The Videogames Tab


Well, hit two big milestones in Fallout 4. Level 150, and this:

Nothing else on Steam is even at 200 (Skyrim's just short).

At this point I just pop in to mess around, head to spots I know there's some fun sniping/combat. Now that I've upgraded so much and know most of the areas so well, it's weirdly relaxing, and a nice alternative to starting a new game if I just wanna play around without getting too into something. That, and I kinda wanted to hit both these big round numbers before diving into the next thing.

The People's Republic of Clogher
The best Irish YouTuber who does game documentaries, Danny O'Dwyer, has a new one out on The Witness.

The Wutniss, as they say in Omagh.

In other news, I'm cracking on with Nier and Horizon and I wish for only two things - That Horizon was as engaging as Neir and that Neir performed as well as Horizon. Two wonderful games but I'm hoping the newer one gets patched quickly.

Even on the Pro, I'm getting stutters. The console's extra oomph is negated by the desire to render Nier in 4k so it's just as jumpy as the base PS4's 1080p image.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

there's a frog in my snake oil
My uncle traded in his X-Box One for a PS4 Pro with VR.

Hopefully I'll get to try it out soon.
The PSVR for Dirt Rally got a twinge of jealousy out of me! The seated experiences def seem like the most solid offers out there. Let us know what it's like


Talking of game hours in games. I've got 200+ in Rocket League, and I only just learned last night that you can hold the jump button down to jump higher...

That made me feel both cosmically foolish and superhumanly good. Coz yes, I've been losing out to guys I assumed had the timing skills of a ninja for over a year. But at least last night I could play a bit more like them

I am now totally over-jumping the ball tho...
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

The People's Republic of Clogher
I have 1400-ish in Skyrim plus another 50 in the remaster. I reckon I've got similar in Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout 3 but as they were pre-Steam then it's an educated guess.

Most played recent games are Witcher 3 (163), Fallout 4 (155) and MGS V (109). Elite Dangerous is probably over 300 but only a portion of my time was on Steam and I can't be bothered to check the in-game clock right now.

Even little Yakuza 0 came in at 60-odd hours. Yep, I like to get my teeth into stuff that I'm enjoying.

Anyway, it might not be a Mass Effect Andromeda but even the slick Horizon isn't free from open world jank, as I just experienced. Vidi:

EDIT - I forgot to add my second Witcher playthrough on PS4. I'm closing in on the end of that game and it's bound to have added another 70 hours.

I finished Mass Effect Andromeda. In addition to the two loyalty mission achievements that didn't unlock, I also didn't get the last two ones for completing the story.

I still have a save from before the final mission, so if they don't unlock with a future patch or something, I guess I can always play the end again. I had practically all the sidequests done for awhile now, with the exception of the smaller, mostly insignificant ones. Might go through and clean those up too in the future, but for now I think I'm done with it.

I really liked the game. Missing achievements is still irritating though.

The most loathsome of all goblins
Well, hit two big milestones in Fallout 4. Level 150, and this:

Nothing else on Steam is even at 200 (Skyrim's just short).

At this point I just pop in to mess around, head to spots I know there's some fun sniping/combat. Now that I've upgraded so much and know most of the areas so well, it's weirdly relaxing, and a nice alternative to starting a new game if I just wanna play around without getting too into something. That, and I kinda wanted to hit both these big round numbers before diving into the next thing.
I've really enjoyed Fallout 4, I just wish they had gone more in the RPG direction instead of the standard FPS path. It's like they learned nothing from New Vegas.

I'm hoping they allow Obsidian to do another spinoff

I'm looking forward to playing Fallout 4, eventually.

I didn't play much of New Vegas, but I really enjoyed Fallout 3 and completed all of the content. I haven't picked up Fallout 4 yet because I'm waiting to see if either the season pass will go on sale or if a complete edition will come out (though it seems a bit late for that now).

I'm looking forward to playing Fallout 4, eventually.

I didn't play much of New Vegas, but I really enjoyed Fallout 3 and completed all of the content. I haven't picked up Fallout 4 yet because I'm waiting to see if either the season pass will go on sale or if a complete edition will come out (though it seems a bit late for that now).
Please update me as you do! I love hearing about that/reliving it vicariously. I'll also gladly watch if you stream any of it (or even stream playing the old games).

The People's Republic of Clogher
Keep meaning to try Fallout 4 on the PS4 Pro (it can be picked up absurdly cheap on disc) as it's supposed to render in glorious 4k-o-vision. Having tried Horizon (which does the same) on both flavours of Playstation, I now realise how clear the difference in fidelity can seem.

My steelbook copy of Persona 5 arrived this morning. It's shaping up to be the internet's most wished-for game since Skyrim.

I was really impressed with the packaging. Why Atlus did that and why others don't is beyond me. Being the neurotic that I am, I left the plastic on the dust cover like people do with vinyl. What I'm waiting to see is if this is really a freemium or if all physical copies will be steelbook.

I can't really tell much other than I dig the music and the palette. I'm sure playing more than an hour will yield more results.

Chief cook and bottlewasher
Fallout: New Vegas freakin' ROCKS! I'm almost done with the DLC. Fallout 4 is in my future but I need to get through Mass Effect Andromeda first.
Yes, it is your circus and these are your monkeys.

Here's a question for other console gamers: what size tv do you play on?

My chair is about 7-8 feet from the tv, and a lot of modern games tend to be leaning towards very small and thin fonts that are starting to get difficult to read from that distance on my 32" screen. I feel like they're trying to force me into buying a new, much larger tv, but I am not particularly interested in buying one.

When I got a PS3 back in 2007, I was still using an old 19" CRT set that I had since the N64 days. Despite some games being clearly designed for HDTVs, I stubbornly insisted that I didn't need a new tv for years. I didn't buy my current tv until 2010, after suffering through Heavy Rain, which was definitely the breaking point for me. It was a challenge to read the dialogue options on my old tv, even if I sat on the floor right in front of it.

My current situation is still miles away from being that bad, but I feel like I should upgrade before hand this time, instead of waiting to come across a game that is nigh unplayable without a larger screen.

I had a similar experience to you Cosmic. I think it was Uncharted 3 when I realized sd was no longer viable. No other reason, not visuals, resolution, etc. I couldn't read option menus or subtitles.

I have a 32" and I sit 64" away from it.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I think I held out until GTA IV, when I really couldn't make out anything on the mini-map with my old CRT TV. The same kind of TV from the flat in Shane Meadows' Dead Mans Shoes, originally titled Tatty's Telly.

Now, I have a 50" TV and probably sit around 15 feet from it.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Talking of Persona 5 (right, RIGHT?), I was browsing Amazon today and saw that I could sell my steelbook edition, buy the standard game (no different apart from the case) and have £30 left over.

It's almost doubled in value in 24 hours.

I wondered why you choose ps4 over pc...

[insert recycled joke]Playing about an hour a day, I should be done with p5 when the next Gran Turismo drops on ps8.

The People's Republic of Clogher
It's a Playstation exclusive.

I'm about 5 hours in and, true to Personas of old, I feel like I'm still in the tutorial. It's the same mix of dungeon crawler and high school sim it's always been, and all the better for it.