Happy Birthday r3port3r66


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALL THE 33333333's AND 6666666666666's

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Put me in your pocket...

Happy Birthday Tim~
I sure hope you had a wonderful day Tim.

Good golly I miss you around here. Aside from your warm and charming self, you always made great threads getting people involved with each other.

Miss you...

*big bear hug*

My life isn't written very well.
Thanks you guys! I actually went to Disneyland for my Birthday--had a great time! I remember (how old do I sound!?) when admission to the park was only $15, yeah OK, now it's $78! (with "Park-Hopper Pass" & Southern California resident discount).
But if you ever get a chance to come out here and "do" Disneyland/California Adventure"; go on the "Tower of Terror" ride--it's sort of a Twilight Zone themed ride about a broken elevator! AWESOME!
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

A system of cells interlinked
Happy Birthday!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Happy birthday, glad to here you had a good time. I never actualy been to Disney Land but sounds great.
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

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Happy Belated Birthday reporter.............glad it was a good one.
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons.....for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

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Hey dude, glad you had a great day! Hope you got some good presents too Or was the present a trip to Disney Land?