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Welcome to the human race...
Mean Girls is so fetch, though I do admit that it took a while to really grow on me (then again, so did The Big Lebowski).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I'm pretty sure a lot of people like Mean Girls thus making Raul not alone.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
It's the Clueless of the aughts. There is always a teen comedy or two a decade that people like and we wonder why. In this case I think Tina Fey is the answer.

Skeleton Twins (2014)

Saw this on Neflix a couple weeks ago. Been meaning to post on it. Wiig and Hader play estranged brother and sister who haven't talked in like 10 years. Hader is out in LA and Wiig is in their home town in New York. Pretty grim film about being depressed/suicide. Thought it would be a little more upbeat with Hader and Wiig starring. They both gave pretty good performances. Luke Wilson was actually my favorite part as the over the top good guy husband in the movie. Everyone else are either depressed or do bad things. It's a nice little film with good performances but sorta forgettable. Worth a viewing but nothing you will be running back to re watch.


The Doctor (1991)

Ha I was forced to watch this movie for a class today. Going back to school for Radiology. She shows it for patient/doctor interaction and it does have plenty of that. I can see why she shows it. However, it was really really hard for me to take off my snobby movie critic hat. Ah what a dull movie. It stars William Hurt. He is this hot shot doctor who has it all until he gets throat cancer. Then he turns into a patient and falls into the reality of what patients go through and how humbling that it is for him. I mean the first part of the movie wasn't horrible, Hurt is very believable as this hot shot doctor. But he gets throat cancer and actually doesn't get sick haha. He coughs up blood once which signals something is wrong then the rest of the time he is sick he just keeps working like he is healthy. All the characters in it are just sort of rushed and not fleshed out. Doesn't give his interaction with them any sort of emotional punch when something actually happens between them. Nothing terribly entertaining happens either which is not good, just really dull. Even the title is boring, The Doctor. Plus the whole healthcare system sucks theme is sort of thrown in your face. If you are going be preachy be ambiguously so. Anyways, It's not so unforgivably bad, just boring, I'd avoid this movie unless you want to learn about patient/doctor interaction lol. If you want to see a great honest depiction of cancer I'd suggest 50/50 with JGL.


I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Welcome to the human race...
Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief -

Going to take a while to organise my thoughts and it felt a little long at times but otherwise it was extremely captivating.

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The Terminator

Movie Name : +1
I thought it will be good. But I was Wrong.. I was So Disappointed with this.

Not a bad little courtroom drama.

Pretty good I thought. Sam Worthington's performance was actually passable.

Pretentious drivel.

Black Sea

The plot is absurd but there are some tense moments and Jude Law was ok.

Mean Girls

Every once in awhile, there's a movie that I really like that everyone else hates. It just happened again. Now of course I'm a big McAdams fan and she was great it there is more to it then that. I think this is a very enjoyable comedy and it's a shame Lohan is up to trouble daily because she could have had a decent career maybe. I think Feys writing was really good here. I know I'm alone but I thought it was quite solid.

Its pretty good but I think I've seen it enough for this lifetime. I ended up seeing it four times at the cinema against my will.

I have to return some videotapes.

I can see how this was a big influence on Scorsese.

You're on a roll with these noirs. Keep it up and I'm still waiting on that top movies list!!!