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A system of cells interlinked
Let's all give each other awards!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Ill be watching the Game Awards just for the game announcements.
Last Movie Watched: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024).
Last TV Show Watched: MARVEL's Echo (S1:E3).

Getting back into The Outer Worlds. I liked it a lot, but never got around to playing again once the DLC came out, and now I am.

One very stupid thing about it is that they have a remastered version of the game, with the DLC...but it's not backwards compatible with existing saves. Woof. Not that I mind playing the "old" version still, but man, that's just not a thing you see any more, especially when the remastered version doesn't appear to have wildly new mechanics or anything.


Anyway, I'm surprised at how quickly I'm getting back into it. Maybe it's just the power of going from Starfield to something so much more RPG-feeling, which Outer Worlds clearly makes/made its priority over combat or sheer exploration. It helps that I'm starting with the DLC that's more of a murder mystery, more talk-heavy. But man, it's just well-written, well-voice-acted, and it's just plain fun. I'm back in that lovely space where I keep thinking I'm wrapping up and then I want to explore a tiny bit more, and the only thing that stops me is having to use the bathroom or something because I've been leaning forward for a solid hour.

Really, really looking forward to the sequel, and hopefully I've timed it such that I can play this DLC, and the other, and then we'll have the sequel release date within sight (it was announced a couple of years ago). At the time I think I said (I'll go back and find my old review in here at some point soon) that the first game was a little rough but forgivably so since they were starting from scratch, and that it really seems like a game that would improve quite a bit in a sequel, where they can spend less time on engine and initial world-building and just polish and write quests and iterate.

Also, I'm watching my wife play Disco Elysium a few years after playing (and loving) it myself. I played it immediately so I never got to experience the new version with all the tweaks and voice acted lines, but it's quite lovely. And really fun to experience some of it vicariously.

Some, at least. As good as the writing is it's a tough thing to watch someone else read that much (even though my wife reads quite quickly). But it's worth it for those moments, and you know them if you've played it, that really land or really make you laugh, or surprise you.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Also, I'm watching my wife play Disco Elysium a few years after playing (and loving) it myself. I played it immediately so I never got to experience the new version with all the tweaks and voice acted lines, but it's quite lovely. And really fun to experience some of it vicariously.

Some, at least. As good as the writing is it's a tough thing to watch someone else read that much (even though my wife reads quite quickly). But it's worth it for those moments, and you know them if you've played it, that really land or really make you laugh, or surprise you.
Ah, I own this but haven't started it yet. Glad there won't be anyone looking over my shoulder as I play it, though. Don't creep her out.

You ready? You look ready.
So the Series X has been on sale this holiday for a stupid deal, and that worries me. Trying to pull their lose money first get it later plan like when they broke into the business. We truly might see a year that Xbox reigns but it’s gonna be 2-3 away at least. If at all.

A system of cells interlinked
My buddy is finally past both his computer issues and his slight BG3 burnout, and we are back into the campaign, with two more fun multi-hour sessions in this week. We are right at the end of Act II, which has presented some cool reveals and introduced two more major players in the narrative.

I think I am going to lobby to step up the campaign to Tactician Mode next time we play, as our party seems pretty overpowered at this point. My character especially is just an absolute powerhouse, but this may be due to both the nature of my character, a Light Domain Cleric, and the nature of the enemies in the areas we are currently adventuring in, which all seem to be weak to her magic and divinities. Luckily the difficulty is scalable on the fly, so perhaps ticking it up will make things a bit more challenging.

Then again, I may come back here and recount how we just got smoked by the upcoming battle that is just off to our screen to the North where we last saved. It looks to be some seriously powerful boss enemies, so I will report back after the next session!

You ready? You look ready.
Just get a Series S, it does the same thing lol.
exactly, and way ahead of ya. i still have my One S for 4K discs, but the Series S is seriously one of the most impressive consoles ever, given its size and price point.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I recently started playing Gotham Knights again. I had taken a break from it for about a year, and now, I am trying to offer it a real college try. Last time I played it, I feel like I went into it with an open-mind, but the second I experienced the combat, I had this immediate feeling of just deep sadness, haha.

A system of cells interlinked
We now have Nintendo Switch in the house, which Stelly received for Christmas. Had fun playing Super Mario Wonder and a bit of Zelda with the wee lass. After she went to bed last night, we had a couple of friends over, and we had a blast with Mario Kart.

The Adventure Starts Here!
We now have Nintendo Switch in the house, which Stelly received for Christmas. Had fun playing Super Mario Wonder and a bit of Zelda with the wee lass. After she went to bed last night, we had a couple of friends over, and we had a blast with Mario Kart.
I love my Switch! The Mario games are always fun, even if I run every single vehicle OFF the road.

Definitely trying Super Mario Wonder soon, heard great things.

And of course, you get to enjoy it even more, I expect. Definitely let us know if/when you end up going for BoTW and ToTK. Although maybe you played them already and I've forgotten?