Vote on the next countdown (Oct. 2023)


What should our next countdown be (Oct 23)?
17 votes
Films not on previous lists
13 votes
Underseen films
17 votes
26 votes
16 votes
Some decade refresh
6 votes
Other (specify below)
56 votes. You may not vote on this poll

I can only speak for myself, but as a Noir fan I would rather have a "Crime & Suspense Thrillers" or whatever you want to call it list with a handful of Noirs on it than a list that is called Noir but is chock full of dozens of non-Noir titles.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

A system of cells interlinked
I can only speak for myself, but as a Noir fan I would rather have a "Crime & Suspense Thrillers" or whatever you want to call it list with a handful of Noirs on it than a list that is called Noir but is chock full of dozens of non-Noir titles.
I second this!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Well we want Noir in some capacity, it did win after all.

I think a poll wouldaybe be the fairest way to figure out how to go about all this. And honestly, whatever wins wins as it's majority.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I will just throw this out there since the discussion is ripe. If I was to host, what would everyone think of me putting up another poll in regards to how specific or not to make the voting?
I'm game. Let's roll!

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
If we did noir and neo noir separately, people could choose to join in or not join in for each one. We might not have as many lists, but each would be representative of the participants and the genre as opposed to something so broad it's not really noir at all.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Can't we all get along and compromise?

Why don't we do: What Holden said and call it a Crime Thriller countdown. Most all neo noirs are crime thrillers anyway, and to most people those labels are interchangeable and don't mean much. If the poll had said Crime Thriller instead of Neo Noir it probably would've had the same number of votes or even more.

Why don't we do: What Sean said and make a Crime Thriller countdown with open voting like in the comedy countdown. That will please the most people.

Why don't we do: What Thursday Next said and do a separate 40s-50s noir countdown after everyone had their fun with a big Crime Thriller countdown do a smaller more focused classic Noir countdown of Top 50. How does that idea hurt anyone? Or ruin their fun? It would make more fun especially for those who care about classic noir.

Why don't we do: What Thursday Next said and do a separate 40s-50s noir countdown after everyone had their fun with a big Crime Thriller countdown do a smaller more focused classic Noir countdown of Top 50. How does that idea hurt anyone? Or ruin their fun? It would make more fun especially for those who care about classic noir.
Those of us MoFos who consider ourselves Noir Buffs if not Experts could potentially get together and make a master list of eligible titles for a hardcore, strict, original flavor Film Noir countdown and then anyone interested has a big ol' watchlist to work from. That way whether fifteen or thirty or seventy of us participated in the eventual balloting, there would be agreement on exactly what is and isn't eligible and what would result is a bonafide Classic Film Noir list that Eddie Muller himself would be proud of.

I vote for 90s redux!
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Trouble with a capital "T"
Those of us MoFos who consider ourselves Noir Buffs if not Experts could potentially get together and make a master list of eligible titles for a hardcore, strict, original flavor Film Noir countdown and then anyone interested has a big ol' watchlist to work from. That way whether fifteen or thirty or seventy of us participated in the eventual balloting, there would be agreement on exactly what is and isn't eligible and what would result is a bonafide Classic Film Noir list that Eddie Muller himself would be proud of.
Sign me up! That's a perfect solution and very doable.
What says the rest of you film noir fans??? Do you dig?

The trick is not minding
Whatever gets this going, sure.
I have a page saved from a year ago that has top 1000 Noirs but also includes Neo Noirs.

It’s from the site They Shoot Pictures, Don’t They?

Whatever gets this going, sure.
I have a page saved from a year ago that has top 1000 Noirs but also includes Neo Noirs.

It’s from the site They Shoot Pictures, Don’t They?

If you scroll down you can divide that list by decade as well.

Drawing a line between Noir/Neo-Noir makes the most sense...two lists. Thriller is more a theme than a genre anyways

A site I found that talks about Noir and Neo Noir, I have never heard of Tech, Superhero and Neon Noir before sounds interesting though.
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I think that we need to acclimate ourselves to a couple of things. First, that by definition, this is a niche topic. Certainly more niche than war, horror, comedies, or probably any other countdown that has been done here. Moreso if we limit ourselves to the strict classic era definition of 20 years (1940-1959). So, in all fairness, I wouldn't expect more than 40-50 ballots here, and that's being generous (we had 50+ in the war countdown, right?).

The other thing that we need to acclimate ourselves is that the definition of what is "film noir" has never been fully settled on. Experts through the years have tried to define it and, although there is some general consensus in some of the main traits, there are always some differing opinions in terms of what it is, what makes a film a "film noir", and in whether this or that film are or aren't "film noir". So if even film experts and scholars haven't agreed in some crucial aspects of these, we shouldn't expect MoFo to settle that debate either.

What we can do is settle some boundaries, just like we've done on past countdowns, and then let the chips fall where they may. I said it before and I'll say it again; I see no difference in doing that here than in what we did for the war countdown.
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We've done niche countdowns before with low ballot submission. They were fun and rewarding for the people who were interested in them. They were all worth doing.

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I agree. Wasn't saying it was a "negative". Just that we should expect that low participation.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I agree. Wasn't saying it was a "negative". Just that we should expect that low participation.
I know, that's why I repped your post I was going with what you said and adding to it with some stats.

I know, that's why I repped your post I was going with what you said and adding to it with some stats.

Just found this video and I thought it was very good, brief, and concise...