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Se correr o bicho pega. Se ficar o bicho come.
It made me interested. I'll watch this movie tonight. Seems fun
"Bate, bate, bate na porta do céu."

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Onibaba (1964)

Sexy tragedy in a spooky reed field.

Great movie, great director!

Patrick Dewaere is one of my favorite actors.. This is a good movie, but kind of on the lower half of the ones I've seen with him. I'd recommend "Serie Noire" (kinda reminds me of "Buffalo '66") and "The Bad Son" (more conventional, but good story).. "A Thousand Million" is another good one; he plays a journalist exposing the powerful monopolizing the earth.

Welcome to the human race...
The Humanity Bureau -

In hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have picked Nic Cage for the "watch 10 films by the same actor" challenge.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

M. Night Shamalangadingdong wrote that film uncredited
huh i dont know what the hell u talking about =/ but umm no thats a 90s movie and its writing by R. Lee Fleming Jr. and i seen that movie few times and i love that movie

huh i dont know what the hell u talking about =/ but umm no thats a 90s movie and its writing by R. Lee Fleming Jr. and i seen that movie few times and i love that movie
He said he wrote the film “uncredited”. Hence he isn’t credited for it and thus you probably don’t know about it.

There still isn’t certainty about it, but appearently M. Night did a rewrite that green-lit the movie.


7/10. Quite liked the movie. The background songs were nice. Nice, simple story. And I have to say Melissa McCarthy did a fine job. I don't know why she doesn't look for these types of roles. But as usual come March, we will get more of her rubbish slapstick comedies. Best Actress award, don't think so.
My Favorite Films

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Great movie, great director!

Patrick Dewaere is one of my favorite actors.. This is a good movie, but kind of on the lower half of the ones I've seen with him. I'd recommend "Serie Noire" (kinda reminds me of "Buffalo '66") and "The Bad Son" (more conventional, but good story).. "A Thousand Million" is another good one; he plays a journalist exposing the powerful monopolizing the earth.

Cheers Matt, I'll check those out. Ive seen and liked Buffalo 66.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Snooze factor rating = Z

Snooze factor rating = Zzz

Snooze factor rating = Zz

[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it


I enjoyed it for what it was and liked where the story went but my one problem with this which I knew was going to be is Hardy playing your regular American joe... This Means.. Venom... it just doesn't ring true to me or the accent, Tom Cruise or Will Smith could have done it and I wouldn't know any different but did anybody notice when he says "we are venom" it's James Keziah Delaney saying it not Eddie Brooke lol

Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

Dont Go In The House (1979)

One of the infamous 'video nasties' that was on the banned list, DGITH actually surprised me, with its decent technical qualities. The acting was to a much better standard that a lot of the other nasties I've watched and although its not particularly gory, its still quite disturbing in its storytelling. Nice touch with the background story too.

More of a psycholgocical/exploitational horror and much better than expected. Worth a watch for horror fans.

You seen this one Cricket?

The Descent: Part 2 (2009)

A big fan of the first, I had reservations going into this one. I loved the ending of the original and really, there was no need at all to make a sequal. This is a pretty dumb movie. So much just doesnt make sense at all, most of the characters are either hugely irratating or just cave-fodder that serve absolutely no purpose.

But in saying this, I still really liked it and can honestly say, I think its underrated. I actually found this to be even more claustrophobic that the original and I though Sarah character was in most parts, really really good! There were plenty of authentic jump scares and although they werent executed amazingly, the death scenes looked good.

A lot of it is just scenes and settings regurgitated but I had great fun watching it. It is still a vastly inferior sequal but worth a watch.

(ps what about the ending?)

The Humanity Bureau -

In hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have picked Nic Cage for the "watch 10 films by the same actor" challenge.
Hi it's your hindsight talking, you will in fact regret this decision
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

The Descent: Part 2 (2009)

A big fan of the first, I had reservations going into this one. I loved the ending of the original and really, there was no need at all to make a sequal. This is a pretty dumb movie. So much just doesnt make sense at all, most of the characters are either hugely irratating or just cave-fodder that serve absolutely no purpose.

But in saying this, I still really liked it and can honestly say, I think its underrated. I actually found this to be even more claustrophobic that the original and I though Sarah character was in most parts, really really good! There were plenty of authentic jump scares and although they werent executed amazingly, the death scenes looked good.

A lot of it is just scenes and settings regurgitated but I had great fun watching it. It is still a vastly inferior sequal but worth a watch.

(ps what about the ending?)

I haven't seen the sequel in a very, very long time. But I remember feeling the same. It's not as good as the first, but it's still a fun ride and is still claustrophobic.