What Time Did You Wake Up Today?


Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
4:30 am... I never sleep past 7am, and go to bed a little before midnight. If I can't go back to sleep within 5-10 minutes, I have to get up, despite knowing my entire day will be misery.

I know this is beyond mundane, but I'm curious. Even if its not usually the time you wake up .

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
4:30 am... I never sleep past 7am, and go to bed a little before midnight. If I can't go back to sleep within 5-10 minutes, I have to get up, despite knowing my entire day will be misery.

I know this is beyond mundane, but I'm curious. Even if its not usually the time you wake up .
This morning, I woke at an annoying 2am with a 6:05 alarm set and waiting. It took an hour to pass back out to only wake again and again on a 20-30 minute cycle until I was physically miserable at 5:45ish. I then Set my clock to 7 for a futile attempt at reclaiming a solid hour of sleep before having to drag myself out of bed to start this doomed day.

I agree, I should have gotten up too as it never fails that I feel much worse throughout the day if I try to reclaim my sleep. If I get up, I feel better if not a bit tired midday and on. Days like today, though, it becomes a matter of principle and sometimes I just refuse to let the universe dictate to me how long and for what quality of sleep I deserve.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

6:30 AM, thanks to my dog, who licks my face every morning around that time. It's amazing how accurate their internal clocks are.


Meds have to be taken before work.

...my dog was too busy sleeping to lick my face

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I'm a slacker. I woke up at 3PM.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

1:00am - cat woke me for a shnuggle
2:20am - cat woke me for a quick security tour of the house then back to bed for a shnuggle
4:10am - cat woke me for a bite to eat and went out
7:35am - woke naturally, wanted to lick the cat's face as a form of revenge but sadly couldn't find him

I wake up at 6.30 a.m. every day except for Sunday, which is church day & I need to get up at 6.15 a.m.

Am definitely a morning person & an early bird.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

1:00am - cat woke me for a shnuggle
2:20am - cat woke me for a quick security tour of the house then back to bed for a shnuggle
4:10am - cat woke me for a bite to eat and went out
7:35am - woke naturally, wanted to lick the cat's face as a form of revenge but sadly couldn't find him

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
wait, wait, ...wait.

I think I'm starting to see the deeper meanings here with this OP. Matt is apparently referencing The Beatles, "A Day In the Life." This is proved by his recent thread starters with topics such as, "Band Members Who Refused to Leave When Asked?" and, "Do You Believe Stanley Kubrick's 'Mysterious Message?'" The latter of which points to secondary levels of communication, confirming my gut feeling here that this thread is riddled with these so called "mysterious messages." Breadcrumbs. Matt planted those seeds at least a week ago now, and here those seeds appear to be bearing fruit (citric fruit?).

Having discovered Matt's clever cipher, I can now see the obvious reference to lyrics within, "a Day In the Life" on alarm clocks, falling out of bed, combs... through ....hair. Mysterious messages, indeed, Matt. Are you combing this forum? Whatever could that be for, Matt? Are you hinting again with the thread drop, "Newspaper-dot-com - Is There Anything You Want Looked Up?" What should we be looking up??? Yes, the lyrics, "I read the news today, oh boy" corroborate this! No, there are no news topics here. RABBIT HOLES THICKEN!!!! PLOT HOLES GO DEEPER!!!

Matt (who I will now refer to as M) can see behind the two-way mirror. I believe M has direct communications with site admins plotting the New Forum Order (NFO)! You saw it in our very own SHOUTBOX!!!! Did you think the conversation on Easter Peeps was just a cute holiday throwaway? NO!!!!! PEEPS are no LONGER innocent baby chicks. NO!@!!11! Peeps have now been FORCED TO HIRE RABBITS!!!!!! And what do RABBITS DO??! They. DIG. HOLES!!!!1!!11111Eleventy-one!!!!!11!1 How deep does this PEEP hole go?!?! Local? STATE? BIG PHARMAPEEPS!?

Lennon knew, and look what happened to him. Listen. Folks. I'm placing myself in harms way to bring you the NEWS OF M!!1!! No one knows who M IS!! Not even ME!!1......** This thread is an ILLUSION!!!! Stick with me, FOLKS, and I will RED-TWIZZLERS YOU into your AWAKENING!!!?!?!1 HOW MANY HOLES ARE THERE in BLACKBURN LANCASHIRE?!!?!?! Four THOUSAND?! And just WHAT is the fourth THOUSANDTH letter of the ALPHAbet?????? That's RIGHT! YOU CAN'T ANSWER THAT!!!1!11!1ed!!!1!1@! But, peeps, let me now ask you THIS: Who is Albert Hall?????$? Follow the money, peeps. Follow! The breadcrumbs. Follow the THREADS!!1!! And then unravel the thread to find your own answers, folks.

As I've stated, I am at risk here sharing my knowledge of M with you now. So I need to close before they come for me. All I can say at this point is to be aware of lemon slices. Soon you will understand.

Stay vigilant, my peeps. Stay awake. Stay away from citric fruits. They could be listening.

Have to say I think our mysterious whistleblower might just be on (to) something. How deep might this go - to the very bedrock of society? And if so does that implicate Fred n Barney?? Come to that where would Wilma and Betty fit in??? Any why isn't the news ever blue, or orange, or even green ...... it always has to be read!!! Spooky with a capital POO methinks

The Adventure Starts Here!
Conspiracy theories everywhere.

I'm a night owl who works from home, with a very understanding husband who himself often works overnights at the nuke plant. Last night I was a shorter night's sleep than usual. Just had a lot to do today (which means I shouldn't be here!). Just over six hours of sleep, which started around 4 a.m. and ended prematurely after 10 a.m. If I hadn't had a million things on my mind, I would have slept till 11 to get at least seven hours of sleep.

wait, wait, ...wait.

I think I'm starting to see the deeper meanings here with this OP. Matt is apparently referencing The Beatles, "A Day In the Life." This is proved by his recent thread starters with topics such as, "Band Members Who Refused to Leave When Asked?" and, "Do You Believe Stanley Kubrick's 'Mysterious Message?'" The latter of which points to secondary levels of communication, confirming my gut feeling here that this thread is riddled with these so called "mysterious messages." Breadcrumbs. Matt planted those seeds at least a week ago now, and here those seeds appear to be bearing fruit (citric fruit?).

Having discovered Matt's clever cipher, I can now see the obvious reference to lyrics within, "a Day In the Life" on alarm clocks, falling out of bed, combs... through ....hair. Mysterious messages, indeed, Matt. Are you combing this forum? Whatever could that be for, Matt? Are you hinting again with the thread drop, "Newspaper-dot-com - Is There Anything You Want Looked Up?" What should we be looking up??? Yes, the lyrics, "I read the news today, oh boy" corroborate this! No, there are no news topics here. RABBIT HOLES THICKEN!!!! PLOT HOLES GO DEEPER!!!

Matt (who I will now refer to as M) can see behind the two-way mirror. I believe M has direct communications with site admins plotting the New Forum Order (NFO)! You saw it in our very own SHOUTBOX!!!! Did you think the conversation on Easter Peeps was just a cute holiday throwaway? NO!!!!! PEEPS are no LONGER innocent baby chicks. NO!@!!11! Peeps have now been FORCED TO HIRE RABBITS!!!!!! And what do RABBITS DO??! They. DIG. HOLES!!!!1!!11111Eleventy-one!!!!!11!1 How deep does this PEEP hole go?!?! Local? STATE? BIG PHARMAPEEPS!?

Lennon knew, and look what happened to him. Listen. Folks. I'm placing myself in harms way to bring you the NEWS OF M!!1!! No one knows who M IS!! Not even ME!!1......** This thread is an ILLUSION!!!! Stick with me, FOLKS, and I will RED-TWIZZLERS YOU into your AWAKENING!!!?!?!1 HOW MANY HOLES ARE THERE in BLACKBURN LANCASHIRE?!!?!?! Four THOUSAND?! And just WHAT is the fourth THOUSANDTH letter of the ALPHAbet?????? That's RIGHT! YOU CAN'T ANSWER THAT!!!1!11!1ed!!!1!1@! But, peeps, let me now ask you THIS: Who is Albert Hall?????$? Follow the money, peeps. Follow! The breadcrumbs. Follow the THREADS!!1!! And then unravel the thread to find your own answers, folks.

As I've stated, I am at risk here sharing my knowledge of M with you now. So I need to close before they come for me. All I can say at this point is to be aware of lemon slices. Soon you will understand.

Stay vigilant, my peeps. Stay awake. Stay away from citric fruits. They could be listening.

Why do you think I’m here only 3 days a week? Big M tried to convince us there’s 8 days a week, but I know better. WE ARE BEING WATCHED! He’s out of bed at 4:30 a.m.! Darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there. What does he care?

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Oh and the dog woke me up at like 2:10 AM to go outside.
I know this pain at least once a week.