your kids turns to you and says "they're here".
Well saying that our Daughter who is 19months old has for the last 6 months everytime she wakes up in the middle of the night she repeats to herself, "Boy, Boy, Boy" and doesnt every say it at any other times.

Well saying that our Daughter who is 19months old has for the last 6 months everytime she wakes up in the middle of the night she repeats to herself, "Boy, Boy, Boy" and doesnt every say it at any other times.
Stop it! I haven't seen PA yet and already you're freaking me out!

Was it just water presure or was it Paranormal Activity while we were watching Paranormal Activity What do you think

Call Taps.... they're ghost hunters and Roto-Rooter plumbers...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Stop it! I haven't seen PA yet and already you're freaking me out!
The strange thing about my Daughter saying this is that it has absolutly nothing to do with PA it is just something strange she has started doing over the last 6 months. Its not just that my Daughter says "Boy!" when she wakes up in the night, it is that me, my wife and son have all seen, what we thought was our daughter running across the landing towards the bathroom, and when I/we (on 3-4 seperate occasions) ran to the landing from our room, which is right next to our daughters, she is in her cot either asleep or awake but she is unable to climb out as of yet.

Call Taps.... they're ghost hunters and Roto-Rooter plumbers...
^ Awesome

wow, thats quite surreal that
maybe it just the house (not in a supernatual way) but houses can creek, i love in a house thats over 10 years old and it creeks.

The strange thing about my Daughter saying this is that it has absolutly nothing to do with PA it is just something strange she has started doing over the last 6 months. Its not just that my Daughter says "Boy!" when she wakes up in the night, it is that me, my wife and son have all seen, what we thought was our daughter running across the landing towards the bathroom, and when I/we (on 3-4 seperate occasions) ran to the landing from our room, which is right next to our daughters, she is in her cot either asleep or awake but she is unable to climb out as of yet.
wow that's strange stuff. Perhaps you have a little Casper!