2018 MoFo Film Awards - Nominations


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Hello Mofos....

Here we go yet again, another year down and another awards ceremony around the corner.

How many times have you watched the Golden Globes or the Oscars and wondered why your favourite film isn't nominated or roll your eyes at the obvious choice for the winner? Plenty of times, just like me. Well, here at Mofo you can voice your opinion and award films that matter.

Will Black Panther earn a Best Picture or Best Director nod at the Oscars? Who knows, but it might here....

The DEADLINE for your nominations is March 1st.

See what movies you can and nominate them before this date. We will then have another month to watch any of the nominated films you might not have seen and will vote until March 31st. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Just watch as many movies as you can and send me your nominations before March 1st.

- You can nominate up to 5 choices for each category. You do not need to nominate 5, if you've only seen 3 films that you feel fit the category, by all means. But you cannot nominate more than 5.

- You are able to replace, change or add to your nominations up to and including the final deadline date.

- When nominating for Most Memorable Scene....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be as vague as possible. If a famous death scene is your most memorable scene, word it so that it does not give away anything surprising.

- Please do not post your nominations here, but you are more than welcome to campaign for certain actors, films or directors. If you think Hugh Grant deserves a nomination for his role in Paddington 2...by all means.

- When nominating an actor, please specify which film. Some people have more than one film released in any given year. Just so I don't assume anything.

For example: Michael B. Jordan was in Black Panther & Creed II.

- This year will continue with the 10 Best Picture Nominees, giving more films a chance to make an impression.

-Best Trailer has been eliminated. It is one of the least voted for categories, despite trailers being readily available to all.

-Any ideas for categories or maybe new ways to tally the votes? Discuss them here. I know we've talked about rankings film choices and awarding the best ranked film instead of people just voting for one movie. Let me know your thoughts on this one. It might be difficult but worth a discussion.

Private Message me your nominations.

Submitted Lists:

Thursday Next
Cynema De Bergerac

Wikipedia is a good source for films released in 2018. If you have any doubt, ask, people will be glad to help out. Some films are released in different countries in different years. Some movies won't hit Australia until 2019 but they are out now in North America. Open for discussion.

The categories are:

Best Film of The Year

Worst Film of the Year

Best Director of the Year

Best Actor of the Year

Best Actress of the Year

Best Supporting Actor of the Year

Best Supporting Actress of the Year

Best Screenplay of the Year

Best Animated Film of the Year

Best Documentary Film of the Year

Best Foreign Language Film of the Year

Biggest Surprise of the Year

Biggest Disappointment of the Year

Most Overrated Film of the Year

Most Underrated Film of the Year

Most Memorable Scene of the Year

Funniest Scene of the Year

‘Mixed-Bag’ Award of the Year

Best Cast of the Year

Best Cinematography of the Year

Breakout Performance of the Year

Best Score

Best Visual Effects

*Mixed bag refers to a film that wasn’t great, but wasn’t bad either. A middle of the road type movie.

Previous winners:

2013 Best Film of the Year: Gravity
2014 Best Film of the Year: Birdman
2015 Best Film of the Year: Mad Max: Fury Road
2016 Best Film of the Year: La La Land & Manchester By The Sea
2017 Best Film of the Year: Blade Runner: 2049

2013 Best Director of the Year: Alfonso Cuaron - Gravity
2014 Best Director of the Year: Alejandro González Iñárritu - Birdman
2015 Best Director of the Year: George Miller - Mad Max
2016 Best Director of the Year: Damien Chazelle - La La Land
2017 Best Director of the Year: Guillermo del Toro - The Shape of Water

You'll notice last year we had a split for Best Picture/Best Director. That was a first. Are we finally going to stray away from what the Oscars this year and be REALLY ROGUE. Giving more genre specific films the crown? It worked with Blade Runner: 2049.

In the upcoming weeks I'll post more details about previous winners, stats, etc.

Any front runners? Any films you NEED to see before the nominations are closed? Am I forgetting anything?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm looking forward to seeing who wins, but unless I watch a lot more 2018 movies soon, I won't be able to send a ballot because I've only seen one movie from 2018 so far, and I only watched that movie last night. (It was Avengers: Infinity War because I bought the DVD on Black Friday.)

Welcome to the human race...
Not too surprised or disappointed to see Best Trailer get dropped - after all, it's hard to get worked up about picking our favourite ads.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Registered User
Oh, not this again. This is for people who actually watch movies.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Oh, not this again. This is for people who actually watch movies.
Camo went HARD on this one year. It was nice to see him dedicate a lot of his time to watching movies to be able to get a good ballot in (in his eyes).
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Another shout out... this time to Jurassic Park World: The Lost Fallen World Kingdom as worst movie as well.

Maybe even best movie, for the simple fact they actually thought they could just remake a movie and get away with it.

Welcome to the human race...
I feel like campaigning for nominations for "most memorable scene" defeats the purpose.

Then again, it's somehow ended up being one of my least favourite categories because I don't associate memorable with good (and judging by some of the winners, neither do the rest of you) .

I'm not sure what happened this year, but I really only saw a couple of films in theatres. This past month I've been playing catch-up with the bigger releases I missed, so I think I'm up to around 20 so far.

As per usual I'll be updating this post to keep track of what I've actually seen this year, keeping films that may or may not be eligible (due to conflicting release date information) separate.

The Endless
Lean on Pete
Mom and Dad

2018 Seen

Ant-Man and the Wasp
Assassination Nation
Avengers: Infinity War
Bad Times at the El Royale
Black Panther
The Cloverfield Paradox
Deadpool 2
Green Book
The Guilty
Hotel Artemis
In Like Flynn
I Think We're Alone Now
The Lingering
The Little Stranger
Mission Impossible: Fallout
Once Upon a Deadpool
Pacific Rim: Uprising
The Predator
A Quiet Place
Ready Player One
Spider-man: Into the Spider-Verse
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Sorry to Bother You
Tomb Raider
Won't You Be My Neighbour?

Total: 47

To Watch List

Let me know if there are any films I should add to my watch list, particularly ones that didn't get a major release.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I feel like you can pick almost any scene from Mission Impossible: Fallout as the most memorable. Maybe we should change memorable to Best Scene? Or scrap that category as well? I include it because I want some variety to the usual Best Actor, Screenplay, Music, etc.

This might just do nobody any good.
I feel like you can pick almost any scene from Mission Impossible: Fallout as the most memorable.
Even then, my favorite part is Tom Cruise’s wonderfully silly line “you can’t do it, can you? Not until you get your plutonium!”

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Always glad to see this come around Suspect. Always also happy you give us a couple of months to watch things we missed in the theater. A lot of those slow roll fall releases hit VOD the beginning of the year.

I am always disappointed at the lack of foreign films available to me, but I will live.

Welcome to the human race...
I feel like you can pick almost any scene from Mission Impossible: Fallout as the most memorable. Maybe we should change memorable to Best Scene? Or scrap that category as well? I include it because I want some variety to the usual Best Actor, Screenplay, Music, etc.
Eh, it seems pretty obvious that people already treat it as "best scene" anyway (seriously, has anyone ever deliberately nominated a bad memorable scene for this thing? Even I haven't) and I'm just being pedantic over the title, but I do wonder if changing the title would make a difference. Think about some of the past winners - Call Me By Your Name's "peach scene" is definitely memorable but does that necessarily mean it's the "best" scene of the year? In a similar manner, I question what's memorable about Manchester by the Sea's "apology scene", especially compared to the other candidates from that year like Hail, Caesar's "simple scene" or Rogue One's "hallway scene". I don't necessarily think it should be scrapped entirely, but I think it's worth considering just what it's meant to be acknowledging and why.

EDIT - what if you have both?

Welcome to the human race...
That shot alone should cement the bathroom fight's spot as Fallout's most memorable scene.

Also, anyone else notice how it looks like Cavill just suddenly grows a beard halfway through?

This might just do nobody any good.
I read someone saying that Cavill looked like a walking mattress.