Happy Birthday doubledenim!


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I told them no cameras! I only breakdance in private!

Thanks man!

Happy birthday. We all admire your style, but there's the faint possibility you're not meeting your potential. This Huckberry article will point you in the right direction.

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Happy birthday. We all admire your style, but there's the faint possibility you're not meeting your potential. This Huckberry article will point you in the right direction.

Another rule, you are probably not Ryan Gosling or Steve McQueen. The dark art of double denim is a seductive mistress. Don’t let her snare you in her grasp!

Thanks, energy vampire 🧛

A system of cells interlinked

Happy Birthday!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

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Happy Birthday, doubledenim!

I don’t have to share, right? Thank you, 1L

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Happy Birthday!
Rhinestones are a boy’s best friend! Thank you, Mr. Switchblade

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No I don’t have any smokes, go buy a pack! Thanks, JW

Happy Birthday!

They’re perfect! Thanks, Whit
You're very welcome and again, Happy Birthday!
WARNING: spoilers below
Sorry about that inadvertent fisting emoticon in the second gif.

A belated happy birthday, DD. I'll forego my usual cake gift as it looks like you've had quite a bit already.

I know you can't have too much cake, but sometimes a little variety is nice.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

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A belated happy birthday, DD. I'll forego my usual cake gift as it looks like you've had quite a bit already.

I know you can't have too much cake, but sometimes a little variety is nice.
There’s always room for another drink,
Always room for another slice of cake!

Thank you HK. Your gift of introducing me to
“having a moan”, is one I always delight in using.