Films that were good....but


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
This thread is for you to post about all those films you love....but you just can't stand that one thing.


For me, I'd have to use the film Poolhall Junkies. In my opinion, the film is pretty good, a guilty pleasure if you will. I can sit down and watch the film anytime and still like it...but, the one thing that gets under my skin the the monologue scene from Walken near the end. It is too forced and doesn't fit well with the rest of the film.

Once Upon A Time In Mexico is another good film that I can sit back and enjoy whenever it's on...but, when I see the 'bad guys' climbing the church as if they were spiderman, I roll my eyes every time. Granted the film can't be taken seriously, but this is one thing of the film that I cannot stand.

"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I think that Batman Begins is a great film, BUT I can't how weak the hullucination sequences towards the end of the film looked. It looked like they stuffed a bunch of torches down peoples throats. I understand that the film was a 12 and couldn't have images that were unbearably disturbing, but I felt those special effects could have been a big scarier..

That said, the beasty Batman that Crane hullucinates looked damn cool.

Once Upon A Time in America, while some will say it is to long I think it is great except for the very beginning of the film where the damn telephone rings for like 10 minutes. I don't know what my problem with telephones is exactly but it probably stems from some childhood issue for which I should seek professional help.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

From Dusk Till Dawn..... Starts like a good normal film and then just turns rediculous... such a shame I really dislike what they did there can't take it at all seriously when it goes wierd sci fi.

From Dusk Till Dawn..... Starts like a good normal film and then just turns rediculous... such a shame I really dislike what they did there can't take it at all seriously when it goes wierd sci fi.
I thought that was pretty unique how it switched genre's like that - but yeah the vampire half was pretty horrible

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Yeah, when the vampires appear and the film gets less scary, you know there's something up...

My pick would be Quills. I love this film but there are two things which grate even for me. One is Michael Caine. He's a ham, basically. I know, I know, he's a national treasure and he's been in over a hundred films, many hugely successful, but can he act...? Not on this evidence. The other thing is the 'post script'. Silly, unnecessary, very nearly undermines the whole rest of the film.

From Dusk Till Dawn..... Starts like a good normal film and then just turns rediculous... such a shame I really dislike what they did there can't take it at all seriously when it goes wierd sci fi.
Whoa! I hate to see what you think is a "normal" film! I thought all of the real horror was in the first part of the film with the two psychotic brothers. They were so bad that the vampires were the comic relief!

Welcome to the human race...
Good question. At the moment all I can think of is Heavy Metal. It's made up of six separate stories, each about 10 or 15 minutes long. Anyway, the worst one is the fifth one, So Beautiful and So Dangerous. The rest of the stories are all pretty good but this one fails because it lacks a decent storyline, and the best it has to offer is some painfully unfunny stoner humour. It's still watchable, but it could've been so much better.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I hate when in Breakfast Club, it turns into a "pity me" kinda film near the middle. I mean hey look at me I am popular, but sad, or hey look at me I am a successful Jock, but yet I kinda suck at life, or hey , look at me I am a loser and a criminal, but yet I like it, or hey look at me I am smart yet cant get laid, or hey.................nm.....I love this movie..Top 10 !
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

A great film, but the end when the Doctor tells the other guy to trust him or something along those lines, just horrible stuff. I can't remember what he says exactly because I block that scene out of my mind.

I hate when in Breakfast Club, it turns into a "pity me" kinda film near the middle. I mean hey look at me I am popular, but sad, or hey look at me I am a successful Jock, but yet I kinda suck at life, or hey , look at me I am a loser and a criminal, but yet I like it, or hey look at me I am smart yet cant get laid, or hey.................nm.....I love this movie..Top 10 !
oh god , that movie is king of all cheesy-ness and horrible acting

i just don't like the village...eerrr... worst film ever!

oh god , that movie is king of all cheesy-ness and horrible acting
The acting was superb, amazing even. It was the characters you probably didn't like, which were way cheesy yes, but this was released in a time where cheesy was cool, just look at Flash Gordon tyvm.

I think The Harry Potter Films...well they are good yes, but somehow I think it was a bit fast and very out formative...yes I know It can't be done to give it just a little time more. But I always wish that they extended it like LOTR....anyway it's just me!!!

Most recently, Zodiac. I think it was an excellent movie, but in a 3-hour-long movie, Fincher should have found a way to finish the whole story, instead of giving us the lame and over-used American Graffiti ending.

RE: The Breakfast Club

I do love this movie but the sequence in the middle where Emilio Estevez gets stoned and shatters a glass door with his rebel yell ... I have to fast forward that part.

Also, I wish Judd Nelson had finished that joke about the poodle and the salami.

oh god , that movie is king of all cheesy-ness and horrible acting

I miss Silver Bullet and his one word posts....

You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

The Queen Excellent movie, unfortunately for weeks after Helen Mirren replaced the actual Queen in my mind which caused some painful moments of cognitive dissonance whenever I saw the sour-faced old relic on the news.

This is why I have to avoid movies based in reality, they all too easily supplant it.

I don't know what my problem with telephones is exactly but it probably stems from some childhood issue for which I should seek professional help.
help is at hand, I will send you my card
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