What’s the best Sci-fi Series?


What’s the best Sci-fi Series?
2 votes
Star Trek - The Next Generation
7 votes
The X-Files
3 votes
Battlestar Galactica (new)
7 votes
3 votes
Doctor Who
1 votes
Babylon 5
4 votes
Star Trek (Original Series)
0 votes
Stargate SG-1
27 votes. You may not vote on this poll

What’s the best Sci-fi Series?
For me it’s an easy choice, Firefly……There is nothing as funny and as addictive.
Do you agree? If not, tell me what your favorite sci-fi show is and why ‘you think’ its better!

Lost in never never land
I think I'd have to agree with Firefly being the best one.

I have greatly appreciated Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis as well, and I've enjoyed BSG a lot as well, though not as much.

So those three are also up there a ways for me. But the one that is closest to challenging it, and might actually have passed it, is Doctor Who, for me anyways. It has some great humor in it and the whole timey-whimey time travelling thing is a lot of fun.
"As I was walking up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."
-From Identity

Well, there's really only one choice for me and it takes nothing away from the brilliance of Firefly but let's face it, there would never have even been a Firefly if there wasn't first a Star Trek on television and later in film. There isn't a Sci-fi show on in the last 40 years that isn't in one way or another a descendant of the original Star Trek in my ever so humble opinion.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

In a battle of sci-fi (or western for that matter ) Firefly will alweays come out in top for me. Although I love BSG and The Doctor at his best (Christopher Eccleston IMHO) comes so close. But still I think this says it all:

"I aim to misbehave"
And lo the whispering wanderer weeps
what whit to whom did my life keep?

You're a Genius all the time
This is a no brainer for me. I love Firefly and all; it's a ton of fun. But I grew up watching The X-Files and it's not only my favorite science fiction series, it's one of my favorite TV shows ever. The truth is out there, man.

Firefly was damned good but it's too contained and doesn't have the scope to 'best' compared to long run shows that have managed to keep entertaining. My vote goes to X-Files though i'm sure for a lot of reasons it should be Star Trek, this options less geeky and plus i found the ongoing stories completely fascinating.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
So many good choices...
The only one on that list I' don't watch is Dr Who (people hate me for this but never seen it, sorry).

Firefly needs to come back on TV with new episodes. I can't consider it as the best unless they have more episodes under their belt.
At least give us new movies.
If Babylon 5, Farscape, and Stargate SG-1 can do it, why not Firefly?

Personally, I like the original Trek most (good childhood memories with it) but I voted TNG as best though. More episodes and it changed weekly sci-fi, in my opinion.

B-5 was pretty damn good too though.
One long space-opera.

Hopefully, sci-fi will have some new shows to add to that list in the years to come.
Fear the Probe!

A system of cells interlinked
Hard to chose between BSG, Star Trek and X-Files for me. Firefly was good, and I love everything J Whedon, but, I don't think Firefly really even belongs in the poll. I love Firefly, but, come on, best ever? No way.

What about The Twilight Zone? Certainly that is better than chaff like Stargate SG-1. I mean if we are talking Sci-Fi channel stuff here, what about Farscape?

Sorry, I absolutely abhor Stargate SG-1. It has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. No one can act worth a **** on that show.

Originally Posted by Shee-niou
For me it’s an easy choice, Firefly……There is nothing as funny and as addictive.
Just wondering why "funny" and "addictive" were your criteria for choosing. I mean, I guess I get the addictive part, but, why is comedy paramount to stuff like exploration of existence, discovery of life beyond the stars and futuristic technology when polling best science fiction? Just seems like odd reasoning to me.

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Hard to chose between BSG, Star Trek and X-Files for me. Firefly was good, and I love everything J Whedon, but, I don't think Firefly really even belongs in the poll. I love Firefly, but, come on, best ever? No way.
Easy one for me cos to be honest, I’ve never been into Sci-fi that much. I watched The X-files when I was younger and that was pretty good, but fro the rest of them, wasn’t that interested. Tried to watch Stargate once and ****ing hated it.
What I like about Firefly is that it isn’t really that farfetched, it’s characters don’t all have polished comeback lines when (if) they beat the bad guys Next time you decide to stab me in the back... have the balls to do it to my face.”and there’s no green aliens!

How funny a show is will always play a part in how good it is. More is more , but if it's not funny that doesn't mean it isn't really good. But why would
exploration of existence, discovery of life beyond the stars and futuristic technology
be the factors you base your opinion on? I agree that they are component parts of the genre but in the end that's all just a shiny coating that allows people to tell creative stories. For me science fiction is all about humanity, as in how will people be/act/relate in surreal situations like surviving the near-extinction of the human race, or travelling through time with an alien that's as human if not more so than you and me.

I guess maybe I don't understand the true meaning of the word Science Fiction. Is The X-Files truly a Science Fiction show? I don't really think so. There was certainly an underlying alien conspiracy throughout the show but to me the show itself dealt much more with all things para normal and Government cover ups and conspiracies.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Yep, and we all know that "things paranormal, government cover ups and conspiracies" are fact, not fiction. At least, Powdered and I do. Then again, maybe the Feds do have a transporter machine. ("Beam me up, Dick." "Sorry, George, we're low on dilithium crystals...")
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Yeah maybe that came out wrong, I don't know. I guess I always kind of thought Sci-fi was like with "Rocket ships" and then there was all the other stuff that was to be labeled accordingly.

Well, my days of taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.

Mine would be the Original Star-Trek.
But right there would also be...I love Science Fiction.
"If you can't be funny be interesting."
Harold Ross