James Cameron Probably Hates You


I like this essay. I've long found Cameron's work bloated and self important though I do respect his technical prowess. Do you have a favorite Cameron film? Mine would probably be True Lies and that's because I don't remember it well.

The most loathsome of all goblins
An interesting read. I think Cameron has always been more of a great businessman than a great filmmaker, he has an incredible ability to predict what audiences want before they know themselves. Because of his success and subsequent imitators, he is also one of the people most responsible for the state of Hollywood today, for better or worse.

I can't say I particularly like anything he has done outside of the Terminator franchise, but I have to respect what he has accomplished, even if his legacy is not necessarily something to be proud of. Also I can certainly sympathize with his misanthropy.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I remember Cameron hyping Avatar at the time by telling us that movies would forever be different once that movie came out. Turns out it felt more like the hype surrounding the introduction of the Segway.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Very good read Yoda. I don't have anything to add at this point. You did illuminate some things about Cameron that I had no idea about. Going to be interested to read the comments on this one.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I remember Cameron hyping Avatar at the time by telling us that movies would forever be different once that movie came out. Turns out it felt more like the hype surrounding the introduction of the Segway.
I dont remember the hype about the segway but that sounds painful.

My bro has worked with him and said he has a mind like a steel trap - knows more about elements of film making than the specialists. I dont recall bro saying anything about his 'religious' views. Interesting rticle.

If Cameron and Peter Jackson got stranded on a desert island and were no longer able to make films, I wouldn't miss 60fps or 120 fps digital projected movies as the norm. The wave of the future would be waving goodbye. Here's hoping for a one way ticket to the Bermuda Triangle.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
If Cameron and Peter Jackson got stranded on a desert island and were no longer able to make films, I wouldn't miss 60fps or 120 fps digital projected movies as the norm. The wave of the future would be waving goodbye. Here's hoping for a one way ticket to the Bermuda Triangle.
They'd probably kill each other within one hour of making a raft.

The most loathsome of all goblins
If Cameron and Peter Jackson got stranded on a desert island and were no longer able to make films, I wouldn't miss 60fps or 120 fps digital projected movies as the norm. The wave of the future would be waving goodbye. Here's hoping for a one way ticket to the Bermuda Triangle.
Anything other than 24fps is an abomination. It's supposed to be a film not a video game, bah!

This might just do nobody any good.
It's okay, aside from Terminator 1, I'm not a big fan of his either.

I remember Cameron hyping Avatar at the time by telling us that movies would forever be different once that movie came out. Turns out it felt more like the hype surrounding the introduction of the Segway.

I think that movie ruined him for me forever.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I had to quote this because it made me laugh, and it's so true

And now we've fallen from "show don't tell" to "show, then tell, then tell again." Just in case you didn't glean the message from the story itself, or hearing it explicitly stated, Cameron makes sure to scrawl it on a 2x4, hit you over the head with it, then drag your body next to a billboard he's purchased with the same message on it so that it's the first thing you see when you wake up.
I really like his films although I'll probably never get around to seeing Titnic, but he does so love to smash you right in the face over and over.

Anything other than 24fps is an abomination. It's supposed to be a film not a video game, bah!
Exactly. They make big announcements about turning cinema into reality tv sony handicam land and think they're doing people a favor lol.

This might just do nobody any good.
My favorite part is:

"Who are you?"

"Jake. One of the people send here to kill you and mine out your land."

"Okay, you seem cool. Meet my daughter."

regarding your views on titanic , it would not have been such a great movie if it had shown the truth and movie makers are allowed cinematic liberty . i simply think that titanic is one of the greatest movies ever made....

my review of the movie is in this thread---


The Adventure Starts Here!
I dont remember the hype about the segway but that sounds painful.
They hyped the Segway (before anyone had seen it or knew anything about it) by saying that it was going to completely revolutionize how humans traveled. (The hype was more hyped than that, actually.)

We were all hoping for a hover-car, you know. We got the Segway. Seemed exactly like Cameron's hype over Avatar (supposedly) changing how movies would be made forevermore.


You can't win an argument just by being right!
They hyped the Segway (before anyone had seen it or knew anything about it) by saying that it was going to completely revolutionize how humans traveled. (The hype was more hyped than that, actually.)

We were all hoping for a hover-car, you know. We got the Segway. Seemed exactly like Cameron's hype over Avatar (supposedly) changing how movies would be made forevermore.

LOL, Damn I want to see the segway hype now.

I think Jim thought the cameron Pace fusion camera system would take off more than it did. Is that what he was referring to re: revolutionising film mking or am I missing something, Mama Yods? Need my daily quota of caffeine