What's your favorite John Hughes film?


What's your Favorite John Hughes (written by) Film?
3 votes
Mr. Mom
3 votes
Vacation (including European & Christmas Vacation(S))
6 votes
Sixteen Candles
20 votes
The Breakfast Club
3 votes
Weird Science
2 votes
Pretty in Pink
21 votes
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
11 votes
Planes, Trains & Automobiles
4 votes
Uncle Buck
4 votes
Home Alone
77 votes. You may not vote on this poll

I'm a sucker for his stuff, particularly the 80's teen comedies but others as well. He just seemed to always know the right mix drama/comedy. So, do you love his stuff, hate it, are you indifferent to it?

I only had 10 poll choices so had to leave out some obvious ones:
Beethoven, Baby's Day Out, Curly Sue, Class Reunion, Some Kind of Wonderful, She's Having a Baby, The Great Outdoors, a bunch of sequels, etc. I chose what to include only by my own perception of popularity. She's Having a Baby is one of my personal favorites

I like all the movies listed in the poll to some extent or another, though for me the most aggravating is Pretty in Pink. Just HATE the ending to that flick. I think Some Kind of Wonderful outclasses it...and gets the ending right!

But for me, ultimately it was a toss-up between Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Planes, Trains & Automobiles. Again it was for me a subpar ending of PT&A that gives Ferris the slight edge. That Paul Young song and everything about the way its filmed is just too saccharine and easy for me after everything that came before. It's more like a Hallmark commercial instead of finding the same kind of character-based material that propelled the movie all along. If the last shot was the two of them walking toward the house carrying the trunk, maybe the looks on their faces just as they get to the front door, THAT is the proper ending. For my taste, anyway.

But Ferris Bueller's Day Off is just such a fun fantasy, I can't resist it. It surely didn't hurt that I was sixteen the summer it was released, and that three of my buddies and I went to see it the afternoon of the last day of school (our sophomore year). But I suspect even if I was turning sixteen this year I'd find it far too much fun to resist. It doesn't address some of the more serious issues Hughes often tackled at least as subtexts in his work, but the fantasy is so fantastic, even though more plausible than Weird Science certainly, I have to say (and save) Ferris.

Apart from the cop-out ending of Pretty in Pink, I like that one fine, especially Jon Cryer as Duckie (which should tell you why I hate the ending so much). For me the least of the ones on the poll is Weird Science. It's fun in spots, but overall I never got into it the way some of the other fifteen-year-olds I knew did (and probably still do). Sixteen Candles is probably my second-least favorite, which isn't to say I haven't seen it over ten times because I definitely have, but I would have liked to see a whole movie (or at least more of it) about Farmer Ted and his geek friends (which should tell you what kind of stud I was growing up). But that's what Superbad is for, I reckon (possible new thread: Is Judd Apatow the new John Hughes?). The National Lampoon's Vacation movies are great, and the third one has rightfully become a Holiday classic and required December viewing (best to forget the fourth Griswold entry). I still love Mr. Mom (hopefully they'll release a decent DVD version someday). Uncle Buck has some of the flat-out funniest moments and scenes in any Hughes film, but it's a bit uneven and the oldest kid Tia (Jean Louisa Kelly) is not a very well-written character, and the whole drama of the film hinges on her. Home Alone is maybe not quite as fun as the phenomenon and it's hard to forget what an overexposed freak Macaulay Culkin became, but it is pretty irresistible and even though I was twenty when that one came out I definitely enjoyed it. Though when the Holiday season rolls around, I'll watch PT&A and Christmas Vacation two or three times each before I'll reach for Home Alone. I like The Breakfast Club a lot, but I was never a rabid fan the way some people are.

I think Some Kind of Wonderful is the best of the ones not in the poll. And I agree that She's Having a Baby is a good flick, too. I'd say both of those are Hughes' most underrated, though neither is in the class of Ferris or PT&A. I must say Career Opportunities is a guilty pleasure, if only to ogle the twenty-one-year-old Jennifer Connelly (Yes, they're real and they're spectacular!). Dutch and Curly Sue are pretty embarrassing. They're like John Hughes trying to write a "John Hughes movie". Very tired, very forced, just churning out what had become a formula.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

The Breakfast Club is my favorite....
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~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I voted for Ferris Bueller's Day Off. The first time I saw it, I was sick myself, but it made me forget all about that. Great fun in every sense of the word.

That said, it really is a toss-up between "Bueller" and Planes, Trains & Automobiles, which is equal parts hysterical and sweet.

They're two really fantastic films, though the latter definitely has a lot more depth and emotion. I usually wouldn't want to choose between the two, though.

Sixteen Candles is my favorite. It's just very enjoyable and funny.

Ferris Bueller would have to be second... followed by Uncle Buck.

Haven't seen Mr. Mom and all of Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

Vacation was good, but I haven't seen it enough. It would probably still make #4 on my list... I think I prefer Home Alone 2 over the first one.

I almost voted for Mr. Mom. Not because I think it's the absolute best of the bunch, but because do I love it and fear it won't get any votes while Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Breakfast Club and Planes, Trains & Automobiles quickly outpace everything else. Even though much of the Mr. Mom premise is certainly sitcomy in set-up, Michael Keaton is freakin' great in his star-making turn and it's just dark enough and just weird enough in execution to make me laugh over and over again.

Maybe Ðèstîñy will vote for Mr. Mom? I know it's one of her favorites.

Personally, I had a really hard time choosing between The Breakfast Club and Uncle Buck. Of course, I love nearly all of the ones on the poll and off the poll for a variety of reasons but those are the two I'll watch over all the others.

Breakfast Club got the nod from me mostly for Judd Nelson's performance, but that's not to imply that the rest of the cast didn't also do a fantastic job with their roles. I really got a lot out of the message of the film (I was 17-18 when it came out) and it represented a kind of epiphany for me as the school I was attending at the time was most definitely stereotypical in and of itself, and I could place a person I knew into each of the roles with relative ease. I myself was a Bender type and I suppose I was impressed with him because at the core he was much smarter than I was and I could see it.

You're right, Holden, about the funny moments in Uncle Buck. I thought that the final confrontation between Tia/Bug/Uncle Buck was forced (did they add scenes in the DVD?) but the rest of it is just really funny stuff. I literally still, after 20+ viewings, laugh out loud when Mike Starr (in the clown suit) pulls up drunk in a mouse car and gets cocky "In the field of local-live-home ent-tah-tainment, I'm a god!" Also, I just love John Candy and really miss not having him around anymore. I can't think of a film that he's in where I thought he failed to deliver beyond expectation whether or not I liked the film. He may not have had any serious acting chops but I just love to watch him do his thing.

I almost voted for Mr. Mom. Not because I think it's the absolute best of the bunch, but because do I love it and fear it won't get any votes while Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Breakfast Club and Planes, Trains & Automobiles quickly outpace everything else. Even though much of the Mr. Mom premise is certainly sitcomy in set-up, Michael Keaton is freakin' great in his star-making turn and it's just dark enough and just weird enough in execution to make me laugh over and over again.

Maybe Ðèstîñy will vote for Mr. Mom? I know it's one of her favorites.
I suppose the problem with this poll is that we can't just pick all of them in order

A system of cells interlinked
When I first looked at the list, I couldn't decide between Ferris, Mr. Mom, and The Breakfast Club. The Breakfast Club was just such a big part of my life back then, and I SO identified with the entire paradigm of the film. I felt like that was my school, I knew these people, and I felt what they all felt. He tapped right in to that generation, and I sat stunned the first time I watched it, unable to articulate what I was feeling inside. I know it doesn't play as well these days, for the kids of today, but that doesn't matter.

That said, Ferris is FUN. Such a great film. I stenciled SAVE FERRIS onto my graduation cap, which I still have. Great screenplay, clever characters, and a great chain of events to watch each and every time.

It's been years since I say Mr. Mom, but I remember it having a really well done screen play, with a lot of fun pokes at various social norms. I need to check it out again.

I'd like to choose both Ferris and Breakfast, really, but I guess it's Breakfast Club, for nostalgia's sake.
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Wow, that was a much tougher choice than I thought it was going to be. I ultimately went with Ferris simply because that's the movie that I still steal lines from and sometimes butcher them badly I might add. Much to the chagrin of people around me I'm sure most of the younger people today don't even know what a Ferris Bueller is. *sigh* ... Anyway, The Breakfast Club And Uncle Buck are still right up there as well. I'm also a very big fan of Some Kind of Wonderful, and Dutch, I know it isn't a great film really but I just love watching Al Bundy work, and yes I think he should just go ahead and change his name to Al because no matter what he's in he always seems to revert back to Al at some point anyway.

I can't explain why but I've just never really gotten into PT&A, Pretty in Pink, Home Alone or Sixteen Candles. I chuckle every time I hear a line from PT&A though so I may just need to give that a couple more viewings.

If it were a how many times have you seen this poll I guess Christmas Vacation would top the list because I watch it every year, which I imagine a lot of you do as well.
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I voted for Planes, Trains & Automobiles.
It's become one of the holiday standards we have to see in our home. I love Steve Martin and John Candy together. It's a shame they didn't make anymore movies together.

But for me, ultimately it was a toss-up between Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Planes, Trains & Automobiles. Again it was for me a subpar ending of PT&A that gives Ferris the slight edge.
Me too so had to go with Ferris
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I had to give you a positive rep, Toose for creating this poll. I am a huge John Hughes fan and it's nice to see him getting some love.

That being said I voted for Sixteen Candles. There are so many great characters in that movie and I love Farmer Ted. Planes, Trains and Automobiles almost got my vote, but I think I had to go with a movie that paired Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall.

I am half agony, half hope.
I voted for The Breakfast Club, but I love Christmas Vacation and 16 Candles almost as much. It was tough to choose just one to vote for. We watch each of these at least twice a year.
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Maybe Ðèstîñy will vote for Mr. Mom? I know it's one of her favorites.
You know it! I love the movie. I love the man. There is no way in the world, anyone else could have played that character any better. He was perfect. I would say that Mr. Mom is tied for first place with both Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, and Christmas Vacation, but those 2 are seasonal, and I only watch them during the holidays.

The only one from this list, that I didn't really care for, was Weird Science. It's the only one I don't own, actually. Yes, I even prefer "The hills are alive, with the sound of Griswold!" over Weird Science. I would pick, Some kind of Wonderful, to take it's place.

As far as the ending of Pretty in Pink, I agree that she should have ended up with Duckie. I remember there being some debate as to which ending they would use, and they chose the one they did, to show that two people from such different lifestyles, can end up together. Well, la de da, I still wanted Duckie.

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John Hughes really was the man. Too bad his career pretty much died after the 80s ended. I vote for the modern classic Ferris Buller's Day Off. That movie never ceases to entertain me.
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Sixteen Candles for me. Although Molly Ringworm can be pretty annoying, there were some great characters in that movie.

I've never cared for Ferris Bueller. Such a smug little *******.

Originally Posted by Prospero
I've never cared for Ferris Bueller. Such a smug little *******.

Yeah. But that's why I love him!