Write Your Final Post at Movie Forums


Final Post

After all these years, I am finally enlightened to the one undisputed fact of cinema history
I can't believe I didn't know it before
but I know now, and on my death bed I will share it with you:

My last post would probably be some random average post because I will either just not get around to posting again and vanish, or die without getting to give a proper farewell.

My last post would probably be some random average post because I will either just not get around to posting again and vanish, or die without getting to give a proper farewell.
Yes, well, that's why this thread is for making a PRETEND final post, as if it's actually the final post you wanted to write.

my last post would be---

'' i no longer have time for reviews of movies or even posting my thoughts in forums like this . other things in life take a priority now . so goodbye forever . i hope you remember me for whatever little entertainment i brought into your life with my posts and movie reviews . when i am gone from this world sometime in future my posts here will be a memory of my existence in the world . i really love you all and will miss you . but time and tide wait for none....'' ( no smilie in smilie list with tears in eyes to put here )

In the event of my death for that would be the only reason why i would not post on movies. It would be because i am buried six feet under and my zombie body is too dumb to know what a movie is.

I think there's someone behi
That's a bit suspicious though. Why did you hit "submit reply" if you got offed before you could finish your sentence?

Welcome to the human race...
That's a bit suspicious though. Why did you hit "submit reply" if you got offed before you could finish your sentence?
Maybe I wasn't the one who did it.