The best Cinematic Experience of your life


I've only had one electrifying cinema experience and that was in 1996 for the opening night of Star Trek: First Contact. I had seen the previous Star Trek movies at the theater and liked most of them, but this was the only time I've ever been on opening night premier and the theater was packed with dedicated Star Trek fans who loved the movie! That made all the difference in the world, it was a very intense viewing as I was deeply into Star Trek and it was one of the best ST films..I remember the opening scene gave me chills as we see a close up shot of Picard as a Borg drone, the camera pulls back and we see more Borg in their cubicles, then the camera pulls back further and further until Picard is a reduced to a tiny spot and the interior of this immense Borg ship fills the entire screen. I was impressed!
The Borg redesign in First Contact was pretty decent, and it being by H. R. Giger makes me think of the similarity between the film and Aliens. The Borg get a Queen just like the Xenomorphs (and it's debatable in both cases how appropriate that is); plus each film has a brutalized main character taking the fight to an inhuman aggressor.

I found First Contact quite so-so personally. I didn't like the way Picard's character was going (this continued in Star Trek: Insurrection) and found Patrick Stewart's acting very off, which in some cases could also have been a directorial issue. "That's what they came here to do: stop First Contact" is an especially peculiar line reading to me.

A system of cells interlinked
After reading Ultra's post, I would have to add...

Blade Runner 2049 - Fantastic Viewing in a deluxe theater with a reclining seat and a bunch of tasty food and beverages. Sound system was amazing, and the film totally blew me away.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The one when I had whole cinema for myself. I was the only one viewer
Now that would be something .

I would say The Dark Knight is up there. It was the first movie to be filmed with iMAX camera's and be presented in iMAX. I recall the opening scene of the camera panning into the building. I was sitting in the back row and it felt like I was floating. So immersive.

However, the best would have to be Blade Runner 2049. I thought it was a masterpiece. The performances, the score, the storyline, the effects were all perfectly executed. I remember sitting in my seat at the end of the movie and feeling moved. I had witnessed a master at work. I think it is criminal it was not nominated for 'Best Picture'. Criminal. I mean what do you have to do to be nominated for an Oscar? One of Gosling best performances to date.

Two quickly come to mind. This might be a bit cliché, but The Matrix blew me away in 1999. I had absolutely no idea what the movie was about, I wasn't even sure who the actors were, and I had not even seen a trailer for it before actually going to the theater. I just heard it was really popular. The part that really got me going was right at the beginning when the trash truck smashes into the phone booth and they said she got out. I thought, what, how was she that fast? It was quite the trip.

The other time was in 2002. My friend and his GF and I went to see The Ring. We were sitting in the very front row of the theater. I think being that close to the screen helped shut the rest of the world out and caused me to be so engrossed in the movie that it was freaking me out.

...but the best was Batman (1989).
Yes, Batman (1989) was truly a cinematic experience!! I was a kid completely absorbed into another world. Especially when the Batmobile crested the leaf covered hill through the creepy woods all that coupled with Danny Elfman's superb integral score. Still gives me chills today.

BearSkinBathRobe's Avatar
"That may be, but I've got the Falcon."
I got four memorable ones...

For me: Seeing the basilisk emerge in Chamber of Secrets.

With my cousin's family: LOTR: Return of the King. People actually clapped!

With my cousin: The Dark Knight in a packed crowd. Fun times!

With my wife: Drive-in viewings of the MCU flicks, HP finale.

As a child: Seeing both Power Rangers movies, Spider-Man, etc.
"They knew and they let it happen! To kids!"-Spotlight

Seeing Blade Runner 2049 on the big screen in premium IMAX seats...Was absolutely hands down the most epic cinematic experience of my life! That movie/experience melted my brain for the following week and a half. Loved it.
"It's too bad she won't live...But then again, who does?" - Gaff

If you mean in the actual cinema - Probably Batman (1989). As a youngster I was just in awe of the whole thing.

More recently, I saw 'Arrival' and 'A Ghost Story' at the flicks and for some reason I was just overcome with emotion at both screenings.