I'm-a-Manic's 100 favorite movies

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I'm bored, so hopefully posting my favorites on a random forum would spark some enthusiasm. Don't yell at me for the guilty pleasures.

#100. 8 Mile - The uncommon great performance by a singer turned minor actor is in effect here. Doesn't take a superficial approach to the rap topic, thankfully.

#99. Role Models - Paul Rudd and Stifler dude adopt two socially inept kids and take them on a hilariously unadventurous journey.

#98. Freddy vs. Jason - Take notes Alien vs Predator, this is how a versus film is suppose to go. Epic fights all the way through with no attention to canon and boring story details, it does help that my two favourite killers are involved as well.

#97. Mr. Brooks - Kevin Costner embodies the double life of a psychopath and famous businessman perfectly.

#96. Ransom - Tense and the (over?) acting of Mel Gibson is lots realistic. Very underrated. "GIMMIE MY SON!!!"

#95. Westworld - Cool as flick, love a fresh take on the overdone cowboy genre and robots are a great substitute.

#94. Causalities Of War - Anything with MJFox is worth watching, not a very war-ish view on war, leaning more towards to the psychological part.

#93. Bang The Drum Slowly - So inspirational and DeNiro's first breakout role.

#92. Blue Collar - WHAT? Complications on set and a nervous breakdown happened during the filming of Blue Collar, I'd say the actors were at home with each other. Needs to be watched for Kietel alone.

#91. The Witches - A young kid takes on some wicked witches in this lighthearted, stylistically vibrant adventure. Recommended for kids, who like fun which I assume all do.

#97. Mr. Brooks - Kevin Costner embodies the double life of a psychopath and famous businessman perfectly.

#95. Westworld - Cool as flick, love a fresh take on the overdone cowboy genre and robots are a great substitute.

#94. Causalities Of War - Anything with MJFox is worth watching, not a very war-ish view on war, leaning more towards to the psychological part.

#92. Blue Collar - WHAT? Complications on set and a nervous breakdown happened during the filming of Blue Collar, I'd say the actors were at home with each other. Needs to be watched for Kietel alone.
+ rep for those. Welcome to the site.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Westworld and Freddy vs Jason

plus you're a maniac

you can live, for now

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

#95. Westworld - Cool as flick, love a fresh take on the overdone cowboy genre and robots are a great substitute.

#93. Bang The Drum Slowly - So inspirational and DeNiro's first breakout role.

+ rep for Westworld and Bang The Drum Slowly.

Westworld and Freddy vs Jason

plus you're a maniac

you can live, for now
I'm disturbed.

Out of that first set, I've only seen 8 Mile, Ransom, and Casualties of War, and I think they're all very good.

There are a couple of good choices in that first set (Mr. Brooks, Casualties of War), so +rep for those. Whoever the heck you even are.
Please change to Residential Nice Person or is there some dark side i'm missing?

+ rep for those. Welcome to the site.
, I quite like honey.

#90. Dinosaur - The 3D animation and effects are top-notch, Alador and the rest of the crew are so loveable. The opening meteor scene was hard to stomach for me.

#89. I Am Legend - The dog, the dog, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!.

#88. …And Justice For All - Pacino is one tough lawyer, If only he was defending me in that case. Life would've been different.

#87. Spiderman - Andrew Garfield ain't got nothing on Toby Maguire as the red suited geek.

#86. The Accused - Me being a guy didn't think I'd enjoy this, but I really did, it's gut-wrenching throughout, mainly for the main character who gets raped by a bunch of loser bar dwellers, of which I'd gladly kick snort out of If I had five minutes alone. Oh and the lawyer in this film could've defended me ethically and thoroughly, oh wait, I need Fletcher Reede.

#85. School Of Rock - I've watched SOR many times on the tele, never get sick of it, goes to show its goodness. Jack Black is awesome and the jams aren't too bad, quite catchy I'll admit.

#84. Night On Earth - Very funny, even though it's foreign. I like the visuals and the fact that's organised in an anthology sort-of-way which ensures the funniness never becomes unfunny.

#83. South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut - Really needs no introduction, two hours of non-stop laughs.

#82. Aboot A Boy (A pat on the back if you caught the joke) - The kid who played Marcus deserves every acting award, child and adult. Bloody fantastic he was, and Hugh Grant wasn't too bad himself, pretty great actually. Great at pressing your feel buttons this film was.

#81. Election - Most underrated comedy EVER!!!. Reese Witherspoon was such a conniving bitch and Boardrick was a bit conniving himself but for good reason. Someone needs to teach Tracy Flick a lesson....

I mean "WHO THE **** DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?!!!" - proceeds to throw milkshake.

Did you read the forums at all before you joined?
Not really, no. I read some dude's list and thought wow this ****'s cool, lemme make my own list and impress everybody. Yeah, that's how it went. I think.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Not really, no. I read some dude's list and thought wow this ****'s cool, lemme make my own list and impress everybody. Yeah, that's how it went. I think.
I'll let ya know when I'm properly impressed


I'll let ya know when I'm properly impressed
That's easy, I'll just put Citizen Kane down........................................as an honorable mention.

#80. The Day Of The Jackal - Awesome political thriller, too bad the awful remake with bloody Richard Gere tainted its legacy.

#79. Carlito’s Way - Pacino can’t keep away from that gangster life. The real money, power, respect movie is right here.

#78. Angel Heart - Bob The Devil is out for baseball face (Rourke, j/king) in this quintessential mystery.

#77. True Lies - Arnold may just fit playing the overgrown meathead but damn is he good at it and True Lies is no exception.

#76. Mask - No not the Jim Carrey comedy, try the touching story about a deformed kid or just the movie with mother-fudging CHER.

#75. The Good Girl - Jennifer proving her acting chops in the tale of a bored country girl who goes to spice up her life with a steamy affair.

#74. The Marathon Man - Remember when Sci-fi thrillers existed and were good.

#73. Logan’s Run - or just good Sci-fi movies in general, those were the days.

#72. New Nightmare - Freddy knocks the fourth wall and starts to kill off his creators, whilst accompanying a new, much more sinister look (which I love).

#71. The Bad News Bears - Unlike The Day Of The Jackal, this had a pretty decent remake which actually got me laughing a few times, it’s still trumped by the original’s diverse dimensions. Doesn’t just stick to comedy, it's an uplifting underdog story.

There's more I've seen in the 2nd set than in the 1st; I really like And Justice For All, Spiderman, School of Rock, South Park, and especially The Accused and Election.

I like the 3rd set even better, which makes sense since you do too. Carlito's Way, True Lies, Mask, and Marathon Man are huge favorites of mine. I really like Angel Heart, The Day of the Jackal, and The Bad News Bears. My least favorite is Logan's Run, but I at least like it.

Looking forward to the rest.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'll let ya know when I'm properly impressed


I would consider most of the movies listed average to good movies, but I'm impressed with the inclusion of Bang The Drum Slowly on this list. Most people miss this amazing movie.

#87. Spiderman
#86. The Accused
#83. South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
#82. Aboot A Boy
#81. Election.
I really like the South Park film. The other films I've only seen once or twice, but I've liked them.
#79. Carlito’s Way
#78. Angel Heart
#76. Mask
#73. Logan’s Run
#72. New Nightmare
It's all good here.

Happy to see everyone liking my list, and yes at gbgoodies. Bang The Drum Slowly sadly doesn't get the attention it deserves.

#70. Wake In Fright - Despite the off putting kangaroo hunt, Wake In Fright is a sublime experience of the down under, crikey mate.

#69. Blast Of Silence - I don’t usually like Noirs, so BOS was quite the surprise.

#68. A Bug’s Life - Unappreciated piece of animation, everything looks cooler from an Ant’s perspective.

#67. The Journey Of Natty Grain - The best doggie journey I’ve personally ever seen.

#66. The Last Of The Mohicans - Step aside Braveheart and Gladiator, a new medieval is in town to claim his king throne.

#65. The Black Stallion - Doggie journey to Horsey journey, the best once again and Mickey Rooney.

#64. The Outsiders - Greasers in the 1980s works superbly, weirdly enough.

#63. The Assassination Of Jesse James - Your not so typical western and very beautiful, with great performances all round.

#62. The Beguiled - Clint Eastwood delivers as the player, not as the cowboy. YEEHAAAA.

#61. Unbreakable - Impeccable acting link between Willis and Jackson, top notch chemistry. Suspenseful and dark superhero film, great pick me up from all the modern, excess heroics.