The 27th General Hall of Fame


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Oh, you kids.

Being the Man Behind the Curtain I'll remain behind the curtain, but I will say that the diversity is REALLY taking off in regards to genre, with the second half of folks joining in.

And speaking of, we have two more official Participants; @cricket and @TheUsualSuspect with Nominations sent in, and looks like we'll be having @Thief as well -- Yay to the Y to Ay!
Sadly, Cosmic and MM won't be able to, but hopefully, they can visit which is pretty wonderful in its self.
So, Officially, we are at 12 with a few on the Sidelines so, just on members alone, should be pretty exciting. Definitely f@ckin SPICY I'll tell ya that.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Thursday or Friday will determine my status after all. I'm just playing it smart this time. I don't want to watch what I'll consider a bunch of crap.

Here's to hoping it looks somewhat intriguing.

Thursday or Friday will determine my status after all. I'm just playing it smart this time. I don't want to watch what I'll consider a bunch of crap.

Here's to hoping it looks somewhat intriguing.
Even if you don't join this Hall, I hope to see you in future Halls. You give great commentary.

Sadly, Cosmic and MM won't be able to, but hopefully, they can visit which is pretty wonderful in its self.
Not 100% out, just waiting to see what my workload is going to be like. Should have a good idea before the deadline next week.

I did find a good copy of my film online just in case. Assuming I would go with that one, I should probably rewatch it first as I've only seen it once.

I have a couple of films that are popping up in my mind as potential nominations, but I'll give it some thought before sending it in.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
damn, i could potentially keep rauldc out of halls just nominating personal faves lmao. loving this power.
Sounds pretty cool. Who wouldn't want a guy who's been in 24/26 to not join anymore.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Don't you know the FBI was about to bust down his door for possession of child porn?
Meanwhile, I borrowed that movie from the local library.
Ha, that's right Siddon did say that.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...So, Officially, we are at 12 with a few on the Sidelines so, just on members alone, should be pretty exciting. Definitely f@ckin SPICY I'll tell ya that.
I'm going to cold call some people and see if I get more to join. We always need fresh blood in these HoFs

hello everyone, i am new here and i heard this was a good place for recommendations!

i read through the start of the topic and i have some questions.
there is already a lot of messages so i didn't read everything, apologies if i missed something.

at first i was confused what HoF means but i think it means Hall of Fame?
i understand that people make film nominations (i think that it basically means recommendations?) and i see some rules for it but could someone maybe explain me a bit more how this works?
i hope my questions aren't too much trouble!

Trouble with a capital "T"
hello everyone, i am new here and i heard this was a good place for recommendations!

i read through the start of the topic and i have some questions.
there is already a lot of messages so i didn't read everything, apologies if i missed something.

at first i was confused what HoF means but i think it means Hall of Fame?
i understand that people make film nominations (i think that it basically means recommendations?) and i see some rules for it but could someone maybe explain me a bit more how this works?
i hope my questions aren't too much trouble!
Yup HoF means Hall of Fame, movie Hall of Fame. This is a movie watching club, if you join you get to choose one movie to nominate that all the other HoF members will watch. You promise to watch all the movies they've choose. Right now there are 12 members so 12 movies to watch. There's plenty of time to watch the movies..Then you write up your thoughts on the movies as you watch them... and at the end of the HoF you send in a ranked voting list to the host edarsenal and he tallies the points and declares which movie wins. That movie is then inducted into The Hall of Fame Archives.

hello everyone, i am new here and i heard this was a good place for recommendations!

i read through the start of the topic and i have some questions.
there is already a lot of messages so i didn't read everything, apologies if i missed something.

at first i was confused what HoF means but i think it means Hall of Fame?
i understand that people make film nominations (i think that it basically means recommendations?) and i see some rules for it but could someone maybe explain me a bit more how this works?
i hope my questions aren't too much trouble!
Yes, it means Hall of Fame.

Everyone who signs up must choose one movie to nominate. (This is a general hall of fame, so you can pick any movie from any genre as long as it has not already won a Hall of Fame and is within the runtime limit (4 hours, I think?). Previous winners can be found here: ) If you join before the reveal, private message your nomination to edarsenal. You can also wait a few days and see what has already been nominated before deciding. Just keep in mind that your nomination needs to be something that everyone will be able to get a hold to watch.

Once the nominations have been finalized, everyone must watch and review every nominated movie. Generally, the host gives everyone one week per movie, but you can watch at your own pace as long as you meet the deadline. At the end, you will rank every nominated movie and send your ranking to edarsenal. If you fail to finish, your nominated movie will be disqualified.

The winner will be decided based on the rankings everyone submits and edarsenal will post those rankings once the deadline has passed and he's had time to calculate the results.