Who Will be Our Next President?


The stuff like "Mexican rapists" from what I have seen is common on both sides, things taken out of context or changed slightly. Trump has made many many false quotes and made things up, like recently off the top of my head talking about Biden and the super predators, honorable discharge lie, and a whole host of policy stuff trying to portray Biden as a radical extremist - I know this is subjective but most of Trump's stuff seems to rely on false quotes.
I think Trump lies plenty, but as far as the super predators thing, I think he's mixing it up rather than lying. I believe Hillary said that and Biden just use the word predators. Either way, I think when you're accusing someone of racism you better get it damn right or not say it. I'm not even sure use of the word predator was racist. If he used it to describe black men, then yes. If he used it to describe criminals, then no.

The problem is with getting an honest, open or free media, is that what people mean by that is to achieve some sort of equality. How do you do that?

What Republicans seem to be proposing is a regulation of tech companies and media to force them to be equal and fair, something which is highly subjective.

My understanding of the free market and free speech is that these companies can say what they want (providing they don't break other laws) and then it's up to people whether they listen to it, or start an alternative platform, or so on. People are free to consume and listen to what they want. Your opinions of Trump and the media is very subjective and one I would personally disagree with, although you're entitled to it. That's why I oppose regulation of these tech companies. Any attempt to regulate removes freedoms, not increases them. You have the state telling them how they should manage their own private businesses/services. Freedom of speech/expression should not include the freedom to do what you want in the realm of someone else's privately controlled service you've agreed to use/consume. State intervention here for me is a scary thing, and starts to (ironically) go down the line of countries like China.
Not to get into it because I suspect we actually agree on plenty. I think the problem with Twitter is that they censored some things, including a NY Post tweet on the Biden corruption story. The paper got their account locked because of it.

I think Trump lies plenty, but as far as the super predators thing, I think he's mixing it up rather than lying. I believe Hillary said that and Biden just use the word predators. Either way, I think when you're accusing someone of racism you better get it damn right or not say it. I'm not even sure use of the word predator was racist. If he used it to describe black men, then yes. If he used it to describe criminals, then no.
I actually think that a lot of attacks on Trump are a waste of time and don't like them myself. Personally, I prefer positive campaigning and stuff on policies. Unfortunately, I think that political discourse has reached a level now where the gloves have come off for both sides and we get a race to the bottom shouting extremes at each other. I think I have a more cynical perception of Trump than yourself and think he is clever in deliberately confusing things, when he makes mistakes I think they're calculated, but there's no point going back and forth discussing it.

Not to get into it because I suspect we actually agree on plenty. I think the problem with Twitter is that they censored some things, including a NY Post tweet on the Biden corruption story. The paper got their account locked because of it.
Yeah I do agree with you to an extent, personally, I think they're tweet warnings are good but I can understand the frustration that it doesn't always seem consistent. For example today you had some accounts with early projections/claims for states with votes left, which I didn't see censored too much. It's a difficult one though because although it feels disproportionate against Trump it's understandable that they're quick off the mark with one of their most prominent accounts. I did disagree with locking the NY Post account too. I understand some conservative frustration just don't agree with some of the proposed solutions, I'm guessing that their hopes are that threatening action will force Twitter and co into what they see as fairer policies.

Not sure what you mean by the first part. As far as the pandemic, I'm sure he could have handled it better, so could have a lot of people. It's a global problem, and a problem the U.S. was particularly susceptible to regardless of who was in charge. The previous administration handled their pandemic just as poorly I would say. I don't like blaming people for deaths from a virus, but I'll be interested to see how many lives an early vaccine saves.
No actually they did a far better job from both the H1N1 and Ebola.

That's not the point. The point is that the media is covering it up..

Covering up what...what is the crime. I could literally rattle off 40 specific crimes Trump has been involved in and give specifics not this nebulous oh theirs a laptop and Hunter got a job.

There should be fair and equal coverage and criticism if the media is honest. So was Kamala lying when she said she believed Reade?

Yes...I think everyone in that situation where you competition has an accuser come forward would believe the accussor. She doesn't believe her now...neither does Reades lawyer. See this is your problem you want this Biden laptop thing to go on but then in the next breath you bring up the Reade case. It's the responsibility of the media to vet scandals like this

There's not many politicians relative to the population. It's my opinion there's no need or room for anyone who was in the Klan. Automatic disqualification.

Constitution says otherwise we don't disqualify people from public service. NAACP supported Byrd you can't be more outraged than African American organizations.

You'll be fine.

I'm working two jobs during a pandemic with Obama care and I'm immunocompromized with Diabetes. I got a 10% of dying in the next two years if I lose coverage that number will go up. Pretty good chance I'm going to die in my 40's.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I foresee this thread getting closed....
It would probably be a good thing to close it before too much bad blood is spilled. Nobody ever changes anyone else's opinion anyway, and all that's achieved is a bunch of escalating rhetoric and self-dreamed narratives, creating further division in a movie board. Movies are fun, politics suck!

It would probably be a good thing to close it before too much bad blood is spilled. Nobody ever changes anyone else's opinion anyway, and all that's achieved is a bunch of escalating rhetoric and self-dreamed narratives, creating further division in a movie board. Movies are fun, politics suck!
I don't see anybody mad at anybody.

AOC, I don't know if that's a person's initials or slang for something, what does it mean?
Congresswoman Cortez.

I foresee this thread getting closed....

And why do you foresee that? The thread is full of useful discourse. No one is insulting anyone and things are civil (for now).

No actually they did a far better job from both the H1N1 and Ebola.
Thankfully it wasn't as deadly but 60 million got swine flu in a year. I'm wondering what you think they did that constitutes a better job. The documentary "Totally Under Control" is liberal propaganda, but there was one unbiased point in the whole movie, that the Obama administration handled it poorly and were unprepared. Decent movie btw I think you'd like it.

Covering up what...what is the crime. I could literally rattle off 40 specific crimes Trump has been involved in and give specifics not this nebulous oh theirs a laptop and Hunter got a job.
His son is being investigated by the FBI and Joe's name is everywhere. Do you think the media would try to cover it up if it were Trump? If the media is covering up a possible crime by the Trump family please share.

Yes...I think everyone in that situation where you competition has an accuser come forward would believe the accussor. She doesn't believe her now...neither does Reades lawyer. See this is your problem you want this Biden laptop thing to go on but then in the next breath you bring up the Reade case. It's the responsibility of the media to vet scandals like this
So you believe Harris did believe Reade but then changed her mind. What made her change her mind? I think the public deserves to know.

Constitution says otherwise we don't disqualify people from public service. NAACP supported Byrd you can't be more outraged than African American organizations.
It's just my opinion. For all I know he paid people off. I don't think we need politicians who were in the Klan, and he also filibustered against civil rights years later. So if Trump's mentor was in the Klan it shouldn't and wouldn't be mentioned? If he called him a great man? No story if it were Trump?

I'm working two jobs during a pandemic with Obama care and I'm immunocompromized with Diabetes. I got a 10% of dying in the next two years if I lose coverage that number will go up. Pretty good chance I'm going to die in my 40's.
Think positive and we all say our prayers for you.

Not at all, but yes, I would have preferred Bernie over all of them, and didn't like the collusion of the DNC, but if Bernie wasn't man enough to fight (after accepting being cheated in 2016, then he isn't the man for the job).. I would never support Pence or any other Republican, and never voted for one, and haven't voted since 2008 (despite working on campaigns). I'll explain it, and I won't attack anyone, so I hope this is cool.

When it comes to the important issues, Biden is more conservative. Biden supported every single war, Trump started none. One pushed NAFTA, one got rid of it. Biden wrote The Crime Bill, Trump wrote Criminal Justice Reform, Prison Reform, HBCU funding, etc.. Biden supported the repeal of Glass-Steagull, Telecommunications Act, The Patriot Act.

I'm a left-winger who hates political correctness, and believes identify politics is a right-winged trick to NOT talk about class, labor, and instead go on and on about social issues because they know you can't do anything about it. You can't legislate kindness and understanding.
To me, the biggest issue is war. The biggest moral cost, and the biggest financial cost. When Obama took us from two to seven wars, Democrats didn't say a thing, because they're chicken****, and the opposing side likes it (until something goes wrong). I know Fox is the most watched, but they are kind of anamoly. The other stations are Democrat (not liberal) with only one bias - financial. If/when Biden were to start proxy wars, sanctions, or actual wars (Iran, Venezuela, etc), the media won't pay attention to it, or water it down, and the millions of voters are influenced by this. Not everyone digs deep about what is happening like many of us.
Also, if Biden were to win, many people would go to sleep. With Trump, you have a kind of "check" on him. And he's been there for almost 4 years, and hasn't started any new war, and when he's tried to pull troops, both parties disabled him.
Tariffs were HATED by the Republicans, who thought the market could solve every problem. As soon as Trump imposed tariffs, suddenly they like them? His supporters certainly seem to. I'm sure some would prefer to stay silent to avoid being socially ostracized. It's the problem with every other group, which I think is the true enemy. Nothing wrong with alliances for certain issues, but I believe you trade your individuality when you join a group. As groups change, the people suddenly change? Now, Democrats hate tariffs? The two Democratic senators from Ohio were for them until Trump was for them.
Biden wrote The Crime Bill, Trump signed Criminal Justice Reform.. We know Biden's long right-winged record, especially when it comes to the important stuff. I can't stand Trump (even before he ran) for his greed, etc., but what differentiates him from someone like Biden or Clinton, is that they pretend to care for the entire world, etc.. Bull.

If Biden gets in, he'll taint the progress just by his name alone, alongside with FDR and JFK, thinking Biden's record is "the way", influencing younger or less educated people about politics.
I'm so glad good leftists don't spend too much time going after Republicans, because its not about "R" and/or "D", it's policy.. I read John Bolton's book, and he seems so scared that if Trump wins, he'll be really bad for "conservative Republicans", even going on to say Trump would do something "liberal stuff" for his own historical ego. Who cares! If the media were really "liberal", they could have bullied or use simple semantics into Medicare-4-All... Remember, during the GOP debate, Chris Wallace asked Trump about his constant support for single-payer. And Trump didn't shy away and said "It seems to work fine in Canada", so a great reporter would ask "So President Trump (kiss his butt, so what), you said single-payer worked fine, so when do you plan on signing a bill into law?"
I do want Trump to win, also, because despite my cynicism for the DNC, if they continue to lose with right-winged Corporate Democrats, they might pivot a tad.. In just 4 years, everyone running on the Democratic ticket pretend they were Bernie Sanders-lite. Platforms don't mean jack, but it might have enough influence to put this issue over the top and get it done, once and for all... And he'd be there for only 4 more years, and maybe in 2024, we could have a real progressive, or at least someone who isn't as far-right as Biden is.
For those who say it makes no difference, at least we'll have more entertainment from Trump than Biden, or Kamala's hypocritical laughter/disdain. Her record as a prosecutor should make every right-winger happy. She prosecuted black men for pot while she says (and probably lied) about doing it while listening to Snoopy Dog who didn't exist when she was in college. She's a phony, like Biden.. We all know Trump and knew him, and he doesn't apologize for it. The only guy Kamala didn't prosecute was Steve Mnuchin, who coincidentally (wink, wink) only gave one donation, which was to Kamala Harris. And who knows with Trump.. He won't have to pander, he doesn't owe the GOP anything (and has been going after RINOs), and did mention how single-payer seems to work fine when asked about it during the 1st GOP Debate when Wallace asked why he supported single-payer health care.
The media has been awful, and part of me wants them (and other deranged idiots who don't know jack about politics) to cry their guts out.

Twitter, Facebook, Google (and many others) censoring this Biden business dealing crack from the NY Post only makes me hate these people more... I spend way too much of my life discussing politics, and I want them to eat their words. I actually think more in the media wanted Trump to win because of ratings.

And entertainment. Even if the President is just a figurehead, I prefer to hear him say outlandish stuff, and just be a guy, a guy who reminds me of every New Yorker I know.. And he's more representative of the people. Biden keeps saying "This is not who we are" to which I can only say, "C'mon man!".

I like someone who is defiant even if he's full of it. He's more of a rebel than Biden. If Trump ran as a Democrat, all the people barking at him would be saying how amazing he is.

I'm stealing a quote from Mort Sahl, but I hate the Republicans for who they are, and I hate the Democrats for who they are not. All the complaining about Trump (never issues, usually personality) makes me reconsider. Not contrarian; just a rebel at heart. I will miss hearing him go after the mainstream media which is so fake, corrupt, and just chicken, using the currency of the moment, just like those Lincoln Log mercenaries.

I also think without the mail-in ballots, Trump would have won bigly. The Democrats obviously don't care about COVID.. Protesting for example, which I support always (regardless of who - it's better than apathy), but maybe not during a pandemic. And if you protest, you should have shouted for a stimulus check... or body-cams.. I don't believe it's organic at all. I saw so many groups try to co-opt their crap, and the minute they get a token, they go back to sleep and say "Ok, no more" as they reign in the drawbridge.

I applauded the "entertainers" who ripped W., but didn't say a word about Obama, and then found their fake testicles when Trump came in.. The NBA, Neil Young, etc etc..

You don't vote for someone and THEN wish they turn out alright - it hasn't happened in my lifetime. You use your vote (and as a bloc, since that's so chic) as leverage. If you keep voting for the evil of two lessers, why would they ever give you anything? Biden appealed to more of the GOP than progressives (if there really are any).. Lip service doesn't go far with me, and if AOC had any integrity, she would demand a "skinny" bill from Pelosi, but she wants to be a power-player I'm sure, but I liked her for about 10 minutes, along with Tlaib.. They eat their cake while everyone else starves, pretending Biden is going to save us.. Pelosi wouldn't impeach W. for lying us into multiple wars, but she impeached Trump over nothing, which I knew was baloney.. If he was an agent of Russia, why would she approve of all his budget increases?

And then for the Democrats to suddenly support the CIA and FBI? And W. Bush cronies? This is truly unbelievable. Because Trump made a few tweets? Schumer didn't even hide it as he told that Maddow "The CIA will screw you seven ways from Sunday" (or whatever that threat was). I didn't like Obama, but I didn't like the de-legitimacy (Kenya - give me a break) and so they doubled-down on Trump winning because of a few bots. Every time someone says "Russian", I ask if they changed their vote because of Russia - none.

Bernie was a good guy but he's ahead of his time. When he fought in the 80s to allow homosexuals to serve in the military people thought he was crazy, now it's normal and there are probably 39 other examples of this.

His plan for universal healthcare will happen one day in the US. But America is not ready. Too many people are convinced that progressive and socialist are the same thing (most of these people are ironically collecting monthly SOCIAL security checks from the government)

TLR Bernie was ahead of his time. Better to go for incremental changes.

Thankfully it wasn't as deadly but 60 million got swine flu in a year. I'm wondering what you think they did that constitutes a better job. The documentary "Totally Under Control" is liberal propaganda, but there was one unbiased point in the whole movie, that the Obama administration handled it poorly and were unprepared. Decent movie btw I think you'd like it.

Well then it wasn't as deadly...also seems like you are just glossing over how Obama handled the US ebola outbreak...interesting.

His son is being investigated by the FBI and Joe's name is everywhere. Do you think the media would try to cover it up if it were Trump? If the media is covering up a possible crime by the Trump family please share.

Well individuals in the White House say that Trump has been pushing for Biden investigations with foreign nations. Do I believe Trump would weaponize the FBI to go after a political rival? Well that's why we impeached him because he has a history of putting lives secondary to his own political ambitions. We;ve heard about the laptop I'd like to know the specific crimes because IIRC the FBI has been holding onto this information for a year now.

So you believe Harris did believe Reade but then changed her mind. What made her change her mind? I think the public deserves to know.
I think Harris hoped it was accurate and then the information came out and she changed her mind. I don't know why you believe someone running for president is supposed to have the tools to investigate a crime of a competitor.

It's just my opinion. For all I know he paid people off. I don't think we need politicians who were in the Klan, and he also filibustered against civil rights years later. So if Trump's mentor was in the Klan it shouldn't and wouldn't be mentioned? If he called him a great man? No story if it were Trump?
I think Biden's behavior towards a 70 year old Byrd is different from the 24 year old Byrd. I also don't know if Byrd was a mentor or if he was just a friendly colleague. But if you want to bring up mentors....

How about we talk about Roy Cohn...

Well then it wasn't as deadly...also seems like you are just glossing over how Obama handled the US ebola outbreak...interesting.
That's not a time period I have a strong recollection of tbh. From what I just read 11 people in the U.S. got it? Not much of an outbreak here.

Well individuals in the White House say that Trump has been pushing for Biden investigations with foreign nations. Do I believe Trump would weaponize the FBI to go after a political rival? Well that's why we impeached him because he has a history of putting lives secondary to his own political ambitions. We;ve heard about the laptop I'd like to know the specific crimes because IIRC the FBI has been holding onto this information for a year now.
I'd like to know too. Where is the media when you need them?

I think Harris hoped it was accurate and then the information came out and she changed her mind. I don't know why you believe someone running for president is supposed to have the tools to investigate a crime of a competitor.
I think she lied and never believed her but wanted to pretend she was with the believe all women crowd. So she lied or changed her mind. She shouldn't be questioned about it?

I think Biden's behavior towards a 70 year old Byrd is different from the 24 year old Byrd. I also don't know if Byrd was a mentor or if he was just a friendly colleague. But if you want to bring up mentors....
I don't know either. Where is the media when you need them?

How about we talk about Roy Cohn...
Never heard of that guy before I just looked him up. Now that does sound interesting.

Never heard of that guy before I just looked him up. Now that does sound interesting.

and when you finish with him...

The media has actually been way to kind to Trump because they should be running these Trump associates and scandals on the daily.

and when you finish with him...

The media has actually been way to kind to Trump because they should be running these Trump associates and scandals on the daily.
I think that is unfair

I think that is unfair

I don't...and you didn't know who Roy Cohn was. But let's move on from the pedophiles....

Steve Bannon - arrested for a scheme to make money off the wall

John Kelly - sits on a board and makes money off of those kids in cages

You want to go into Paul Manafort's crimes

Roger Stone

Rudy Giuliani

I mean the only words I can say when it comes to this election is

I don't...and you didn't know who Roy Cohn was. But let's move on from the pedophiles....

Steve Bannon - arrested for a scheme to make money off the wall

John Kelly - sits on a board and makes money off of those kids in cages

You want to go into Paul Manafort's crimes

Roger Stone

Rudy Giuliani

I mean the only words I can say when it comes to this election is

Keep in mind that the post you were responding to was about equal treatment from the media, not about going into Trump's background, which definitely has question marks. As far as the pedophiles, I only know Epstein but will take your word on the others. But what you have to show me is that Trump was friends with these people after knowing what they were. Speaking of Epstein, do you know who Jessica Leigh Collins is? Well she claims she was victimized by Epstein....and Biden. I have no way of knowing if her story is true, but she is believable. So while you want to connect Trump to pedophilia because as socialites him and Epstein ran in the same circles, Biden's possible connection is much more sinister. Surely someone like you who puts such a high premium on the character of the person they vote for could never vote for a man like Biden

Sure I think all politicians lie, and I also think it's necessary sometimes. I certainly don't listen to Trump and take it as gospel. I just think it's another level when you start attacking someone's character by making things up.
I mean, I agree, but again, if you hate that, I can give you literally dozens of examples of Trump doing exactly that, over and over, with zero evidence.

We can and should be critical of it at all times, but if you're trying to do some kind of comparison, it's definitely not gonna come out with Trump looking better. I dunno if some of these things haven't reached you, but there's an avalanche of them.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was going to say I miss the 1950s, even though I wasn't around back then. It's my favorite decade...though not politically, as in the 1950s you have a bunch of power thirsty, Republican right wingers going after 'liberal' Hollywood and harassing them into silence. I guess some things never change...haters gotta hate.